Sun Dance Mattifying Sun Fluid SPF 30

petek, avgust 02, 2013

Honestly, I feel a bit uncomfortable writing a review for this sunscreen. The thing is that ingredients-wise it pretty much a disaster, however, it is the most comfortable sunscreen I've had to date.

It was released this year and Müller's brand Lavazon does a similar product, but I believe it is slightly more expensive. It is very light for a sunscreen and very runny. It blends easily into the skin and there is not much of a white cast (but then I'm pale as a ghost, it might just not show on my skin). It doesn't feel tacky or sticky, it's almost dry to the touch and feels very comfortable. Of course, it feels a lot heavier if you apply a recommended amount of one teaspoon/5ml, which I'm sorry, but I'm not prepared to do (not only that it's unbearably greasy no matter what sunscreen you use, it's also expensive since I'd use it up in weeks. Judge me all you want). It's not a matte finish and it still has that sunscreen glow, but it is a lot less intense that at regular sunscreens. I just use powder over the top. It works great with all foundations I own and doesn't flake. It doesn't dry out my skin at all.

I don't spend much time in the sun, mostly less than 15 minutes a day and I'm not planning to go on a holiday, so I will use it up. For the exposure I get, it's good enough me. The scent is quite a strong chemical sunscreen one. Personally, I don't mind it, I actually like it. The packaging is a nice sleek tube and very travel friendly. 

What can I say. If you have a problem with octocrylene, alcohol and heavy fragrances, give it a pass. But if you're desperate for an inexpensive light sunscreen, it's not bad. The SPF could be higher, though. I'm not aware of any decent light sunscreens for such an affordable price. 50ml costs only 2.95€ in DM's.  

Which sunscreens do you use? Feel free to drop your recommendations for a light sunscreen with more decent ingredients in the comments. Have a great day! 

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  1. I loved it! It's just the right texture for a sunscreen, I hate those sticky ones which make me shine like a oil-bomb after an hour... Yuk.

    1. I agree, the texture is great for a sunscreen. And if I use powder on top, I get just a bit shiny though the day :)

  2. Ta pa je mene že tudi zanimala. Sem se pa na koncu odličila za Vichy Capital Soleil Mattifying face fluid dry touch. Bom c kratkem napisala review. Je ok, ni pa tudi nekaj zelo posebnega. Najbolj mi je všeč mat učinek.

  3. Sej če iščeš kremo s perfektnimi sestavinami znoriš zraven, tako da sem na koncu tudi jaz obupala in vzela letos najbolj pohvaljeno Vichy CS Mattifying fluid in mi je za vsakodnevno uporabo všeč.. Moram pa sprobat tudi kakšno od Uriage, ampak pri njih je pa baje problem da se preveč svetiš ne glede na količino, so pa sestavinsko dobre. :)

    1. Točno to. Prav minilo me je vse te sestavine gledat, toliko trivialnega sekiranja, pa sem potem to vzela. Glede na to koliko sem jaz na soncu je dobra, če bom rabila boljšo bom šla po kakšno v lekarno. Vidim, da tole Vichyevo dosti ljudi hvali :).

  4. Jaz tudi priporocam zgoraj omenjeno od Vichy, po vec letih sem koncno nasla taksno, ki mi ustreza. Da ne omenjam, da je edina, ki mi ni naredila cele stale. Na morju se je tudi krasno obnesla. Baje je dobra se ena od LRP, ampak me bo pocakala za naslednje leto. :)

    1. Praktično enoglasno jo priporočate :) Gre na wishlisto :)

  5. Oh thanks for the headsup on this. I'm using a face sun screen by Eucerin right now and was looking for a cheaper alternative once it runs out. I didn't even know Balea does a thinner face sun screen! :)

    1. They started selling it this year and Müller did the same. About time if you ask me :) But I haven't used Eucerin one to compare.

  6. On Friday I was having more time to search DM, so I bought this Sunscreen - Sebamed - Sun Care Multi Protect Sun Cream SPF 30+, 75ml, it says that is for face and body, for sensitive skin, and that it stays up to 6 hours. It costs 10 euros, but DM is having 30% off. It is a really nice sun cream.

    1. I went to check it out today. It has octocrylene and titanium dioxide (nano), so it's not much different than this one. But thanks for recommendation :)

  7. Pozdravljena, torej bolj priporočaš obarvano sončno kremo Sundance, ki ne matira za katero si tudi napisala oceno. Ima tista boljše sestavine? Hvala!

    1. Meni je obarvana krema veliko bolj všeč :) Nima tistega klasičnega občutka sončne kreme kot ta, ki matira in je tudi lažja. Kar se tiče sestavin, matirajoča ima alkohol, medtem ko obarvana ga nima. Obe pa imata titanium dioxide v nano delcih in octocrylene, ki nekatere moti, ampak jaz sem se že dolgo nazaj nehala sekirat zaradi sestavin.

      Sicer, mi pa govorijo, da ne najdejo ne matirajoče in ne obarvane kreme več, čeprav v DM-u, ki mi je najbližje sem jih še videla. Müllerjeva znamka Lavozon ima tudi matirajoči fluid, ki sicer tudi ima alkohol, ampak jaz bi ga vseeno prezkusila :)

    2. Najlepša hvala za odgovor. Drugače sem si jaz kupila zdaj prvič kremo z ZF od 100% Pure v Orci (ko je bila znižana) in si jo zmešam s serumom od Balea in mi je tudi fajn in še naravna je :). Je pa res, da je ta od DM fajn, ker ti lahko potem ni treba nanašati toliko pudra/BB kreme itd.

    3. Ni za kaj :) Ja, res je potrebno manj pudra. Trenutno uporabljam samo malo L'Orealovega Infallible pudra pod očmi in okrog nosa, za drugo je pa ta obarvan fluid dovolj.
