Kardashian Beauty Nail Polish Perfection

nedelja, november 02, 2014

Perfection is a classic apricot colour, basically a pastel-ish orange shade that has the tinniest hint of pink tones in it. My cousin feel in love with it in an instant and so I gave it to her to try it out first on her artificial nails by Kiss (she really liked the finished look). Almost all such shades look very orange on me with no pink tones, but I think it'd be a great colour for summer or if you're tan, as that pinkness should be more prominent.

The formula is a creamy pastel type, meaning it needs two coats to even it out due to the thickness, even though it has a very pigmented formula. It's actually quite a simple formula to work with, especially for a cream finish nail polish and you get nice results with it. The brush is a standard one and works great. Regarding staying power, I notice no difference between other nail polishes, meaning it's great on my nails, but I don't know how it would perform on someone who has issues with making their nail polish last.

Perfection je klasičen mareličen odtenek oziroma kar pastelno oranžen z malenkost roza pridiha. Takšni odtenki ob moji bledi polti izgledajo čisto oranžno, ampak na temnejši in bolj zagoreli polti bo ta roza podton bolj očiten, zato je ta lak super predvsem za poletne mesece. 

Ima tipično bolj gosto formulo pastelnih lakov, kar pomeni, da je zelo pigmentiran, ampak potrebuje dva sloja, da se zagotovi enakomeren nanos. Pravzaprav je za pastelno-kremni odtenek precej enostaven za uporabo in ga ni težko lepo nanesti. Čopič je standarni ozki in deluje dobro. Glede obstojnosti ne opazim razlike med ostalimi laki, ki jih imam. Na meni pač vsak lak zdrži zelo dolgo, kako pa bi se ta obnesel na nekomu, ki ima večne težave z obstojnostjo pa ne morem oceniti. 

Kardashian nail polishes can be bought on Feel Unique for 11.64 €, but due to shipping restrictions if you're not from the GB, check elsewhere.

Lake Kardashian Beauty lahko dobite na Click2Chic za 9,96 €. Odtenek Perfection je tukaj

*The nail polish was gifted to me by Click2Chic. / Lak mi je bil podarjen.

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  1. Meni je tale prelep. Mi je pa formula teh lakov zelo vsec. :)

    1. Tvoj odtenek je meni lepši na nohtih, čeprav v flaški mi ni izgledal nič posebnega. Dobra formula je, ja :)

  2. what do you recommend for taking pictures ?

    1. I'm just using my smartphone Galaxy S2, so I'm really not qualified to recommend any proper cameras, I'm sorry :) But I hear Canon camera's are super popular with beauty bloggers, especially EOS 600D :)

  3. What a pretty color! I like it a lot.

  4. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! http://goo.gl/8QkvBM
    Jessica ♥

  5. Meni so malček predragi za tovrstne odtenke. Je pa seveda drugače, če imaš manjšo zbirko ali iščeš točno zelo specifičen odtenek neke barve in ravno tega zadanejo.

    1. Se strinjam, so kar dragi. Za lake nerada dajem več kot 5€, razen če je poseben odtenek, ker na meni vsi enako dobro zdržijo na nohth :)
