Essie Turquoise & Caicos

petek, januar 10, 2014

As a fan of anything mint, turquoise and teal, Turquoise & Caicos was on my radar for a really long time, however, reports about bad formula always put me off from actually purchasing it. And you know what, the formula is miles away from being bad or uncooperative. I honestly don't get the bad feedback, there are far worse formulas.

Turquoise & Caicos is a muted greenish turquoise shade that has a subtle grey undertone, making it less bright than similar shades. Mint Candy Apple is very different - pale mint green pastel shade and might I add, for me a more difficult formula to work with (as most pastels, to be honest). 

It has a jelly finish and the first coat is very sheer, however, the second gets you enough opacity already, on certain nails I need to apply three coats in total, but this is really not such a big deal as some make it to be. It applies evenly with no streaks and with Seche Vite on top, it takes about a minute or two to dry.

Turquoise & Caicos and Mint Candy Apple:
Have a great day!

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  1. Sem fan takih odtenkov, priznam. Čeprav Mint Candy Apple sem prodala že kakšno leto nazaj, ker je bila formula tako obupna, da ga prav nisem mogla več trpeti. Prav na sumu imam, da je bila moja steklenička še posebej zanič ko pride do formule, ker, ja, saj so pasteli malce muhasti, ampak tisto je bilo pa res nevzdržno. Mi je pa Catrice Am I Blue or Green? fantastičen. :)

    1. Imam tudi sama nekaj teh pastelnih mentolnih odtenkov in se strinjam, da Mint Candy Apple res ni najboljša formula. Sem skoraj vedno raje uporabljala Essencev dupe, ker se lepše nanaša :). Čeprav mojega se da lepo nanest, ampak je težko.

  2. Beautiful! I think it may even be better shade than MCA.

  3. Se strinjam, lep je...ampak meni je (če lahko izbiram) Mint Candy Apple absolutno lepši :D

  4. O waw, ne vem kako je mogoče, da še tega nisem opazila..Bo definitivno moj :)

  5. Pretty, I like turquoise!

  6. Tega sem imela en čas na WL in sem razmišljala, da bi ga vzela na kupon, ampak sem po racionalnem premisleku ugotovila, da kot ljubiteljica zelene zagotovo imam že podoben odtenek in ga nisem vzela, mi je pa vseeno zelo krasen. :)
