Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation

sobota, september 19, 2015

Yes, I am very aware I talk about this foundation all the time, but I love it to bits and you know what? After three bottles and four years of love, I finally set out to do a proper review. It's about damn time, right? It just bothered me that every time I mention this I don't have a decent review of this to link and at least you should see the before and after side by side, but I do wear this foundation in a majority of my lipstick and blush posts. This is a foundation that made me fall in love with foundations. Before I had the worst problems with flakes, every foundation made them visible from space, so I avoided applying them all together or at least left out the forehead, where the situation was most dire. But this just glides over patches and it's the first foundation I wore foundation all over the face with no worry and it just looks so natural, radiant and pretty. 

Texture: It's light and runny, and you can blend this very long if you want. Whether you use fingers, brush or a sponge, pretty much any technique works with this, but I like applying with fingers best. You can layer it as much as you want and it won't cake up, but blend in seamlessly.

Coverage: Light to medium. My freckles still shine through and it doesn't cover spots or dark circles well, but I prefer it like that and just spot conceal where needed. I was never a fan of completely covering my skin and why should I? It's not like I'm not happy with its state.

Finish: It has that dewy, healthy glowy finish and it's almost invisible on the skin. There are no tell-tell signs that you're wearing foundation, but the skin looks fresher, perked up and healthy. This is the perfect foundation for dehydrated skin because it just glides over dry patches and doesn't emphasize them at all. However, if your skin is oily, you won't like it. I've never heard of anyone with oily skin praising this.

Colour: I always get the lightest shade 51 Light Vanilla. Bourjois foundations run very yellow, but it is a light shade as far as drugstore foundations go. I swatched it in pretty much every foundation review and I use it as a standard comparison, so it's easier to compare all the different foundations I've reviewed so far.

Find more comparisons in next posts: 

and there are actually more, check under About or Directory for links.

Staying power: Due to the light texture and a dewy finish, it's not the most long-lasting foundation. I don't really check in the mirror during the day and it depends on the day, but it last somewhere in the ballpark of 5, maybe up to 7-8 hours with a primer. The oilier your skin is, the faster it'll slide off.

Scent: It has a lovely fruity scent that I've loved from day one. Some will find it too strong, but I like fragranced stuff.

Ingredients: Someone once asked me if that alcohol content is apparent. Do not worry yourself with that alcohol, it's only on the 14th place. Usually it's only the first five ingredients after water that really matter, so those lychee, pomegranate and goji berry extracts are almost non-existent here - don't fall for the "vitamins-rich fruit therapy" claim on the bottle. 

Packaging: Plastic bottle with a handy pump. It's one of the best foundations for travelling because it's slim and the there is no fear the bottle will break. One of my bottles survived five hotels in as many days, three countries and a lot of travelling. 

Price and availability: Price is going up, which is making me very angry. You just kind of feel betrayed because it's like they are punishing loyal customers. It's currently about 15 €, but on occasions there are some discounts so it pays to wait.

So here it is, my good old trusted friend. We've been through a lot together and I still love it to bits. I wish they had more neutral shades and one that is lighter as well, but 51 is good enough for my skin. The coverage is on the light side, which I know a lot of people don't like, but I've never been a fan of obvious makeup, so I gravitate towards the most invisible bases, that still have coverage. Any of you fans of this foundation? 

Have a great day!

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  1. Reading about it makes me miss having this in my life again haha I have oily skin and eventhough it doesn't last very long, I love the finish of it. It also looks amazing on my mom's dry sking :)

    1. Really, you like it even though you have oily skin? I'm surprised to hear that, but at the same time happy to. My mom doesn't like it because she likes only full coverage foundations :D

  2. Jaz ponavadi njihove podlage oz. kar večino izdelkov kupujem, ko so v akciji. Se tudi meni zdi, da cene kar skoz nekam rastejo. What's up with that?
    Meni je HM serum tudi ful všeč, čeprav nazadnje sem namesto njega vzela HM foundation, ker je bil glih v akciji in mi je tudi super. :) Bom pa HM serum zagotovo še kupila, ko bo spet kaj znižan.

    1. Ej, res! Vsakič ko se ga namenim kupit me preseneti cena. Ok dvignili smo davek, but seriously, pretiravat pa ni treba. Tudi jaz ga kupujem samo takrat ko je akcija, tako da ga imam potem na zalogo.

      "Novega" navadnega HM sploh še nisem preizkusila, ampak prejšnji mi je bil všeč, samo ne tako kot ta :)

  3. IIII obsedena z HM in serumom in klasično verzijo, ki sem jo kupila že neštetokrat. Obe sta mi super, Sedaj pozimi bom nosila serum verzijo, najsvetlejšo, tako kot ti, ker mi je še za odtenek bolj vlažilna, kar je debest za mojo suho kožo. In ja priznam tudi sama kupujem ob akcijah. Drgače kar ima ceno. Eden mojih najboljših pudrov, ki mi res ustreza in naredi en tak fajn, svež, lep videz. A o odtenkih pa ne bi..ker me zaradi izbire, ki je takooooo velika, da jo lahko izbiram 3 ure kar boli kar srce:)

    1. Res je drag, ampak meni je near perfect :) CC krema mi je tudi briljantna, ker je zelo podobna, jim pa zamerim, da je najsvetlješi odtenek tako temen.

  4. You are point to the topic and well explained each points in a perfect way. I like the way you have written this article. Thank you so much for sharing...

  5. I think it looks sensational on your skin! Very natural, which is what I like.

    1. Thank you :) Yup, I like my bases natural looking, the only exception with a high level of coverage that I love is Nars Sheer Glow :)

  6. Fascinantno kako znamke dvigujejo cene za izdelek, formule pa nič ne upgradajo. Ne vem v čem je potem fora? Je pigment naenkrat postal dražji? ah... Drugače pa super ocena. Jaz imam sicer foundation in ne serum, ampak bi se strinjala s tvojo oceno. Jaz to podlago uporabljam pozimi, ko imam probleme s suho kožo, poleti pa je absolutno preveč mastna za mojo kožo, ki se kar rada masti v vroči dneh :).

    1. Tista 2% davka kar smo ga zvišali, ne opravičuje, da je puder zdaj kar skoraj 2 € dražji kot ko sem ga prvič kupila. Plače niso šle nič gor, naj se začnejo te malo dražje drugstore znamke začet obnašat. Samo na Essence se lahko še zaneseš, Catrice pa ima že par stvari, ki si ne zaslužijo take cene (na primer šminke-balmi v svinčniku).
      Meni je v redu tudi poleti, ampak vseeno raje uporabljam Infallible ker je bolj zanesljiv kar se maščenja tiče :)

  7. Izgleda super! Ampak nekako ne upam poskusit, več kot 6 let že uporabljam Garnier BB kremo, ker je edina, ki mi paše na kožo.. Kaj pa vem, mogoče pa bo treba poskusit ;) xo

    Visit me:

  8. Super je videt! *_* Ful bi ga rada sprovala, ampak imam mešano kožo in nočem, da se moj obraz sveti kot novoletna jelka. :D Mi pa njihova CC krema odlično ustreza, ker lepo ublaži sijaj od kreme za obraz.

  9. This foundation is on my wishlist and I love dewy foundations and am a dry skin girl so I know this will work for me. I have read many good reviews regarding it and love the fact that it looks so natural on skin.

    Chaste & Beautiful
