
torek, februar 12, 2013

If you are a regular on my blog, you will notice some changes. The most obvious one is, of course, the colour of the template. As much as I loved the dark background, I just felt it needed a fresh look. Also the width of the blog is expanded, the reason being that the average monitor size has gone up in the last three years since I started this blog. So let me know what you think, comment bellow if you think it's too wide now or you preferred the dark version. I kept the banner and just expanded it.

Thought this is the most recent change, I have in fact been doing a lot more gradual changes in the past months. The page list on the top is probably the most obvious and I have pointed it out before. I added a list of all Slovene beauty bloggers I know under Blogs I heart. If you ever commented on this blog and you have a beauty blog, then you are on list (sorry if I missed anyone). Those who are Slovene beauty bloggers and are not yet on the list can comment bellow that list with a link and I will add you. But please no "I follow you, follow me back" comments, it just makes you sound desperate and it's not cool. Whoever wishes to copy it and post it on their blog can do so. You know sharing is caring. 

You can find some basic things about me under About, the list of favourite products and important links are under All-Time favourites, and I've already talked about Swatch Gallery, but basically it's a collection of all lipsticks, lipgloss and lipliners ever posted on this blog (updated regularly). Disclaimer is pretty basic, though even though it is there, I found several of my pictures on eBay and absent of my watermark. The nerve of some people.

Follow options are is the sidebar. Under the basic GFC is also RSS feed, Bloglovin', Pinterest (which I love and pin regularly), Hellocotton (haven't really bonded with it) and follow by email. The last round icon with a letter is a direct link to my email address (which is my personally address, so please don't abuse it).

So that's it. I hope you like it and thanks for taking an interest in my little blog.

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  1. I like the new look. It`s much easier to read with the white background :-)

  2. Navdušena sem nad novim izgledom. Na belem ozadju je res lepše brati. :)

  3. Opa, superca! Zelo mi je všeč, da tudi vedno bolj redno objavljaš, tvoj blog mi je namreč eden izmed najljubših! Kar tako naprej ;)

    1. Več časa imam in posledično je več postov. Hvala :)

  4. Loving the new white background! I actually quite liked the black one as well, however it was just a tad too hard to read. Your new template looks clean and fresh, good job!

  5. Super sprememba! Mislim, da bo vsem všeč, jaz sem bila kar malo presenečena nad pozitivnim odzivom, ko sem s črne prešla na svetlejšo zeleno. Takoj je lažje berljivo.

    1. Hvala:) Tudi jaz sem presenečena, ker sama nisem imela nikoli problemov s berljivostjo, samo če bi vedela da je toliko boljše, bi že zdavnaj zamenjala.

  6. Both white and black background are fine. I had to expand the width of our blog a few times because the format made it difficult to read the way it was. And that's something that really puts me off in other blogs: teeny weeny print and a format that is not reader-friendly.

    1. Thanks for your input :). It's much appreciated.
