Essence Colour & Go Nail Polishes Black is Back and Juicy Love

ponedeljek, november 17, 2014

I have to ask: when did Essence nail polishes become so good? I have a few old ones and they were nice, probably some of the nicest drugstore nail polishes, but I don't know if they were reformulated or is it just these two shades, but they are amazing quality. Without a doubt the shiniest nail polishes I've tried to date (most nail polishes don't look shiny on my nails even with a brilliant top coat. I don't know why). These look like straight from an ad even without a top coat. I'm very impressed. The formula is super smooth and easy to apply, though we could argue that every company can make a good quality red, but the black one is harder to do. I used to have the old Essence's XXXL formula in black and it was the most annoying nail polish to work with due to the thick pastel-nail-polish-like formula, while this one is a jelly-meets-cream (crelly) type of formula that is fully opaque with two (thin) coats and is just a pleasure to work with. The brush is just the right width and fits my nails well, except on my little fingers. I still don't get why Essence nail polishes have pretty much the perfect brush, while Cosnova decided to use the, frankly put, useless round shaped one on Catrice nail polishes. But that is none of my business.

144 Black is Back

A classic black with a crelly formula that is opaque in two coats. This is a great base for all of those effect nail polishes, such as Icy Fairy, I <3 Magic, Sparkle Sand and Catrice's Million Styles Effect Top Coat if you want the maximum effect (I'll swatch all those on the nails as well).

 187 Juicy Love

A classic red that is leaning more to the warm territory, but it is distinctly less orange than Polka Holga. Again it has a crelly formula that is opaque in two coats.

Colour & go nail polishes cost 1.69€. I'm so going to go check out some more shades, but usually nothing catches my eye when I stand before the entire selection. Any recs?

Have a great day!

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  1. Se strinjam. Kdaj so se tako poboljšali?

    Moji naj odtenki zadnje čase od Essence :

    Candy love, Pink and Proud, Best dressed.

    1. Candy Love sem ravnokar dala na wishlisto :) Prekrasen odtenek, sploh nisem vedela da obstaja, lol.

    2. Slučajno sem ga opazila, res je lep. So punce na instagramu ponorele (tudi jaz bi, če bi ga katera objavila) haha :)

    3. Ko pa stojim pred stojalom mi pa noben ne pade v oči. Pa še ponavadi predvidevam za vse te svetlejše odtenke, da so praktično prozorni. Moram res swatch na netu prej videt, preden kaj kupim :)

    4. Enako. The svetlih sploh nisem hotela nikoli kupiti, potem pa sem gledala OPI-ja Chillin like a Vanillin pa sem ugotovila da je Candy love ful podoben in res mi ni žal :)

  2. Nekak ne upam essence lakov kupovat :/ Vedno so se mi hitro okrušili.. in ko rečem hitro mislim še isti dan :S Sicer me tu pa tam keri zamika in seveda sem mogla vzet Icy fairy.. ampak tega nekak ne štejem v isto kategorijo kot ostale, ker so itak bleščice, pa dlje držijo :)

    1. Mogoče je zdaj izboljšana formula. Na meni vsak lak zdrži forever, ampak vidim pri mami kateri lak je dobro obstojen in kolikor se spomin na njej Essence tudi ne zdrži več kot dva dni (ampak to mislim stare verzije). Bleščice pa ja, kot praviš, zdržijo dolgo :)

    2. Oh srečnica! :) Mogoče pa bom dala še eno šanso Essence lakom :)

  3. I love your blog! I discovered it recently by accident and couldn't be more happy about it 😊 I like your photos and everything ❤ literally.

    Love from Poland ❤

  4. Črni bo moj :P Sem že kakšen mesec v iskanju črnega, ampak se kar nisem mogla za nobenega odločit pa sem rekla da bom počakala na kakšen popust za Essie lakce. Bom pa prej probala še tega Essence, je le cenejši & še finiš mi je všeč :)

    1. Res je dober :) Prav neverjetno šajni in s krasno formulo za nanašat. Sem zelo pozitivno presenečena :)

  5. Ta črnega sem ravno prejšnji teden kupila zraven Icy Fairy. Sem klonila pod vašim navdušenjem :D
    Mi je pa super njihov English rose odtenek :)

    1. English Rose sem zadnjič gledala :). Mi je zanimiva barva, samo ne vem kako bi izgledal ob moji bledi koži.
