Drugstore Wishlist #17

sobota, marec 07, 2015

1. MAX FACTOR Creme Puff Blush
Lavish Mauve
I must admit that probably no one will ever convince me that these are actual proper dupes for Hourglass blushes (based on my experience people are too loose with the word dupe), however, they are gaining some seriously positive feedback. I especially trust the reviews of Lovely Girlie Bits, which convinced me to put Lavish Mauve on my wishlist. I don't have many illuminating blushes in my collection, at least not proper ones, so these are very tempting. I am kind of doubtful that these will be sold here, but I hope I am wrong (distributors please prove me wrong). 

2. ART DECO High Precision Liquid Liner
When I was searching for a felt tip liner the last time, for some reason it didn't even occur to me to check Art Deco (or Makeup Factory and Isadora. I just forget we even have these brands because no one talks about them). I saw this liner on their Instagram and went to check it out the next day. This is seriously, seriously good! I applied it on the back of my hand and it lasted two (!) days. I washed my hands so many times that I lost count, but it didn't even fade. This is really waterproof and it appears it has amazing staying power. The formula looked fantastic as well, super black and nicely liquid. This is on the top of my wishlist.
Müller, 13 €.

3. I ♡ MAKEUP Naked Chocolate Palette
I was never particularly impressed my Makeup Revolution or their I ♡ Makeup brand. All they basically do is copy everyone else and create products of mostly lesser quality, but that's just my opinion and experience so far. However, I read on Miss Magpie that this palette actually has very decent matte eyeshadows and I absolutely love the neutral-brown colour selection in it. Apparently it also smells like nicely sweet. I wouldn't mind having this in my collection.
Makeup Revolution, £7.99; Ličila.si, 10.95 €. 

4. KIKO Velvet Touch Creamy Stick Blush
07 Natural Rose
I got a bit of Kiko fever recently. I've never actually seen their stuff in person except for a few seconds (I blame my friend for that), nor do I own any of their products, but I'm seriously itching to either go to Trieste or order online (btw. everything is 20% off with a code  4ALLWOMEN. Valid until 10.3.2015). These blushes are just one of their things that got my attention. I don't really own any such type of blush and I'd like to give them a go. I choose the shade Natural Rose, though the internet is still stingy with swatches of Kiko products, but I chose it because I have nothing similar.
Kiko, 7.90 €.

5. BOURJOIS Colorband 2-in-1 Eyeshadow and Liner
Beige Minimal and Brun Dadaiste
Pencil or stick eyeshadows are another item I have none of and I heard a lot of good things about the new Bourjois ones. I went to check if we have them yet a few days ago, but we aren't so lucky. I'm most interested in the light, shimmery shade Beige Minimal and the deeper, bronze Brun Dadaiste. I hope there reach Slovenia. Soon.
Feel Unique, €8.15.

6. KIKO Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow
Golden Brown, Golden Chocolate & Golden Taupe
Continuing my Kiko discussion, I hear these a must buy if you ever go to Kiko and are compared to some more expensive brand's one. Almu from Feel Bella also placed them in her five best Kiko products, so I'm very intrigued by them. I'd like a nice natural, everyday shade that I could use when I'm in a hurry and I'm still choosing between three shades, but again I think I need to see these in person, though that discount is awfully appealing.
By the way, if you have any other Kiko recommendations, leave them in the comments. 
Kiko, 6.90 €.

7. REVLON Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain
I never paid much attention to these and I'm glad the hype has passed, but a couple of weeks ago I was casually strolling through Müller and swatched this just for fun. It immediately appealed to me because I don't think I have anything similar in my collection. It's just a simple natural pink shade that I presume goes with everything. It appears to me that this shade looks different on everyone (my cousin says it looks very cool toned on her), but I hope it will look nice on my lips against my pale complexion.
Müller and Click2Chic, 10.89 €.

8. REVLON Colorburst Matte Balm
This shade of Matte Balms completely captivated me. It looks like such a beautiful berry-rose-natural shade and I have nothing similar. I already have the shade called Unapologetic and I'm fond of the texture of these, though they aren't really matte. Not surprisingly, both Unapologetic and Sultry, aren't sold here, so I can only order from abroad. 
Another somewhat similar shade interests me. It's from Bourjois' Rouge Edition lines called 30 Prune Afterwork. I might go for that one because it's actually sold here.

9. MISSLYN L'Amour Toujours LE Effect Top Coat
764 Mon Amour
I've been eyeing this for so long, but I'm the type of shopper who carefully considers every purchase and the five euro price doesn't make me happy (let's be honest, it's just a topper I'll likely use only a few times). But it is sooo pretty. I'm really into hearts at the moment and this is just adorable. If anyone is interested, Katja used it here.
Müller, 5 €.

10. BARRY M Speedy Quick Dry Nail Paint
I don't really care about the formula of these, whether they do dry fast or not because I always put Seche Vite on top, but what got me is the colour range. This has to be one of the prettiest colour ranges I've seen in a long time. It's all about spring inspired pastels and I adore pastels on the nails. Three shades appeal to me most: the light grey Pit Stop, light sky blue Eat my Dust and the mint green Road Rage.

This would actually be a repurchase as I already had the wax melt once before (I still keep a small chunk in my drawer). This is one of the best smells I've ever smelled. Ever. It's soft, warm and cosy, it invites images of a warm home and snuggling under a freshly washed blanket. I am completely enchanted by it, so I am dangerously close to doing the one stupid that I dislike - paying too much for a candle (anyone else shocked at how much these candle cost, even if they are huge?). However, I think I'll again settle for just a wax melt, even though it didn't really work the way I expected. By the way, does anyone know a fragrance that might be similar?
Müller, 1.79 - 24.90 €.

Anything on your wishlist? Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz mam tudi Naked Chocolate paletko na wishlisti, ampak še je kar niso dobili na Ličila.si. :(
    Te Kiko senčila v stiku sem jaz tudi ravno zadnjič videla na enem blogu in so me res zamikala, sploh odtenki Rosy Brown, Golden Chocolate in Golden Taupe. <3
    Tale Yankee Candle svečka pa je meni top, edina, ki jo imam v kozarčku (drugače se mi zdijo preveč drage), ker je vonj res zelo 'cosy' in me spominja na domačo posteljo, sploh ko sem v MB (študij). :)

    1. Sem videla, da je ni na zalogi. Škoda, ampak pričakovano glede na popularnost. Sem jo pa videla na njihovi uradni strani, kjer imajo preveliko poštnino.
      Kiko senčila imajo v ogromno odtenkih in se takoj najde kakšen lep :)
      Soft Blanket je izjemna, ampak meni je že 5 € za svečo preveč :/

  2. O ja, par teh stvari imam jaz tudi na WL. Drugače pa te Kiko stick eyeshadows so amazing, jaz si morem prit še do več odtenkov :D So mi pa drugače tudi všeč njihove šminke in laki :)

    1. Šminke sem tudi gledala, imam že ene par odtenkov izbranih, ampak bi jih rada videla v živo :) Lake tudi :)

  3. Loved this post! :) i got really interested on the kiko blush stick.. So much so that im going to check it out tomorrow! :)

    What nationality are you btw? :) just wondering


    Xoxo jessy

  4. Max Factor rdečila tudi mene zanimajo, ampak verjetno jih spet ne bomo dobili. Zdaj pa moram povohat to čokolado:)). Kiko stvari mene zelo zanimajo, ampak nikakor ne pridem do trgovine:/. Poštnina mi je pa predraga. In ja absolutno predraga cena za eno svečo - ni šans. Sploh ne vem katera sestavina bi naj bila tako draga v sveči?!

    1. Imam tudi tak občutek :/ Taboljših stvari nikoli ne dobimo.

      Boš morala v svoji oceni poročat, če res kaj diši ta paletka :).

