Some News about Bourjois Healthy Mix

torek, februar 05, 2013

I've heard some nasty rumours that one of my favourite foundations will be discontinued. I shuddered at the mere thought of that and I had to check if there is any truth to it. Healthy Mix foundation is currently 50% off in DM's, which I thought was suspicious. However, I checked on their UK Facebook page and they stated in a response to another fan's question: 

"You will be pleased to know that the Healthy mix foundation is not being discontinued, it is just being repackaged around April time this year. The formula is staying exactly the same though!"

What a relief! I was seriously doubting anyway that they would just discontinue one of their most popular products (that's more L'Occitane's territory). I hope they will fix the pump. It got stuck countless times on my bottle and I find that extremely irritating.

In other news, Bourjois launched a new addition to their brand, namely their version of a BB cream. I did in fact purchase it and I will post a review in the future. My first impressions are good, but the shade range is very disappointing. There are only four shades. I got the lightest called 21 Vanilla and it's very dark, somewhere between Healthy Mix 52 and 53. I can only use it if I'm self-tanning. 
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Super! Hvala za informacijo. Tudi jaz sem upala, da tega pudra ne bodo kar nehali izdelovati. Sicer puder redko uporabljam, ampak kadar ga, potem je tale zagotovo prvi na vrsti.

    1. Bi bilo res ćudno, da bi ga kar nehali prodajat. Sicer mi je bolj všeč serum verzija, ampak imam tega za takrat ko rabim večjo prekrivnost.

  2. Tole novo verzijo BB kreme sem ravno zadnjič gledala, ampak so se mi vsi odtenki zdeli tako temni. Se veselim recenzije. :)

    1. Ja odtenki so totalno pretemni, ampak se kupovala takrat ko sem imela self-tan in nimam nobenega drugega temnejšega pudra. Mi je pa zelo všeč ideja da je compact BB cream.

  3. I almost fainted in disbelief when I started reading this post! Healthy Mix is by far the best foundation I've ever used, I've happily used up 3 bottles and I would hate for it to be discountinued. Had no idea the packaging was being renewed though, thanks for the info. Yesterday I was checking out Bourjois BB cream and was also disappointed with very narrow shade range. I use Healthy Mix #52 Vanilla shade, and it's a bit confusing that Bourjois decided to use the same name Vanilla for their BB cream which comes in a different (darker!) shade, with a different #21. I decided not to purchase, I thought that shade is a bit too dark, really wish they had a wider shade range! Anyhow, looking forward to your review:)

    1. I'm so sorry if I startled you :) I almost fell off my chair, when I read this rumour on one of the forums. It one of my favourites too.

      I don't understand Bourjois' decision to only make 4 shades. Would it kill them to make two lighter ones? Us Snow Whites are so grossly overlooked in the foundation market. I agree that the naming of the shades is very confusing.

  4. O super novice! Moram v DM po puder, je edini od Bourjois, ki mi še manjka :).

    1. Ti ga toplo priporočam. 50% popusta na 14€ se pa dosti pozna :)

  5. Odlične novice! Ko sem prvič prebrala govorice, sem se skorajda začela smejat, ker sem seveda HM odkrila nekaj mesecev nazaj in mi zelo lepo odgovarja. Kakšna nesreča bi bila, da bi ga ravno zdaj ukinili. Prenovo embalaže pa pozdravljam, upam na kaj elegantnejšega. :) BB kremo sem tudi jaz že firbcala ampak ja, so me odtenki malce zmotili. Čeprav, če je 21 med HM 52 in 53 bi jo jaz verjetno lahko nosila poleti. Se močno izogibam porjavenju, ampak zmeraj dobim nekaj barve, zdaj sem pa 52 odtenek, bi bilo najbrž ravno prav. Se že veselim tvoje ocene. :)

    1. Jaz samo upam, da zamenjajo pumpico. Na mojem in od sestrične kar neha delat, samo pritiskaš v prazno.
      Sem naredila primerjavo s HM 51 in je 21 precej temnejši. Sem pa opazila da sta 21 in 23 zelo, zelo podobna odtenka, tako da je izbira dejansko še manjša. Zame je res samo ko uporabljam samoporjavitveno, ker naravno ne porjavim.
