Rimmel Star Dust Aurora

nedelja, marec 02, 2014

I don't like these glitter/texture nail polishes. I'm just a simple girl that likes cream finishes and I even hate frost. But when saw this one for the first time on Makeup Savvy, I knew need it. 

Aurora is a rose gold/light pink glitter polish with densely packed differently sized glitter. I love the effect on the nails, it looks so glamourous and pretty. It actually looks a lot prettier in person, but the glistening is hard to capture in a picture.

Two coats is enough for full coverage, which is a surprise given my experience with glitter polishes which usually need countless layers. I use a top coat over it, but I can still feel the "texture" of glitter.

I just know I will hate taking it off as all such shades are such a pain to remove, but I will endure for this shade.

Rimmel isn't sold in my country, so I got it off ASOS for 5.60 €.

By the way, dearest Croatian readers (or any one else that knows), would you be so kind to tell me where Rimmel is sold in your country? I was just in Westgate shopping centre (Zagreb) and I couldn't find it anywhere. I swear it was it Bipa just last year.

Have a great day!

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  1. I have it and love it! On me it lasts for days and usually one coat is good enough, but I always go for the second one. Amazing!

  2. Oooh this looks lovely, the texture is really cool and the color is very interesting.

  3. It is sold in Croatia, just about everywhere, dm has it 100%

    1. I was in DM v Westgate, but it wasn't there. I'll check other DMs. Thanks :)

  4. I never noticed this shade in that range but it does look really pretty!

  5. Meni ti ''sand'' laki tud niso bili všeč dokler nisem odkrila Oysters&Champagne od Catrice...Tale je pa res krasen, sem ga že na parih blogih videla in ga imam že na Asosovi WL :)

  6. Bipa je povukla Rimmel asortiman, dm kod nas ne drži Rimmel uopće, ali u Mülleru se mogu naći. Ja sam svoj primjerak kupila tamo! Nažalost imaju samo tu i Moonwalking nijansu, ali koštaju samo 25 kn što je ful malo u odnosu na cifru koju si ti navela.
