Rimmel London Kate Matte Lipstick 107

ponedeljek, oktober 07, 2013

If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I'd be wearing a dark burgundy shade in public, I'd tell them they're completely bonkers. And yet I did. Oxblood lips trend was all the rage last autumn, well most autumns really, after all it is the colour that fits into this season so well. So this year I finally caved and purchased Rimmel's 107 that was on my wishlist ever since Rimmel launched a matte range. This is not the first dark shade I own, but it is definitely the darkest and most dramatic. 

107 looks very dark wine/burgundy on me. It is the type of colour that can look great as a stain or applied to an intensity that is somewhere between a stain and full opacity, which I wear most. As a stain, it looks like a berry shade on me, while full coverage gets a more purple and dark brown hue to it. I love that it's matte as I find such shades so much prettier and also easier to wear when they're matte.

This has one of the most comfortable matte formula in a lipstick form. It reminds me a lot of the Revlon matte's which are among my favourites. It feels very smooth, lightweight, applies evenly and most importantly, it's not at all drying (but not moisturising either). It doesn't accentuate any dry patches on my lips, however, I can't guarantee it wouldn't on someone whose lips tend to get dry.

Pigmentation is fine, but I do need a couple of a coats to make it fully opaque. I must admit, it is one of the hardest shades to apply as any mistake is visible, but it is the type of shade that allows you to reshape the lips if you wish. I definitely need to invest in a lip pencil because it is ridiculously hard to apply nicely just from the tube. I use a lip brush, but I can only get a stain if I apply it that way and I still need to apply it directly from the tube to get full intensity.

Staying power is okay and it can last several hours on the lips, fading evenly. Having said that, this is only providing you don't eat, drink or touch the lips because it that case, though it doesn't smudge, it just disappears from the lips with barely any colour left, only a really weak stain remains.

The scent is absolutely awful. It's the same scent as the Apocalips lacquers have, which I have no idea what it is supposed to be, but it is disgusting. Thankfully the scent of the lipstick is not as strong as at Apocalips and it's only noticeable during application. It is something you have to get used to.

Berry Me Home is the only close shade I own. If I compare them, 107 is darker and not as raspberry toned, but more burgundy. The formulas are completely different: 107 is matte and Berry Me Home has a creamy finish. Both feel comfortable on the lips, however, I'd like to point out that my lips don't tend to get dry (I rarely feel the need to use a chapstick during the day and I apply it only before going to bed).

107 is a great statement shade that is perfect for autumn and winter. I really like the formula, though the colour is quite difficult to apply nicely if you lack skill like me. It's a nice lipstick and I might get another shade, but they could do without the awful scent. I bought it on Asos for 4.55 €.

Have a great day!

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  1. Isn't it a gorgeous colour? I love it! I don't find the scent too offensive and I'm usually sensitive about scented lip products.

    1. It truly is. But it's not one for the faint-hearted :) I honestly dislike the scent, but scents are very subjective :)

  2. Čudovit odtenek in mislim, da ti zelo paše:)

  3. Na tvoje temne lase je tale barva wow. Res ti ful paše :) Morem pogledat za kak drug odtenek, ker mi je zelo všeč sam opis šminke, ampak dvomim, da bi bila dovolj pogumna za tale odtenek :)

    1. Hvala :) Meni je vseh 5 "originalnih" odtenkov zelo lepih. Od novih 5 sem pa še premalo swatchev videla, pa tudi ni jih na Asosu in na Feel Unique.

  4. Kako ti paše na temne lase, noro!

  5. This is a shade I've never seen in the Rimmel counters! However, it would be something I could buy! I love these deep reds/pums. And, honestly, it suits you so much!!!!! I love how that color constrasts with your fair skin! Being pale as well, I think it would work for me too!
    Thank you for the review! ^_^

    1. I've actually never seen them in person either and I've been to counters in Croatia and Austria. But there has been so much talk about them online and this shade seems to be everyone's favourite.
      Thanks :)

  6. Šminka je prekrasna in ti res paše, kot so že druge punce povedale. Moram pa priznati, da mi je barva malo lepša, ko je nanešena samo kot stain. :)

    1. Dobra stran te barve je, da jo lahko nosiš kot ti paše. Meni je najbolj všeč nekje vmes :)

  7. I'm in love, res prava za jesen in ful ti paše :)

  8. I think I prefer it as a stain :-) Thanks for the review and the comparison!

  9. Nora barva <333 tole sem že na drugih blogih gledala in je čudovita, pa na tebi res krasno izgleda, všeč mi je kontrast, ki ga naredi :)
