Lancôme Hypnôse Star Waterproof Mascara

petek, maj 16, 2014

Lancôme's Hypnôse in waterproof formula is one of the two of my absolute favourite mascaras. I have very stubborn lashes that refuse to stay curled unless I use a good waterproof mascara and this one delivers. This time I went for a different version of Hypnôse called Star that comes is a very glamorous glittery packaging. 
Formula: The same as the original Hypnôse waterproof one. It's a drier formula that is really black and holds the curl all day. It gives tons of length and some volume. Exactly as I like it. 

Brush: I have to say I don't like it too much, I definitely prefer the original one. It's a dual-sided brush with a thin, flat side and a wide, tapered side that is designed to reach all the lashes, even those in the corner and it's meant to curl the lashes as well. In practice it turns out it's too small, about 2/3 the size of the original and it's difficult to coat the lashes evenly because of the shape. It's not the easiest brush to work with and it takes more time to apply mascara.
As you can see it's a much smaller/shorter brush than from most mascaras. The closest in size is Majolica Majorca's Lash Expander Frame Plus.
Packaging: It's a bit different from the original version. The cap is rounder and the old wand doesn't fit into the Star version, which I wanted to do. The bottom part is coated with silver shimmer, which makes it looking very glamorous. 
Price and availability: I bought it in Müller when it was 20% off. Regular price there is 33 €, but you can find it cheaper online for example on Feel Unique (29 €) or (27 €) and if you're lucky enough to live in North America it's 28.50 $ (20 €) in Sephora.

Though the formula is again a winner, the brush is clumsy and not the easiest to work with. The packaging is definitely glamorous and serves as a nice decoration on the vanity, but next time I'll stick to the original.

Have a great day!

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  1. Trenutno tudi jaz uporabljam Lancomovo maskaro in sicer Hypnose Doll Lashes Waterproof in je definitivno najboljša maskara od milijona maskar, ki sem jih do sedaj sprobala. :)
    xx, Kaja

    1. Pravzaprav sem si želela Doll Lashes preizkusit, ampak je bila edina v našem Müllerju že odprta in vsa zapacana (in to pospravljena nazaj v škatlo :/), tako da sem vzela Star.
      Vodoodporna formula od Hypnose je pa fantastična, danes sem dobila kometar če so to moje trepalnice ali nosim umetne :)

  2. Wau res ti lepo poudari in podaljša trepalnice!

  3. DANG! Still so jealous of your eyelashes! Also, fun fact: on this ebaysite, where you can buy the collectionconcealer, IS YOUR PICTURE: Did you know about this?! Or are you the seller and am I making an absolute fool out of myself? :)

    1. Thanks :)
      Yet another eBay seller who has the audacity to steal my pictures and not ask for permission. He's not the first one. He even erased the watermark. Shameful! Thanks for alerting me to this :)

    2. Mateja, I am just wondering did you report the ebay seller? You really should, I just checked and your photos are still up, clearly they are violating the law and making a whole lot of money off of someone else's hard work..

    3. I think I sent a message to the seller back then, I'm not sure. It's not really worth the effort, so many eBay sellers steal my pictures that it's hard to track them.

  4. Živjo Mateja,

    Med tvojimi izdelki sem opazila nekaj znamke vo5 in aussie pa me zanima kje si jih kupila? V Sloveniji predvidevam, da jih ni razen, če sem kaj zgrešila v kakšnem mullerju.

    1. Živjo Katja :),
      piše v tisti objavi, kjer je VO5 in Aussie, da sem naročila iz spletne strani Boots international. Poštnina je 10 €, ampak je vključeno sledenje pošiljki. Aussie se sicer dobi še na Feel Unique (poštnina 1.5€, nad 15 € je brezplačna) in pa v hrvaških DM.

    2. Očitno sem spregledala, se opravičujem :) Ja očitno bo treba spet iz tujine naročevat. Hvala za informacijo ;)

    3. Ni problema, ti kar vprašaj :)
