Models Own HyperGel Midsummer Mauve
nedelja, marec 15, 2015
In the bottle Midsummer Mauve looks like a light taupe with lilac tones in it, but on my nails that lilac tone is more pronounced, so it's a muted lilac on me. It's one of those shades that I find so modern, chic and classy - I must say I'm bit besotted with this colour at the moment. Even now when I'm looking at it on pictures, I find this colour kind of calming. It's like a typical autumn shade, but because of that lilac tone, I find it suits into the spring pastels category quite well.
The formula is one of those new-age gel effect ones that don't require an UV light. It's thick, but quite smooth and it requires two coats for an even finish. It reminds me of Deborah Smalto nail polishes, but it's not as easy to work with, however, it has the same shiny finish. The brush is a medium one, which, though it isn't as lovely Essie's, I still find nice to work with.
Midnight Mauve izgleda kot neka mešanica med sivo-rjavo in vijola v steklenički, ki je meni ena izmed najlepših barv za na nohte, ampak ob mojem tenu kože izgleda bolj vijola, tako da je že blizu pastelno vijolične. Taki odtenki meni izgledajo tako moderno in elegantno na nohtih, ker je še kar naraven odtenek, ampak vseeno nekaj posebnega. Taki odtenki se pogosto pojavljajo v jesenskih objavah in člankih, ampak ker ima tale odtenek v sebi nekaj več vijolične, ga zlahka dodam tudi med izbor spomladnih pastelnih lakov.
Formula je ena izmed tistih novejših, ki so jih navdihnile gel manikure, s tem da ti laki ne potrebujejo UV lučke. Formula je kar gosta in me spominja na Deborah Smalto lake, ampak ni tako prijetna za uporabo kot tista, vseeno je zelo "gladka" in se v dveh plasteh sama nekako izravna (torej popolno nasprotje starih pastelnih formul, ki ti požrejo živce). Kot večina takih "gel" formul ima lak zelo visok sijaj. Čopič je srednje debeline, torej ni tako krasen kot kakšen Essiejev, ampak kljub temu prijeten za uporabo.
Model's Own HyperGel Nail polishes can be bought on Models Own website for £4.99.
Tega odtenka sicer še ni na Click2Chic, ampak naj bi bil v prihodnosti. Ostali odtenki stanejo 5,95 €.
Have a great day!
*Nail polish was sent to me / Lak mi je bil podarjen.
It looks so chic on the nails! Beautiful :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's such a modern lady colour, right? :)
IzbrišiYour nails are so beautiful :)
Mi je všeč odtenek. Drugače pa se meni formula tudi zdi težavna za nanašanje. Čeprav je potem finiš dokaj lep:).
OdgovoriIzbrišiYup, je kar gosta formula. Mi je od Deborah bolj všeč, ampak tudi s to se da delat čisto ok :)
IzbrišiThat is a great color. I have three different variants of that color from China Glaze! For me, it's a year round thing, especially if I have an important event where I must appear in some sort of business attire.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow do you think your experience with the gel that doesn't need UV compares to the gel that does need UV to set?
Yes, I also think it's such a nice office colour :) Great choice :)
IzbrišiI honestly can't say as I've never had a proper gel manicure, sorry :(
Mene full mikajo tile lakci. Kakšna je pa kaj obstojnost? Pa čopič mi je tudi všeč :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz obstojnosti ponavadi ne komentiram v ocenah, ker na mojih nohtih vsi laki zdržijo več kot teden in tale ni izjema (imam zelo močne in zdrave nohte :) ). Ne vem, če ti tukaj res lahko kaj dosti pomagam, sori :(
IzbrišiOh srečka! :) Jaz imam trenutno katastrofalne, se mi 2 nohta nakoj skrušita. Verjetno tudi trenutno delo škodi :(
IzbrišiWow that color is stunning, I think it is the perfect spring color.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt is :)
IzbrišiČudovit odtenek :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a beautiful shade!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lep lak. :)