Essence Matt Touch Blush 10 peach me up! and 20 berry me up!

nedelja, september 06, 2015

Essence decided to go matte with the blush formulas. I've always considered them a company that follows trends (*khm* skilfully copies. I'm not judging), so the next logical move would be to release illuminating blushes, but I love they went into the other direction because they did an great job with these two. I'm not a massive fan of Essence Silky blushes, they just aren't the best, but these matte ones are really good. They only released two shades, but I suspect there will be more in the next update.

These are ironically a lot silkier than the Silky Blushes. They are quite hard blushes and unlike Silky Touch blushes they don't dust/flake when you swivel your brush in the pan, but the pigmentation is still good. It's not an amazing and I need to build up the colour, but it good enough. These blend nice, way nicer than Silky blushes and the finish of these on the cheeks is sooo nice. It's like they're not even powder blushes because there is none of that powdery finish on the skin. It's like your skin is actually that colour. What I'm trying to say is that they just look so smooth and well blended on the cheeks. 

peach me up!

Peach me up is a classic peach shade that brightens up the skin and it's a matte version of Autumn Peach form the Silky line. That one also looks matte on me, so there is no need to own both, but I'd pick Peach Me up because it looks prettier in terms of texture on the cheeks.

Manhattan Soft Mat Lip Cream in 53M on the lips.
berry me up!

Berry me up is a darker warm pink shade that gives a rosy-pink I-just-came-from-the-cold-flush. It can get quite intense on my cheeks if I build it up.

Manhattan Soft Mat Lip Cream in 54L on the lips.

Staying power of both is unexpectedly excellent. The manage to last at least a full work day on the cheeks and I actually checked after four hours what they looks like, Peach me up faded only a smidgen, but Berry Me Up looked like it was freshly applied. I used L'Oreal's Infallible foundation underneath.

The packaging is not the best. It's classic Essence packaging, but the blushes aren't glued well, so I have I feeling they will fall out. The closing mechanism works fine.

I love the quality of these, the finish is just so natural for a powder blush, however, I know I won't end up wearing these two tons because I tend to wear shades like I'm Nuts About You and Rose Royce. If they ever make a shade like that, it'll surely become one of my favourites.

These cost an affordable 2.79 € and I got mine in Müller.

Have a great day!

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  1. Oba izgledata super! Si moram nujno omisliti vsaj enega :)

  2. Res lepa odtenka pa še mat sta :) Čeprav pa veliko bolj obožujem Catrice Defining Blush pakiranje, ker se mi zdi ful bolj stabilno pa še lepše :D

    1. Ja, od Defining blushev je pakiranje veliko boljše :)

  3. Sem tudi sama vzela oba odtenka in sta mi odlična :D Se pa tudi moja malo premikata v embalaži, ampak upam da bodo zdržali :) Upam na več odtenkov v prihodnosti :)

    1. Aha, potem nista samo moja tako slabo nalimana. Jaz tudi upam na kakšen odtenek več :)

  4. Še nekaj fajnga od essence :) Drugače pa zelo lep makeup, katere odtenke pa imaš to na očeh?

    1. Hvala :) Na očeh je Max Factorjeva Smokey Eye Drama Kit paletka 02 Lavish Onyx :)

  5. Sama sem si vzela peachy odtenek, se mi zdi, da bo fin za zimo, ko bom malo svetlejša, mi je pa všeč mat verzija. Moj se zaenkrat še nič ne premika v embalaži:), bi si pa tudi želela kakšen odtenek več:)

    1. Upam, da bodo dodali več barv :) So mi veliko boljši od Silky Touch.

  6. Peach mi je seveda všeč:) Ampak blushev res več ne rabim :). Kaj imaš za šminke na sliki, kjer je Peach odtenek? Čeprav imaš ti raje bolj mauve odtenke, ti moram povedat, da ti ta peach ekstremno paše.:))

    1. Of course :P
      Na ustnicah imam Manhattanovo Soft Mat Lip Cream 53M. Sem že par let mislila, da jih ne prodajajo več, potem sem jih pa videla v Krškem Müllerju in sem se spomnila, da jih imam :D Hvala :)

  7. These blushes sound very nice and I really liked the design on them. The shade berry me up is the perfect pick me up for fall. Wonderful review:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. Berry me is perfect for autumn and I like it more than Adorable from the Silky Touch line :) Thank you :)

  8. Za Berry me rdečilo tudi sama pripravljam objavo, ampak na sebi kar ne morem lepo odtenka ujeti pride tako sprana barva pa čeprav v živo kot klovn zgledam toliko si ga na ličnice napackam :) Seveda sem te hotela isto vprašat kot Petra, ker je ful lep odtenek šminke <3 Ampak zdaj že imam odgovor :) Si me pa še za Peach odtenek prepričala, res lepo zgleda in se mi zdijo kar kvalitetni izdelki za to ceno.

    1. Funny idea, ampak pri meni deluje - poskusi slikat z različnimi barvami majice. Bela ali pa siva sta ponavadi najboljši, lahko pa da bo katera druga boljša. Ker stene imaš itak že bele v ozadju, a ne? Ob beli najbolj pridejo barve do izraza. Drugače pa I feel you sister. Dokler nisem dobila S5 sem tudi s težavo slikala blushe, še zdaj nisem čisto zadovoljna.

  9. Odgovori
    1. :) Samo če nisi svetla, boš morda imela probleme dobit dosti barve na lička. Z Berry ne bi smelo biti težav, ampak Peach me up je pa bolj za bledolične.

  10. I love Essence products, they are such good value for money. I haven't tried any blushes yet but love these, I will definitely add the berry me up to my list next time I go to the drugstore :D

    Loving your blog! Following on GFC, Twitter & bloglovin.

    1. Essence is a bit of hit and miss, but they have some excellent stuff (I'm completely in love with their new I love extreme waterproof mascara :) )

      Thank you :)

  11. wow I can't decide which I like better out of these two shades

    1. Personally I prefer Peach me up for my complexion, but both are lovely :)

  12. Whoah! Go Essence! Would not expect this review to be so positive. I'm with you on the shade selection - I they would come out with some neutrals, I'd love to check 'em out. The loose packaging won't be a problem for me, that would me them even easier to depot them :)

    1. Right?! Who would have thought Essence makes good blushes :D They really need to expand the shade range in spring.
      Depoting shouldn't be a problem here at all :)

  13. Berry me up mi je všeč, sploh pa je njihov makeup super ker je res tako dostopen in ni drag.

    x, Katja

    1. Meni je kvaliteta malo mešana, ampak mi je super znamka :)

  14. The colours look great! I love it! Thank you for sharing such a great review


  15. Berry me up je čisto moj odtenek za jesen/zimo. Ampak jaz tudi ne rabim/ne smem kupovat več blushev hahaha :D

    1. Berry je meni taka klasika, ker naredi rdeča-roza lica :) Ne, res ne rabiš :D

  16. These blushes only just got released in Australia and I picked up Berry Me today! (At least I think they've just been released as I haven't seen them before). I really like your review on these and I'm glad I picked one up, they're very affordable and great quality for their pricing anyways. Thank you for sharing this! I really like your blog and I'm definitely following!

    -Sophie xx || Cherries and Perfume

    1. I'm so glad you like it :) I love the quality of these and I normally don't like Essence blushes.
      Thank you <3

  17. I looove this review! I bought Berry Me Up and I can't wait to try it! Btw those Manhattan lipsticks look great on you :) As I cannot find them in Canada, I would like to know if there are dupes for them.

    1. These Manhattan lipsticks are long discontinued, but their dupes are NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream. I don't know which shades are 100% dupes, but for 53M might be Athens and for 54L maybe Sao Paolo.