      Na Kiku je poštnina zelo draga, ampak če naročiš na 50€ je pa "samo" 2€. Če najdeš še koga ki bi naročas s tabo je že kul. Je pa poštnina cenejša kot bencin do Trsta :D

      Se popolnoma strinjam. Sveče so lahko do 5€, nad to ceno je pa že malo zajebavanje. Ne kapiram kako lahko nekatere tuje blogerke toliko zapravijo za sveče (npr. Diptyque, ki so 40 funtov). A bit insane :/

    2. Boljše da ne diši, ker sem že drugače preveč sladkosneda.:D

      Jaz se ti kar javim, če boš želela kaj naročit iz Kikota ;), pa razdelive poštnino.

      Se popolnoma strinjam do 5 eur. Nikakor ne razumem tega z svečami, saj ni parfum, da bi dala 40 eur in ga potem uporabljala eno leto ali več. Weird!

    3. Sva že dve :P

      Joj, zdaj me pa res mika, pa še ker je 20% popusta do 10.3. Kaj bi pa naročila?

      True story :)

    4. Če še nista naročali in bosta, bi se vama pridružila pri naročilu, če lahko. :) Me mikajo ta senčila v stiku. :P

    5. Ta long lasting stick za oči kot imaš ti na wish listi in nekaj lakov:) No če boš naročala mi javi, ti nakažem denar in napišem kaj bi imela. Zdaj smo že tri, bo lažje s poštnino in ta popust 20% je tudi obetaven:).

  5. Prejšnji teden sem naročila Bourjois Colorband svinčnike pri FeelUnique in še čakam da pride paket. Upam, da bosta kul :).
    Kiko stick eyeshadows so tudi super, zelo podobna formula kot Laura Mercier Caviar Sticks, ampak po moji izkušnji ne tako obstojni.

    1. Se že veselim tvoje objave, če boš pisala o njih :) Jaz bi po eni strani še počakala, če bodo prišli k nam, po drugi pa skoraj malo dvomim, da bodo, čeprav od Bourjois kar večino stvari dobimo :)

  6. It's funny you mentioned Trieste, I used to live there! :) Kiko can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, so many things to choose from. I'm tempted to try those blushes in stick, I actually remember swatching that shade, natural rose at the store! it's a lovely colour. Thank you for your mention lovely:) <3 <3

    1. Really? :) I've been there a few times when I was younger, but now I mostly go to Austria or Zagreb instead because it's closer to me :) That's exactly how I felt the first time I've seen Kiko, it was very overwhelming, so I only stayed there for a minute or so, but now I regret it.
      You're welcome :D

  7. Bourjois in Kiko "eyeshadows sticks" so tudi na mojem wishlistu :) Yankee candle si tudi zelo želim sprobati a vedno ko jih vidim v trgovini se mi zdijo malce predrage haha :D

    1. Tile eyeshadow sticks izgledajo res praktični, pa še kot bazo jih lahko uporabim :)
      Zelo drage so, ja :/ Sploh te v lončkih.

  8. Najlepša hvala za omembo Mateja <3 Tudi na moji WL so Barry M-čki Speedy Quick Dry :)

  9. Joj kok pogrešam KIKO, na Portugalskem je bil moja go-to trgovina za mejkap (še posebi, ker so ble itak vse ostale drugstore znamke čisto malo cenejše od npr. MACa)... Te longlasting senčke su ful dobre pa res so lepi odtenki kakor se spomnim. Potem so še laki in šminke... Senčila so tudi dobro pigmentirana, samo me nekako niso tok pritegnila, ker so dost velika, sem si pa kupila eno paleto, ki je bila LE in je res top. Pudrov in maskar pa nisem probala, ker dam vseeno raje malo več za te stvari. Aja pa navadni svinčniki za oči so tudi kul :) ma vse je kul haha

    1. O, ti verjamem :) Kakšna škoda, da te znamke ni pri nas, mislim, da bi bila zelo popularna.
      Torej karkoli bom vzela, bo kul :D Najbolj me poleg teh dveh stvari mikajo šminke, tekoči eyeliner in kakšen lak :)

  10. Mouthwatering wishlist. I have that Makeup Revolution chocolate palette and Revlon Matte Balm in Sultry on my wishlist too.


  11. Art Deco liner je in verjetno bo za vedno moj najljubši eyeliner. Odkar sem ga sprobala par let nazaj, je to edini eyeliner ki ga kupujem. Obstojen je cel dan, krasno natančen in je čudovito črno črne barve! (Samo cena je pa 17 evrov, če se prav spomnim? :/) Ampak je vreden vsakega evra, grem stavit da ti ne bo žal!

    1. Sem ga že kupila danes :) Končno po mesecih imam spet spodoben eyeliner :D Bil je pa nekaj čez 13 €.

  12. I also want to try the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains and the Colorburst Matte Balms! Loved your wishlist!

  13. That palette looks lovely! As does the Kiko cream blush stick.

    1. Isn't it just the best collection of neutral shades? I'd love to have it :) I just ordered the Kiko blush :)

  14. I love your blog Mateja! Hope you have better luck with Kiko that I had. It was barely visible on me and it did not last long, but it might just be my skin :(

    And that palette looks adorable! I really like the design. Was thinking of ordering it as well, but I want to try Makeup Revolution products before placing a bigger order (since I can only get it online :c)

    1. Thank you :)
      Oh, really? I actually just ordered a few things from Kiko a few days ago. I hope they'll all be ok :)

      I've been fortunate enough to be sent a few Makeup Revolution items before. I disliked the lipstick, however, other things were either average or ok. Their matte eyeshadows in palettes aren't impressive, but shimmery ones are quite nice and I really liked their liquid blush. It's more of a hit and miss brand, but certain things are quite nice :)

    2. Thank you for the the reply, I guess I will try the shimmery palette then, I just used up all of the brown-ish eyeshadows I have :c. I wanted to try the liquid blush too, never owned one but it seems interesting, and it is also pretty cheap.

      Hope you like your Kiko products ^^

    3. I'm glad I could be of assistance :)

  15. Hey there,
    The longlasting eyeshadow sticks by kiko are really longlasting. You will have a hard time removing them or blending them after they have dried...
    I like the nailpolishs, ultra glossy stylo (sheer moisturizing lipsticks), smart lipsticks (i have one called pink strawberry I guess) and the water eyeshadow should be good, too! Which I dislike is the very loud music in stores and the overly made up sales agents :-)
    Oh wait, a must have is the nail polish named Mint milk. You find Swatches of it everywhere or on my blog :-) the perfect crazy turquoise minty shade! Don't you own it already?

    1. I actually already ordered a few bits a couple of days ago :) I got the stick eyeshadow in 38, stick blush in 07, Velvet lipstick in Strawberry something (so not the one you say it's nice, but I was checking it out :) ), Lip pencil in 709 (so my colour :D) ) and nail polish in Jade. I was checking out Mint Milk, but I wanted something less bright, more of a off-white mint green :) But thanks for your recommendations :) I'll keep them in mind when I see the shop in person one day.

  16. Great wishlist Mateja! I've been wanting that chocolate-y palette from Makeup Revolution as well ! I received 2 of the Max Factor blushes today ( 05 Lovely Pink and 30 Gorgeous Berries), I haven't swatched them yet, but in the packaging they look beautiful, especially the Gorgeous Berries one :) x

    1. Thank you :) I'm jealous about the blushes. I hear they are wonderful :)

  17. Hi Mateja,

    Lovely article! I really enjoyed reading about the long lasting eye shadow and your article on velvet lipstick was awesome!!

    I m Sanaa, a fellow blogger, would absolutely love it if you stopped by!

