Essie Sole Mate
torek, oktober 14, 2014
Sole Mate is a deep burgundy-plum shade that is just amazing on the nails. I hear it's a pretty good dupe for the Chanel Rouge Noir, but as I never tried that one, I can't tell you for sure. I wanted such a shade for the longest time, but I never knew which one to pick up in the shop, since they mostly look black under those deceiving lights and because of that I already bought three much lighter burgundy shades. I'm so glad I chose this one, it's the perfect and most awesome autumn vampy shade ever. I already featured it in my Autumn Picks, but it totally deserves its own post.
The formula is a jelly type, so the first layer is semi-opaque and a lot lighter. I do two coats because I like the different plum hues on the nails, since due to the jelly formula, even the second layer doesn't give a complete even coverage, however, it's only noticeable if you look closely. I feel that three coats would be too dark.
The brush is lovely as at all Essies, it's wider than regular brushes, but it still fits my narrow nails. In general I'm falling in love with this brand more and more. Their nail polishes are seriously good and though nail polishes last super long on my nails, I find that these last exceptional well compared to others.
I highly recommend you pick up this shade this autumn/winter season. It's just absolutely brilliant.
I got mine in DM where regular price of Essie nail polishes is 10 €.
Have a great day!
Ta lak je res čudovit. Mene je poleg tega navdušil še Bahama mama (sem mu tudi posvetila en blogpost) ki je pa ravno malo manj temen od tega odtenka in ravno tako super jesenski.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem izbirala med tem in Bahama mama, pa sem se odločila za Sole Mate. Je pa Bahama mama še vedno na wishlisti :)
IzbrišiIzgleda super jesensko :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiboja je prekrasna
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je prekrasna jesenska barva. Ampak jaz takšne lakce samo jeseni nosim, mi drugi letni čas ne pašejo, zato se tudi izogibam nakupu :)
OdgovoriIzbrišibožaaanski. :3 fuul spominja na wicked, tudi essie. .)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's a perfect plum alright, you proved it :-D