Catrice Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette 010 Ashy Radiance
ponedeljek, avgust 24, 2015
High five to Catrice for finally taking the plunge and take on the contouring trend. I think that aside from Sleeks version, which is only available online here, the pickings when it comes to a taupe-ish contour shade are very, very slim with actual eyeshadows being probably our best option. So I'm delighted to see this in a permanent range and Essence will have their versions as well. The palette comes in two shades: this cool toned brown with a champagne-peachy highlight designed for pale individuals like me, while the other is darker and with a gold highlight.
The highlighter is more on the sheer side, which I actually like since I'm more of an subtle highlight girl, but it can be built-up to a stronger glow, though it takes several layers. The actual tone of the highlighter is lovely. It's a warm champagne, slightly peachy shade that doesn't end up looking too white on the skin, unlike like their newest Highlighting Powder in 010 Stardust. It reminds me of my favourite Jemma Kid Iced Gold in terms of shade, but not in texture, since this is a powder and that one a much glowier cream.
The bronzer/contouring side is nicely pigmented as far as my light skin tone is concerned and I pick up only a bit of the product at at time and build up slowly to avoid a random strip of colour on my face, but people with darker skin tones have said to me that this is too light for them. It's warmer and less taupe than NYX's Taupe as well as much more pigmented, but it still manages to fake shadows well. Ana Ina compared it to the Sleek palette in light and it shows how much more taupe-ish it is. The powder is quite silky, but it does dust/flake off, nonetheless it blends ok and doesn't look patchy on the skin.
Staying power is nice as per usual when it comes to cheek products by Catrice.
I know I'll get this question: NYX Taupe or Catrice? I'd still go with Taupe for my skin tone, well at least in the winter when my skin matches the colour of snow. But I have a neutral undertone, so I can go either way. If you skin tone is pink, go for Taupe and if it's warm go for Catrice. Also pick the latter one if you're not as pale as me because Taupe is quite sheer compared to this one (by the way, my Taupe blush is quite old and I hear they have been messing with the shade since then. Petra recommends Essence I Heart Nude eyeshadow in 05 My Favorite Tauping instead).
I built-up both powders a lot for this picture, so my camera would pick it up. Normally I'm quite shy when it comes to contouring.
This was a hit for me in the latest Catrice update. They managed to create a lovely taupe-cool brown "faking shadows" shade for super pale people like me, which is incredibly rare among the drugstore brands. The highlighter is more on the subtle side, which some will like and others not, but the tone of it is very pretty. In general it's a great budget buy.
I bought it in Müller for 4.69 € and as far as I know, this is only available on the 3 m stands.
What is your favourite contouring powder and highlighter? Have a great day!
Izgleda super, moram v nakup kmalu :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUpam, da ga najdeš :). Menda je povsod razprodan.
IzbrišiNa slikah in na tebi zgleda super, še v trgovini mi je delovala kar mikavno, ampak ko sem malo poswatchala na roki, se mi pa to skoraj nič ne pozna :) Bi rekla da je to bolj za vas, ki ste malo bolj blede :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNa tej sliki nosim Bourjois Healthy Mix 51, sem pa pozimi še za odtenek svetlejša. Sem ga preizkusila na sestrični, ki je temnejša kot jaz za kakšna dva odtenka in ji je bil zelo všeč. A temnejšo verzijo si tudi kaj preizkušala?
IzbrišiMoram nujnoo kupiti ko pridem do njega! :D na žalost ga v mojem najbližjem Mullerju nikoli nimajo :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiItak je zdaj v redni ponudbi, verjetno je samo prva zaloga tako hitro pošla :) V NM ga tudi že ni kar nekaj časa.
IzbrišiAwesome! For now I'm set with contouring powders (I use Oak Bark by Pumpkin&Poppy or Victorious by Addictive Cosmetics) but for those who don't want to shop online this is fantastic! Go Catrice! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah, the did a nice job :) In interested in the Essence version as well :)
IzbrišiZa zimo bo super, ker bom precej imam nagledanega:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe si približno toliko svetla kot jaz, ti bo super :)
IzbrišiSem ga v soboto končno kupila, prej ga sploh nisem mogla najti, je vedno bil razprodan. Nisem ga še sicer preizkusila, ampak upam, da bo fajn. Prej sem uporabljala od Sleek, ampak če s tistim ni izgledalo zgrešeno in umetno, potem bo s tem še boljše, ker je res bolj taupe barve. :D Tako da se že veselim. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUpam, da ti bo všeč :)
IzbrišiZelo ti paše. :) Jaz se strinjam s tabo, super izdelek :). Imam že pripravljeno objavo. Imaš prav, da bo mogoče bolj všeč nam z toplim podtonom, ker se mi zdi, da je meni res super, ker je bolj rjavkast in ni tako očitno siv. Osvetljevalec pa mi ni všeč. na meni je ravno obratno od tega, kot si ti napisala. Preveč bel in na roza vleče, pa seveda premalo šimrast zame. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala za omembo ;)
Hvala <3 Aha, potem osvetljevalec ne izgleda dobro na toplem podtonu. Vidš, na meni se pa čisto dobro obnese, čeprav si tud jaz želim, da bi bil bolj šimrast :)
IzbrišiMeni je ful super tale paletka :) Sem sicer trenutno malce temnejsa, ampak delam res soft contour, tako da se barva še vedno pozna. Highlighter mi je pa iz nekega razloga zelo všeč, čeprav imam rada bolj močne in šimraste highlighterje xD
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz imam tudi raje bolj nežno konturiranje :) Highlighterje imam pa raje kremne, ker mi lepše izgledajo na koži, za tega si pa vseeno želim, da bi bil morda malo močnejši :)
IzbrišiI actually like the color a lot! Not too cool but not orange x
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's nice that they made something in the middle, so it doesn't end up looking draining grey on warm skintones and also not orange on cool skintones :) Catrice nails it yet again :)
IzbrišiThis one looks amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThey did a great job, I agree :)
IzbrišiCarsko, tole moram pa sprobati :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUpam, da ti bo všeč in da ti bo dosti pigmentiran :)
IzbrišiI have warm skin tone so I better buy the catrice one, btw bronzer suits your skin very well. Good post:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
Yes, if you have a warm skintone better go with Catrice :) Thank you :)
IzbrišiRes izgleda zanimivo, že nekaj časa iščem nekaj podobnega. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiXoxo, Nyx
Pri nas ni neke velike izbire, tako da je super da sta oba Catrice in Essence se odločila naredit take paletke :)
IzbrišiO zakon, hvala za ta review! Trenutno konturiram z Bourjois bronzing izdelkom, ampak si želim nekaj takšnega kot je tale Catrice, nujno ga moram ujeti v drogeriji. :)