Preview: Essence Long Lasting Lipsticks

torek, september 03, 2013

Just a quick preview of the long lasting lipsticks that were launched this week here. I got them today and I've only taken basic pictures with no swatches yet, but I'll try to post a full review soon. I still need to test them thoroughly, but I did try the red one today and it's not too shabby for 2.49€. I have three shades:
01 Coral Calling - a light-medium nude coral
02 All You Need is Red - an orange based red
08 Colour Crush - a bright medium bubblegum pink
Update: Review here.

Have a great day!

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  1. No swatches!!! You're mean!! How can we live without knowing if they're any good?? Lol. ;)

    1. Patience ;) I've just done quick swatches on my lips and I can report that while the pigmentation is decent, it's not as strong as at other brands. But it might be just the first layer. I'll take pictures of swatches tomorrow and edit all the pictures, so expect the review in the next few days :)

    2. Thanks for the feedback. I was hoping Essence had at long last released pigmented lipsticks, like the ones they're launched as part of some LEs in the past. It seems they haven't still, though I guess the testers are worth checking out at the stores.

  2. Looking forward to the review/swatches!

    1. I'll try to do it as soon as possible. I'd just like to test the longevity of individual shades :)

  3. Roza izgleda tako lepa, komaj čakam review :)

  4. ovako na slikama izgledaju odlično :) Čekam detaljniju recenziju

  5. Jaz sem na koncu vzela kar 4, 2 isti kot ti. S pigmentacijo sem super zadovoljna, edino obstojnost se mi zdi, da malo šepa, ampak do sedaj sem testirala le obstojnost ene šminke, moram še ostale.

    1. Rdeča ima v redu obstojnost, za druge še testiram. Niso pa tako pigmentirane kot naprimer MUA, ki so 1 funt.

  6. Čudno, včeraj sem bila v Mullerju in jih sploh nisem opazila pa mi izgledajo zanimive barve.. A je 02 podobna Lady Danger? Drugače se ti bo pa verjetno zdelo zanimivo, da sem videla HR maskare v na Čopovi :D

    1. Sem jih kupila v BTC-ju včeraj. So ravno postavljale stojalo ali karkoli so že razmetavale včeraj :D.
      Sem ravnokar naredila primerjavo z Lady Danger: prvo je veliko manj pigmentirana kot LD in drugo ni tako oranžna, je bolj true red.
      Vem, da so HR na Čopovi, tam sem jo kupila :). Jih pa ni drugje, naprimer v meni najbližjem NM.

    2. hahah a res? jaz sem mislila, da jih sploh ni pri nas, da si nekje drugje kupila, je bilo pravo odkritje zame :D

  7. Krasni odtenki, 1 in 8 bosta zagotovo moji :D

  8. Love all three of them! Beautiful:) Love from Norway x
