Hair Oils Series: Moroccanoil Treatment Original

petek, januar 18, 2013

The original argan oil treatment, the one that started this argan craze and the most popular are just some things that describe the famous Moroccanoil Original. Some say this is ''the'' argan oil treatment and the rest are just poor replicas. I disagree. For one I find Orofluido not only similar in ingredients (both have argan and linseed oil), but also dupes in results. 

Packaging: A dark glass bottle with blue labels. Dark bottle protects the product from light exposure, but you can still see how much product is still in.

Ingredients: two silicones followed by argan oil, fragrance and linseed oil, the rest are more fragrances and colours (benzyl benzoate is also an insecticide, which would explain the "bug spray" note). Ingredients-wise it's similar to Orofluido, but minus the cypress oil.

Scent: For me a very disappointing scent. It's very boring, like a laundry detergent mixed with some bug spray. I get mostly aldehyde notes with musk. It's doesn't last on wet nor dry hair, in fact, I can only smell my conditioner.

Performance and Results: It has a thick texture and it's amber colour. I can put quite a lot of it on my wet hair and it doesn't feel greasy. It's easy to get a small amount out of the bottle because the texture isn't too runny. I put some product on wet hair before blow-drying and it left my hair shiny, soft and less frizzy. When I used it on dry hair it minimised the frizz even more, detangled and made my hair feel very silky and soft. I did the same technique of styling my hair with Moroccanoil and Orofluido. The results were about the same, the only difference is that Orofluido manages to keep more volume. My ends felt moisturised at first, however, on the second day some strands from the top layers (driest parts of my hair) did feel dry. As with Orofluido I have to use Alverde Mandel Argan oil on the second day to keep my ends moisturised.

Where to buy: I got it on eBay from this seller, because for some reason most online shops, which sell this product, don't send it to Slovenia. It is also sold in hair salons (Slovenia – Simple) and on click2chic (only for Slovene costumers, but the price is really high with shipping).
Honestly, I wasn't blown away by it, especially considering such high price tag. The result are too similar to Orofluido, which is cheaper and smells a lot better. Just like Orofluido it makes my hair shiny and less frizzy, but it doesn't manage to keep my ends moisturised that long. I can understand the hype, since it's mostly caused by people who tried only this hair treatment and perhaps never used silicone serums before (I'd be raving about it if it was the only one I tried), but it's really nothing special compared to some other serums with argan oil. Of course, it was the first on the market. I hear a lot of people are fooled by the name and believe that moroccan (argan) oil is the only ingredient. I blame the advertising and possibly also because their not-so-savvy-with-ingredients-list hairdresser told them so. It's a really good product, you'll love the results no matter your hair type (if your hair is oily try a small amount concentrating on your ends only), however, it's way over-priced considering the cheaper competition is so good.

Links to other reviews in this series:

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  1. zanimivo... moram si kaj podobnega kupit... ponavadi dam malo olivnega olja ali kokosovega olja na lase pa je ok:) ...

    1. Izbire je dovolj :). Jaz tretiram ta silikon-olja bolj kot izdelek za zgladitev las, navadna olja imam za pre-wash treatment. Je kar razlika če uporabljaš te silikone za styling namesto navadna olja, amapak je čisto odvisno kako komu silikoni sploh pašejo.

  2. Zelo, zelo dobre objave in ČUDOVITI lasje! Je to naravna barva?

  3. Res me veseli, da si se odločila spisati to serijo olj za lase. Moroccan oil je meni totalno predrag, pa naj bo še tako super. A si razen napovedanih olj morda preizkusila še kaj drugega? Iščem neko "drugstore" alternativo za svoje grozne lase - morala bi si jih umivati vsak dan, ker so drugi dan konice tako suhe, da se kar na otip lomijo :( Mogoče preizkusim Avonov "morrocan oil"...

    1. Za suhe konice je morda bolje da uporabljaš nekaj brez silikonov. Moje konice postanejo suhe drugi dan in uporabljam Alverde Mandel Argan olje (okrog 3€), ni premastno ampak res nahrani konice. Tile silikoni-olja imam jaz bolj za zgladitev in styling, pri vseh so drugi dan konice že suhe, edina izjema je Macadamia Natural Oil (bo post jutri gor). Kar sem videla po sestavinah od drugstore olj je Garnier Fructis še najboljši. Je edini, ki ima arganovo olje že na tretjem mestu. Pri Avonu je šele na 5. mestu

    2. Oh, hvala za odgovor :* Fructis tisti v "kroglici" ali tista velika embalaža - predvidevam, da slednji? Pa ko sem že ravno tu, imaš mogoče še kakšno priporočila so heavy duty balzam? Sicer razmišljam kar o nakupu Alverde mask, ki bi jih uporabljala kot balzam...

    3. Ow btw - bi mogoče lahko odstranila preverjanje z besedo ob komentiranju? ^_^

      & na mojem blogu te čaka "The Liebster award" :)

    4. Sploh nisem vedela, da jo imam. Ko jaz komentiram je ni. I'll check.

    5. Od Fructisa mislim tistega novega v rumeni embalaži, Miraculous oil (pri nas je Wünder oil (

      Moji naljubši drugstore balzami so od Dove Oil Care tak zlat (dobra sta oba v tubi in v lončku), Fructisova oil care (rumena je zdaj) in od Gliss kur Repair 19 (bela).

    6. Hvala za predloge, bom skočila v DM in pogledala izbiro :)

    7. Aja pa to raje glej maske od teh znamk. Balzami so lažji in meni naprimer niso dovolj.

  4. Wow kakšne čudovite lase imaš :)

  5. This moroccan oil is perfect to set the hair and give it added touch that usually a hair stylist can only achieve for you. It also smells natural and exotic, helps with your cuticles and nails.
