Wishlist #5

petek, september 13, 2013

 1. Lush Honey I Washed the Kids
So many people rave about the HIWTK soap, particularly about its caramel-honey scent, so I might buy a bar next time I'm near Lush, though I never actually smelled it (because the shop itself has such a strong fragrance, you can't really smell anything and I rarely go there because I genuinely dislike the pushy service).

2. The Body Shop Honeymania
My heart skipped a beat when I heard the news of Body Shop launching a honey scented collection. There will be a lot of products in this LE line, but I'm mostly interested in the body butter and fragrance. First reviews describe the scent as a mix of floral notes and honey. If only we had the Body Shop in Slovenia! I'll try to find this collection on eBay or if that fails go to Gradz. It hasn't launched (in all countries) yet, but I hear it should sometime this month.
 Ever since I saw the Honeymania collection, I've had this craving for honey scented products. I've tested a few in the shops, but liked none of them (yay for testers! But seriously Burt's Bees scents were such a disappointment). The only one I ever really liked is from L'Occitane, which had such an amazing honey line, but it's discontinued/was LE. I have high hopes for this collection and Lush HIWTK soap.

3. Bourjois Cream Blush
These intrigued me ever since I saw the first post about them. So many people love them and speak highly of its formula, but I'm losing hope that these blushes will ever reach our drugstores. So I'll have to get them from Asos, but I'm not sure about the shade. I would really like to see them in person before buying.

4. Urban Decay Naked Basics palette
I'm not much of an eyeshadow person, but recently I've put more of an effort into wearing some. I prefer matte shades, yet I don't have many in my collection. Maja's review convinced me that this might be a nice palette for me. It's got a nice selection of skin-toned shades that I wear most and I really like that taupe shade. Basically it's a compact version of all the shades I normally wear.

5. Maybelline Fit Me foundation
They started selling these on Fragrance Direct and they stock the lightest shade (110), which is supposedly very pale. I also heard the formula is quite light with a skin-like finish and I'd love to try it.

6. The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil and Sumptuous Cleansing Butter
Another novelty by the Body Shop. I would love to try the cleansing butter, it's probably the cheapest such product, but the oil sounds nice as well. I already found the oil on eBay, but not the butter.

7. L'Occitane Angelica Hydration Cream
I have been using very generous samples of this cream for a couple of months now and I absolutely love it. I've already done a short review in one of my favourites, but in short: it's the best base for make up and currently my absolute favourite face moisturiser. 

I have ordered a few things on iHerb and I'm waiting for the package to arrive. I hope it arrives safely and soon, but I expect it will take a couple of weeks. I bought the following four things.
1. Queen Helene The Original Mint Julep Masque
Just a basic clay mask with a mint scent. Apparently it's a cult favourite and it has a ton of positive reviews on MUA plus Maja loves it as well. It is super cheap, less than 3€ for 226g.

2. Physician's Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Blush in Rose
I got it because it's so pretty, I'm shallow like that. Price: 8.6€

3. Nubian Heritage African Black Soap Bar
Again another product that has a lot of positive reviews on MUA. People use it as face wash and I intend to use it in the mornings when I can't be bothered with balms/oils/and the likes. Though I suspect it might be too drying for me, I'm willing to give it a go, but if that happens I'll just use it in some other way. Priced 2.5 € for 141g

4. Badger Cuticle Care
I asked Jana for recommendations what to get from iHerb (if anyone knows, it's her) and she mentioned the Badger brand, which looked so damn cute. I never owned a cuticle cream/balm, because I just don't care about how they look, but they feel a bit painfully dry at the moment and I don't want to keep using my chapstick to moisturise them. 4€ for 21g

Just a few more things. Balea frequently posts on their facebook page about new products and these are the ones that caught my attention recently:

1. Balea Bodybutter Kakao
I'm not sure, but it could just be a repackaged old version of it. The pot looks pretty.
2. Balea Dusch Sorbet Sunny Peach
Peaches! Yum.
3. Balea Beauty Öl
A more affordable approximate of Garnier Ultimate Beauty Oil maybe? But the ingredients differ a lot.
Badezauber frische Orange, exotische Vanille and tropische Früchte
I've only seen the orange version in our DM's and it's quite a big bottle. I'm hoping all of these bath products will be sold here.

Have a great day!

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  1. Naked Basics rabiš - jaz sem dobila preko swapa in niti nisem nameravala kupiti. Zdaj- Najljubša paleta! :)
    Kje se lahko kupi African black soap?

  2. Sem kar boljše volje zaradi te objave, upam da je kakavovo maslo Balea po sestavinah isto kot prejšnje, ki so ga dali iz prodaje.

    1. Meni tudi prejšnji ni bil všeč, imam iste upe kot ti :)

    2. Sva se malo napačno razumele, jaz sem mislila, da mi je prejšnje bilo ful všeč.
      Mogoče veš če je že na policah? Jaz sem bila včeraj v dveh DMjih pa ga nisem videla...

