Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel 22 In the Navy

sobota, maj 25, 2013

I already posted a swatch of 22 Turquoise Block here and because I love the quality of these 1 seconde gel nail polishes, I got another colour, 22 In the Navy, which is a dark cobalt blue. Again, as with the Turquoise Block, the formula is very opaque, I can get away with one coat and I add another on nails where the application looks uneven.

I believe it's a new shade, a part of the Spring collection, I'm not sure if it's a LE or permanent, but there where four shades on display -  21 Sunny Sunday (bright yellow), 22 Turquoise Block, 23 In the Navy and a lilac one I didn't check the shade name. These cost 7€, but I got mine 25% off in Müller.

I was inspired to get a cobalt blue shade by one of the images on Pinterest, which featured bright red lips contrasted by cobalt blue nails (I think it was Nails inc. Baker Street which is lighter than In the Navy). For the life of me I can't find that picture anymore, but I loved that combination of colours. I did my version using MUA lipstick in 13 (I should have gone for something matte).

While in DM yesterday, I finally got the chance to check out the new Essie display and I absolutely fell in love with Cute as a Button and Turks and Caicos, but they cost 9.95 € each. I genuinely regret not buying them from Feel unique while they still sent them to my country. Oh, well...

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Waw, čudovita barva. Ne vem zakaj, ampak zadnje čase sem čist nora na modre lake :)
    Drugače maš pa za Cute as a button dupe od Borjouis, oni 10 days no chips št. 25... Pa od Catrice Meet me at coral island je baje tud identičen :)

    1. A res! Hvala za priporočila, jih bom šla definitivno preverit :)

    2. Malenkost, sem tud sama hotla tega od Essie, ampak sem na srečo to zasledila, še preden sem ga kupla, sploh ker mam že tega od Borjouis in bi šlo sam 10€ po gobe :)

    3. Sem šla takoj gledat primerjave od drugih in mi Bourjoisov izgleda praktično isti. Je že na moji wishlisti :D Tenks še enkrat :)

  2. I really like the Bourjous 1 seconde polishes. The brush is just soooo easy to work with, and the coverage is great. I am actually wearing one of the polishes right now, it's called Poppy something :-) This navy blue is very pretty as well.

    1. I agree about the pigmentation, but I find the brush a bit too big for my narrow nails. Not that that would repel me from using them, these are really nice nonetheless :)

  3. V DM-u sem ravno zadnjič zasledila 25 % popust na Bourjois lake in vzela oba odtenka, ki si ju ti predstavila. V oba sem popolnoma zaljubljena, prečudovita sta. Predvidevam, da so ti laki del redne kolekcije, ker so dani na Bourjois stojalu med ostale odtenke (lahko se pa motim).
    Zadnja fotka je res krasna. <3

    1. No jaz upam, da sta dodatek redni kolekciji, ker sta prelepa :)
      Hvala :)

  4. Full lep odtenek! Ta slika z rdečo šminko je super :)

  5. Že večkrat sem hotla nabavit kak lakec s te kolekcije, pa sem ga pol vedno odložila nazaj na polico. No, po tem reviewju ga bom definitivno nabavla :). Hvala, Mateja :)!


  6. Ahhh kako je lep no :O pa meni so tole naj laki!
    Btw na mojem blogu sem te tegala :)
