Essie Really Red

torek, januar 07, 2014

When I was standing in front of the Essie counter with my 50% off coupon, already holding the After School Boy Blazer and Turquoise & Caicos in my hands, I spent an eternity deciding on the third polish. I knew I wanted a red because I never owned a proper red nail polish, but I never realised Essie has so many reds to choose from. And all look so close! So I went for the one with the most obvious name, Really Red, since it sounded just like what I wanted. It is a medium bright true red - a classic and elegant colour.
This is another great formula by Essie, just like Cute as a Button. I can get away with one coat, though on some nails I add one more if there wasn't enough polish on the brush the first time. I also like the size of their brushes, as they are just the right width for my nails.

Depend 036 (a bright orange toned tomato red), Essie Really Red and Essence 113 Do You Speak Love? (burgundy):

Have a great day!

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  1. Beautiful colour, I love bright reds on the nails.

  2. Zelo lep! Tudi sama sem se odločala Really Red, Aperitif in Russian Red, ampak sem na koncu vzela Aperitif. Menda sem enih 10 minut stala pred stojalom :)

    1. Haha, potem si verjetno isto kot jaz kot nora primerjala vse rdeče :). Ne vem zakaj jih imajo ravno eno vrsto, ampak saj je kul :)

  3. Lep! Tudi jaz se ne morem upreti rdeči na nohtih.

  4. That is just the perfect red, so pretty!

  5. Kolk se pa od essie laki hitr okrusjo?

    1. Meni se ne hitro, ampak jaz imam zelo zdrave in trde nohte, zato na mojih nohtih vsak lak zelo dolgo zdrži :). Pri meni vsak lak (tudi tale) zdrži praktično en teden, zamenjam ga zato ker mi zrastejo nohti. Ravno iz tega razloga nikoli ne napišem koliko so obstojni. Npr. pri moji mami isti lak zdrži en dan, medtem ko na meni en teden, tudi če delava iste stvari.

  6. Ful lepa barva :) Ma kje vse dobite te kupončke, jaz nimam nobenga :( .. xo

    1. Dm jih je domov pošiljal. A imaš njihovo kartico? Sicer pa je na žalost že mimo :)

    2. Imam ja.. Ampak opažam, da vsi dobivajo, jaz pa ne.. No, morem uredit, pa drugič ;) hehe

  7. Love the red!! Makes me want to go and try it out ☺️👌
