Essence Lipliner 15 Honey Berry
sobota, julij 11, 2015
So apparently Essence has two lip liners with Berry in their names. I obviously didn't know that and when I went to pick up Soft Berry, I mistakenly grabbed Honey Berry instead. But all is not lost, at least I got an interesting new lip colour to experiment with and these are so cheap anyway.
Honey Berry is a purple that leans more to the pink side, so it doesn't end up looking draining. I thought I'll hate it on me, but it actually looks decent, especially if I have my hair up. I would wear this colour in colder months, though. When it fades, it starts to get a bit darker on my lips and also less pink.
Texture is classically super soft as usual at Essence lip liners and people love it. I'm not such of a fan, but I don't dislike them. Since it's a darker shade, it manages to cling on a bit longer than the rest Essence lip liners and it fades nicely. These lip liners don't feel in the least bit drying on my lips.
Essence lip liners cost 1.19 € and can be found almost everywhere here. I already have seven of them, even though I'm not a massive fan of the formula, but they are a great way to experiment with your lip colour for very little money.
Have a great day!
Aha, tudi PRO-jem se lahko zgodi :')
OdgovoriIzbrišiJe pa kot sem videla samo malce temnejša verzija od Yummy Berry. Toliko Berry-jev :D
Zelo ti pašejo takšni odtenki <3
Ja, je podoben Yummy Berry, ampak bolj vijola in temnejši. Sami Berry-i :D
IzbrišiHvala <3
Zelo ti paše tale odtenek, ampak se strinjam da je bolj jesensko-zimski :D Sama sem ga nosila tudi pomladi ker lepo pozivi kaksen bolj simpl makeup ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :) Je bolj primeren za hladnejše dneve, pa tudi za večerni mejkap s kakšno nizko, tesno speto figo :)
IzbrišiNujno jo moram kupiti, huda je totalno!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa tok poceni so tile liplinerji :)
IzbrišiSama nisem neka velika fenicanpr.glosev ali pašmink,ampak liplinerje imam pa ful rada:) in jih imam že kar nekaj od Essence. Cena je super, sicer na meni ni pretirano obstojno ampak mi je pa fino,ker res z njimi dejansko lahko preskušaš katera barva ti ustreza. P.s prelepa si s tem odtenkom:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes so krasni za malo eksperimentirat z barvami :). Mi je kar škoda, da odtenke zamenjujejo namesto, da bi vse obdržali in samo dodajali. Bi bila kar lepa zbirka do zdaj :)
IzbrišiHvala :)
Odlican post! Mnogo mi se svidjaju, odlicni su!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNikoleta, xoxo.
Hvala :) So kar v redu za to ceno :)
IzbrišiEssence lip liners are indeed very soft. Maybe even a bit too soft for me, as I usually just outline my lips and never apply lip pencil on my whole lip.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI agree, I also find them too soft for actual precise lining of the lips. They are more like a replacement for the lipstick :)
IzbrišiPaše ti :) Me pa malce spominja na kakšno jesensko/zimsko verzijo Yummy Berry :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :) Je podoben Yummy Berry, ampak še bolj vijola in malo temnejši :)
IzbrišiI have this shade, it's gorgeous :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's interesting, though I usually don't care much for purples :)
IzbrišiSuch an amazing colour! Furthermore, it is a perfect liner for MAC's Rebel and Colourpop's Flawless which is awesome. Essence did a great job on their lip liners, I like them a lot!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI always thought that Rebel is warmer, but I've never even seen it in person. I can imagine it's still a nice match :) These lip liners appear to be so popular, but I actually prefer the new longlasting ones :)
IzbrišiČudovit odtenek, pa tudi če je bil kupljen ponesreči :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSaj sem potem šla pogledat še Soft Berry in se mi je zdel čisto preveč rjav zame, tako da tole res ni bila neka velika napaka :)