  3. Tudi jaz sem pred kratkim prvič naročala na iHerbu in naročila Queen Helene masko in afriško črno milo. Bomo videli kako se obnese, ker so cene tako smešne, da težko verjamem, da je res super:) Čeprav, ocene so res odlične:)

    1. Prav neverjetno mi je kako imajo Američani vso to kozmetiko tako poceni. Bomo videli kako se vse obnese :)

  4. Baleine zadeve zgledajo super kot vedno <3 Z Badger-jem boš pa gotovo zadovoljna :)

  5. I love the scent of HIWTK but don't like that it leaves my skin feeling dry. I haven't heard anyone else complain about that though so maybe it's just me! Gotta try the gel version and see if it's any better.
    TBS's Honeymania smells quite floral to me which I wasn't expecting at all, I thought it would be a very sweet scent so if you don't like those, you might like that collection.
    I'm not much of an eyeshadow gal either (boo for hooded eyes!) but I bought UD's Naked Basics a couple of months ago and it's pretty much all I've been using on my eyes. To me it's the perfect neutral palette for fair skin.

    1. I suspect HIWTK could be drying and rarely use bar soaps because of that, but I hate Lush's bottle packaging that It's Raining Men is in as I find them so damn difficult to squeeze, hence why I'm more interested in the bar soap.
      Actually, I like sweet scents. So you say Honeymania is mostly floral? I am really hoping for a nice bit of honey in it :)
      Boy, I feel you about hooded eyes. Naked Basics looks exactly like the colours I'd use and I have fair skin as well :)

    2. Haha, is has honey in it I was just expecting the scent to be a lot sweeter =)

  6. All the above products are new for me I had never tried this brand of products but recently I bought a new shampoo which really works and it is the best for thinning hair treatment.More Info

  7. Oh Mateja, hvala za omembo<3 Ja, tale kremica je super, bolj mastna zaradi olj a super hranljiva in odlična za mrzle dni :) xx

    1. You're welcome :D. Super, rabim nekaj bolj hranilnega za zimo :)

  8. Uuuuf... to pa je odličen wishlist, si želim kar precej istih reči kot ti. :D

    Aja, pa hvala za omembo - "plus Maja loves it as well" me je tok nasmejalo, češ Maja že ve o čem govori. :D hehe

    1. Great minds think alike :). Ni za kaj za omembo, tvojim ocenam pa popolnoma zaupam :)

  9. Body Shop--- hony....yummmyyy...moram v Avstrijo :)))

  10. I ja bi Body shop,ali mislim da neće tako skoro k nama :( Bourjois rumenilo se i meni sviđa,ali ne znam koju boju uzeti pa čekam da stigne k nama (valjda hoće do Božića)

    1. Res mi ni jasno zakaj ne :( Je ena izmed mojih najljubših trgovin.
      Upam, da res pridejo do decembra k nam. Ponavadi so od Bourjoisa stvari hitro pri nas, ne vem zakaj ti blushi ne.

    2. Ti blushi ne bodo prišli k nam. Nekje sem prebrala, ena punca je kontaktirala uvoznika, da jih ne bo, kernaj se kremna rdečila pri nas naj nebi dobro prodajala. : S yeah, right..... Čudna politika naših uvoznikov.

    3. Fak so lame :/. Ampak to je pa res, da je pri malo kremnih blushev in tudi navadnih je manj kot drugje. Normalno da se ne prodajajo če jih ni. Čudna politika, se popolnoma strinjam. Skoraj vsi moji blushi so kupljeni na netu/v tujini.

  11. Jaz sem na asosu, ko so imeli popust na Bourjois, kupila kar vse štiri blushe. Vsi so super, formula, obstojnost, odtenki. Fajn se blendajo. Ni mi žal.

    1. Mi je še vedno žal, da sem ga zamudila. Trenutno imajo pa samo eno barvo na zalogi.

  12. Bourjois rdečila so super, pa Basics tudi. Js še samo to paleto uporabljam od kar sem jo kupila :)
    Physician's Formula rdečilo pa tak luštno izgleda. Morem malo pogledat po iHerbu :D

  13. I would LOVE to try something from that new Body Shop line! I love honey! :D
    The Mint Julep mask has been on my wishlist for ages, but I have no clue on where to buy it! Any suggestions?

    1. You can get it on iHerb. They ship worldwide and delivery charges are quite reasonable if you choose the cheapest option :)

  14. Love that lush soap!

  15. Body Shop Honeymania! Do tega se moram nekako pribrskat :)!


  16. 3, 4, 5 iz prve fotke - with ya gurl! <3
    Pa pri 1, 2, 3 iz druge se ti tudi pridružjem :D nad Badgerjem pa jaz nisem bila posebej navdušena, imam veliko rajši Lemony Flutter.

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

  17. Ive gotta say I really love your blog ! I actually just bought the body shop sumptuous cleansing butter. Its amazing, its so silky and smells really good. When I spoke to the representative, she said the butter was more for normal skin types and the oil for really dry skin types. I totally feel you about the bourjois cream blushes, I live in Australia, so we often get a limited range of the full lines.


    1. Thanks :). Now I want it even more! It sounds great, but so far I haven't found it on eBay yet.
      It's the same here about limited ranges. Especially Maybelline and L'Oreal for some reason.
