Bourjois 3D Effet

četrtek, januar 13, 2011

These are a new addition to the 3D Effet line of glossess by Bourjois (here are pictures from their official fb page). I don't know if they're replacing the previous  3D Effet line. These have a brush applicator and they all contain heavy shimmer (except 18, which is a clear gloss). They seemed quite thick when I swatched them, they're advertised as being ultra glossy, which they are. 48 is very similar to 62 Rose gold from their 3D Max line.

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  1. 06 me kar kliče ... verjetno se bolj spoznaš na podtone, bi pasala k nevtralno do hladnemu podtonu? :)

    Mimogrede, taggala sem te z nagrado: Ne vem, ali objavljaš tovrstne zadeve, ampak tako, da ti sporočim. :)

  2. Joj, ne spoznam se toliko na podtone. 06 je bolj topla rdeča, ampak meni se zdi da bi tak odtenek pasal vsaki.

    Oooo, najlepša hvala :D. Nisem še objavljala takšnih postov, te bom pa zagotovo omenila v naslednjem :).
