Essence Winter Wonderful! TE

sreda, december 16, 2015

Not surprisingly Essence released a winter inspired edition. They do it every year and they tend to pass me by. The only item that was of any interest to me in this one is the hand cream and even that because of the snow flake design, though I have to admit that some of those nail polishes and the topper do look rather good. Unfortunately I found myself standing in front of a completely empty stand in Müller. That never happens where I live, I guess it must be a super popular collection, but I don't think this has reached DM's and other shops, so there should be more coming. I got sent four products to swatch for the other blog I write on. They haven't posted my review yet, but I like to work fast when it comes to LEs, since these things tend to run out fast.

ESSENCE Winter Wonderful! TE Blush
01 Winter Kissed Cheeks
There is only one blush in this collection and it's a mix of warm pink-coral, peach and kind of a golden tone. To be fair the other two colours don't really matter much as the pink-coral star provides most pigmentation. If you focus your brush on that star you get a very decent amount of pigment, though it might take you some layers to get a nice flush. Use a denser brush if you have a feeling it's just not happening with this blush, but I got it to look pretty intense on my cheeks. It's a pretty classic colour - a warm pink with a matte finish. The design is adorable, snowflakes inside stars - Essence knows how to impress when it comes to these things. Unfortunately I almost ruined the design already when making the swatches (*sobs quietly*), though just using a brush shouldn't ruin it straight away.
It costs 3.29 € on Click2Chic. It's probably a similar price elsewhere.

ESSENCE Winter Wonderful! TE Highlighter
01 You Melt My Heart

 I was worried how I'll swatch this since it does not look like a highlighter in the pan. However, it's not too subtle, which I hope you can see on my picture with the blush. It's a mix of light pink, lavender and peach, but it swatches basically white, not even shimmery, instead almost like a powder, though on the cheeks it gives that cool toned pink glow. It's not a Mary-Lou Manizer glow, but pretty decent. I used a Jessup eyeshadow brush which is dense, but quite big, so I got the most out of this highlighter, but I also used a big fluffy brush to dust it all over the face as a finishing powder and it works without being to shimmery, just a bit glowy. 
It costs 3.29 € on Click2Chic

ESSENCE Winter Wonderful! TE Tint & Oil  for lips
01 If Kisses were Snow Flakes… and 02 …I'd Send you a Blizzard

Lip oils are having a sort of a moment and at Essence they are always quick to follow the trends, so here is their version. Well sort of. These are actually just clear moisturising lip glosses that react with your skin's pH levels and tint the lips, or better said stain them. I've tried Clarins' oil for lips and it's miles better, really something different and innovative, but these Essence ones aren't different to me than their regular lip glosses (their old discontinued Stay All Day ones I mean, which were my favourite budget ones). They are moisturising, but no different than any other lip gloss. As I said these react to the pH levels creating a unique lip colour and they go on clear, but very quickly start to change. On my lips both of these turn into a sort of a fuchsia shade as do all such products and once the shine wears off the stain sticks. 01 clearly has less of that ingredient that reacts with the pH, so it ends up lighter than 02. These could end up looking completely different on you than on me, both in terms of tone and intensity. 

01 If Kisses were Snow Flakes… 

02 …I'd Send you a Blizzard

If you apply these on the back of your hand and wait for a few minutes, you'll see how it tints the skin and when you wipe off the gloss, the skin stays stained and it's difficult to get them off. The lips stay stained after the shine wears off or even if you blot/remove the gloss. Barry M's Touch of Magic lipstick works the same, but more intensely. The packaging is metal which makes them look a lot more expensive than they are. I notice not particular scent though I hear they are supposed to smell sweet, but I get only some faint chemical scent.
These cost 3.29 €.  

A pretty collection to look at, there are very cute designs and the quality is typically Essence - ok for the money. The blush is cute, the highlighter glows well enough on the cheeks and the experimented with the tints or at least tried to, but they need some more work to be the real deal. I guess calling them colour changing lip gloss was just too mainstream.   

Did you get anything from this collection?

Have a great day!

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  1. V DM že imajo to LE kolekcijo, sem jo ravno danes zagledala :) Nisem pa vzela nič, ker mi nekako ne potegne...razen kreme za roke :) sem pa prejšnjič vzela celo LE Merry Berry :)

    1. Super, potem sem ravno pravi čas objavila :) Mene te TE na splošno ne pritegnejo, ampak Merry Berry je bila pa božanska :)

  2. Jaz sem ful držala pesti, da bi bil tale Tint & Oil vsaj približek Clarinsovega rozastega, ampak žal je res daleč od tega. