L'Oreal False Lash Wings Intenza

ponedeljek, april 06, 2015

L'Oreal released a new mascara, a spin-off to their original False Lash Wings (Butterfly Effect or Flutter mascara in some countries) and this version has the "butterfly wing shape" on both sides of the wand. Mine is a regular formula, but I think a waterproof version exists as well. 

Formula: In the first week of use the formula was quite thin, so all it did is separate and lengthen the lashes a bit, but in the volume department it wasn't the best. As my experience dictated me I gave it some time because usually once the formula dries a bit and therefore thickens, it starts to perform better in terms of volume. I was right. A few weeks later and the volume has doubled. It's not Essence's Lash Princess, but still a very nice amount of volume partnered with definition and lenght, so it really gives the effect of plenty of lashes. In that respect it reminds me a great deal of their Million Lashes mascara. It's a fibre mascara, but I must say I don't see many of them on the brush, especially compared to Japanese versions, but as far as I'm concerned that as good thing because when those fibres get in the eye, it hurts like a bitch and ruins contact lenses (#neverforget). This is a regular formula, so it doesn't hold the curl on my lashes, especially now that the formula is thicker and therefore heavier.

Wand: the original False Lash Wing had only one "butterfly wing", but the Intenza has them on both sides. In practice the small plastic combs separate and define each lash giving the appearance of more lashes. The slightly lifted end does help to lift the lashes, however, since it's regular formula, this doesn't mean much to me as my lashes still drop.

Staying power: I have noticed a bit of flaking at the end of the day, but no smudging. 

Since most mascaras perform well on my lashes, I gave this one to test to my cousin, who loved it at first swipe. She especially appreciated the definition this mascara is capable of doing and she is considering purchasing one for herself.

Intenza costs an "exorbitant" 15.49 €, which is not at all cheap for a drugstore mascara, but L'Oreal's mascaras tend to be very good compared to most of the "cheaper" competition. I might give a waterproof version a try and see how it performs.

Intenza je naslednica originalne False Lash Wings maskare in sicer se za razliko od slednje ponaša z "obliko metuljnih kril" na obeh straneh krtačke. Moja je navadna formula, ki se lahko odstrani, mislim pa, da obstaja tudi vodoodporna verzija.

Ko je bila maskara popolnoma nova, je bila formula lahka in redka. Posledično ni uspela ustvariti kakšnega omembe vrednega volumna, ampak je trepalnicam dodala kar dosti dolžine in predvsem definicijo zaradi plastične krtačke. Po izkušnjah sem vedela, da se bo po nekaj tednih maskara zgostila in malo posušila. Zdaj ko je maskara malo starejša doda veliko več volumna. Sicer ne toliko kot Lash Princess, ampak kar blizu, predvsem pa prednjači v definiciji, saj krtačka lepo razčeše trepalnice in naredi učinek ogromno trepalnic, ker je vsaka ločena in obarvana. Zelo me spominja na Million Lashes, ki je bila včasih ena izmed mojih najljubših maskar (krtačko imam še vedno za razčesavanje trepalnic). Formula vsebuje vlakna, ampak jih sama ne vidim kaj dosti na krtački, kar meni sicer odgovarja, saj so japonske maskare mini mučilno orožje za uporabnike kontaktnih leč in ko ti eno tisto vlakno pade v oči zelo boli ter uniči leče (zelo zabavna izkušnja). Ker je formula moje maskare navadna ji ne uspe obdržati trepalnice zavihane, še posebej zdaj ko je formula gostejša.

Krtačka prvotne False Lash Wing maskare ima obliko metuljčkovih kril le na eni strani, medtem ko ju ima Intenza na obeh straneh, kar se izkaže za kar učinkovito. Glavnička z kratkimi zobčki lepo razčeseta trepalnice in rahlo dvignjeni zunanji del pomaga malo dvigniti trepalnice v zunanjih kotičkih, seveda se to na mojih trepalnicah ne obdrži.

Kar se tiče obstojnosti nisem opazila nobenega razmazovanja pod očmi, ampak sem pozno zvečer opazila črne pikice pod očmi.

Ker se večina maskar dobro obnese na mojih trepalnicah z izjemo ohranitve zavihanosti, sem dala maskaro preizkusiti še moji sestrični, da bo test bolj pravičen. Takoj ji je bila všeč. Še posebej zaradi definicije in menda načrtuje nakup. Trenutno je maskara 30 % cenejša v drogerijah (do 12.4.).

Intenza stane malo visokih 15,49 €, kar ni poceni, ampak L'Orealove maskare so povečini res dobre, vsaj v primerjavi z drugimi znamkami. Me pa to višanje cen vsake nove maskare (in ostalih stvari) zelo moti in verjetno nisem edina. 

Have a great day!

*Intenza was gifted to me / Maskaro sem dobila v test.

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  1. your lashes are so amazingly long ... this mascara makes them pop even more!

  2. Tale meni ni bila nic posebnega. Sicer je malo povecala volumen trepalnic (moje so izrazito majhne), ampak nic kaj ocitno. Bolj tak 'meh' produkt, bi jaz rekla! :D

    1. Te s plastičnimi krtačkami ponavadi res ne dajejo toliko volumna, kot tiste z navadnimi, mi je pa všeč kako lepo definirajo. Če jih še nisi preizkusila, bi ti mogoče bili bolj všeč Lash Princess od Essence in pa L'Orealova Voluminous :).

  3. Če pri tebi deluje super, bi tudi pri meni imava kar podobne trepalnice, malenkost imam krajše ampak zavihanost imava enako :D (srečnici!).

    1. Pri meni je najbolj pomembno to, da je dobra vodoodporna maskara, ker drugače se mi trepalnice takoj povesijo in izgleda kot na nimam trepalnic, razen če gledaš iz strani. Se mi zdi, da sem imela eno vodooporno od L'Oreala, samo me verjetno ni navdušila glede na to da je nisem več kupila :)

  4. Great that you gave review over time, not just your first impression! :) The result is lovely, but I think your lashes will works with about everything and look good anyway! If it doesn't hold the curl that well it's probably not for me though, unfortunately.

    1. I like to post reviews when I know I tested the product well :)
      The waterproof version might be better suited for you :)

  5. I liked the False Lash Wings version, mostly because of the wand, so I might like this one as well ;)

    1. I never had the original, but I could see the benefits of having this winged shape on both sides. I think it makes the application a lot easier :)

  6. Great post!
    I really like this mascara, L'Oreal has the best mascaras ever !

    Nikoleta, xoxo.


    1. Thank you :) L'Oreal makes great maskaras, but they are getting more and more expensive.

  7. Meni se je kar dobro obnesla. Res je, da jih ne drži zavihanih, tako kot večina nevodoodpornih. Za vsakodnevno uporabo je točno to kar iščem :)

    1. L'Oreal itak redko razočara s svojimi maskarami :)

  8. Uau, trepalnice <3 Maskara izgleda zanimivo. Sicer je malo draga, ampak če je dobra...
    xoxo, Nyx

    1. Hvala :) V tem primeru cena odraža kvaliteto :)

  9. Ich have the volume million lashes excess mascara and hate it. It gives me nothing but three to four single lashes since everything is sticking together so badly.
    The brush reminds me a little bit of the new maybelline lash sensational thing, which is horrible, too ^.^ I guess, I'm kind of oicky when it comes to mascara :-D This is such a personal decision regarding lash lenght and preferences and so on ;-)

    1. Oh, that's too bad. L'Oreal mascaras are quite expensive, so I can imagine your disappointment. I only had the original Million Lashes and I loved it because it defined the lashes so well :)
      I've heard so many god things about the new Maybelline mascara, so I'm sad to hear you didn't like it. I don't see anything wrong in being picky about mascaras, you should want only the best for your lashes :D

  10. From your review this mascara sounds ok but from your swatch it looks very good and I'm loving how defined your lashes are looking.Great review.


    1. If you like a very defined look, this is definitely a mascara to try :)
      Thank you :)

  11. Your lashes look amazing before and after!!

    1. Oh, those two aren't before and after pictures, sorry if I confused you :) You can see my natural lashes in my How to Curl Stubborn and Difficult to Curl Lashes :) But thank you :D

  12. Your lashes look out of this world! They're so long and fluttery! Gorgeous.

  13. oh my God, I have not seen such long lashes! :)
