Catrice Eye'Matic Eyepowder Pen 050 Al Cappuccino

torek, december 01, 2015

I'm always up for eyeshadows that are easy and quick to apply. I have a few cream ones, but I've never tried a powder one in such a form. Catrice released a collection of stick powder eyeshadows, with the colour/product in the lid and a sponge applicator. A majority of the shades are light and act more as a sheer shimmery wash, while Al Cappucino is already packing a bit more of a punch. These take seconds to apply and you can easily blend them with fingers if you wish, so I find these perfect to throw in the bag for either "beauty emergencies" or if you're simply not a morning person and you end up quickly slapping on makeup in your workplace/school. It actually came handy a lot in these months since I got it. 

The shade I got is called Al Cappuccino and it's a shimmery taupe-brown shade that is a browner version of L'Oreal's Infallible in Tender Caramel, though on the lids the look very similar. It's a simple neutral colour that isn't too much and but it gives a bit more definition to the eyes as well as a touch of a sheen. As I said before the actually product is in the lid and it has a spring in it, so the applicator is squished in the cap thus ensuring that it get a new coat of product every time.

The colour transfers well to the lids, at least most of the times. Sometimes you need to shake the product or open and close it again to get the colour on the applicator, but strangely it doesn't annoy me that much. It sticks on well, so there is not much of the shimmer falling down and landing on your cheeks, which is surprisingly considering this is a loose product.  For a more intense look I like to apply it over a cream eyeshadow (Kiko's stick one that are also super easy to apply and blend). The sponge is a big version of those that are added to cheap palettes and I actually like it because it also helps you blend the product around the edges. The pen is very sleek and travel friendly, plus the top of the cap is in the colour of the eyeshadow inside.

Staying power is ok, but this does crease on me after several hours if I don't use a base. 

I didn't expect to like this as much as I do. First impressions based on the press release was that this is certainly just a gimmicky product, but it is lazy girl's best friend. It's easy and quick to use and the colour is everyday appropriate. 

I got mine in Müller for 4.29 €.

Have a great day!

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  1. I like it quite a lot. However, I don't understand why it isn't a bit more thin and brush-like if the powder is in the lid. It's kind of bulky and not really economical this way, but I'd like to try this :) thank you for sharing xx

    1. Maybe they were trying to get as much colour out at the time? It actually works quite well, despite the odd design and it doesn't end up being too big (I have small eyes). It's not an essential product, but it's excellent for on the go or for those who are lazy when it comes to eye makeup, like me :)

  2. Že zelo dolgo nazaj je imel Avon isti sistem, samo da je na drugi strani bil še svinčnik za oči. Se mi je že takrat zdelo zelo priročno. Takšne izdelke imam najraje za na pot oziroma ko nisem doma, ker so majhni in imajo hiter efekt. A si imela to zadnjič na očeh? :)

    1. Mislim, da se jih celo spomnim :). L'Oreal ima tudi nekaj podobnega, samo ni pri nas. Ja, to sem imela pa spodaj od Kika stick 06. Sem morala bit že ob 7h zrihtana, drugače bi se bolj potrudila :D

  3. I'm doing this all wrong, sem skozi celotno objavo razmišljala samo o tem, da moram Tender Caramel zopet začet uporabljat :D

    1. :D Jaz jo kar pogosto uporabljam, ker je tako easy za nanest :)

  4. Sounds nice and the packaging is looks very workable!

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. A true product for on the go :) I like it also because it's not at all messy :)

  5. Meni se zdi, da je bil tale 'svinčnik' narejen prav zame, hehe. (Lazy girl represent!) Ga bom prav morala it prečekirat! :)

    1. I feel you :D Meni se zjutraj praktično nikoli ne da ubadat z zakompliciranimi mejkapi :)
