Garnier Oil Beauty Scrub

torek, junij 03, 2014

Today I have a  great new drugstore find - I love me some of those! Garnier is a bit on a roll at the moment with their Micellar Water, Miracle Cream and now this lovely body scrub. I hoped I'd get a good replacement for Soap & Glory Flake Away which is a relatively harsh sugar scrub, however, this one is much more gentle and I use it as an every day body wash. I think it's fantastic.

The texture is like nothing I've tried before - it starts off as a gel with sparse big scrub particles and then it transforms into this oil-cream foam which feels so luxurious and nourishing that I feel no need for a moisturiser afterwards. The closest formula I've tried is Clarins' Pure Melt Cleansing Gel, except that's for the face and not a scrub. As I said it's a gentle scrub, more of an everyday version for me, but it still does its job. 

The scent is the same as the Ultimate Beauty Oil in a spray, so that musky floral scent that is quite pleasant.

Just as the oil, it contains Argan, Macadamia, Almond and Rose oil, but this one also has some shea butter, otherwise it's just regular soap with scrubby bits.

This is a pleasant surprise in the drugstore range, especially for those with drier skin. For anyone who loves the Ultimate Beauty Oil, it is a great matching body wash. If you can find it, give it a go, it's really lovely.

So far I've seen it in Müller for 4.99 €, in DM for 5.59 € and it's on offer on Boots website (£4.77) while Feel Unique has it for 9.3 € (currently sold out). There is also a matching lotion, but I haven't tried it yet. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz imam losjon in olje in sta oba super, moram še piling sprobat, ampak jih mam par še za porabit. Lep nov izgled bloga! :) x

  2. Jaz mam tudi jutri namen vzet ta piling,sem ga ravno danes videla v novem DM-ovem katalogu.:)

  3. Tega sem pa jaz že tudi gledala. Imam kar suho kožo po telesu, zato mi tudi marsikateri gel za tuširanje ne paše- srbečica. Tale se sliši odlično. Sicer pa so vse te zadeve za telo z olji zelo uporabne:)

  4. Zdaj ko sem porabila dva pilinga, si lahko dovolim kupit tega čeprav imam že tistega od Afrodite nagledanega :)

  5. Uh, bo treba hitro po tole skočit! :D

  6. Ja bo treba po tole skočit, haha. Ravno danes sem ga gledala pa sem si premislila, ker imam toliko gelov/pilingov za tuširanje.

  7. Nisem probala, bom pa ziher, ko pridem v Slovenijo. Pa všeč mi je nov izgled bloga ;)

    1. Obstaja možnost, da je to že povsod :)
      Hvala :)

    2. Sem vse tako pozno pride pa še drugstore znamke (ala Loreal, Bourjois, Garnier, Maybelline) so zelo drage tako, da mi je brezveze to kupovat, raje zapravim denar za kaj bolj 'fancy' :P

  8. Olje mi je super! Definitivno nabavim še tole :)

  9. What a nice drugstore find! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Super! Ravno v iskanju pilinga sem!
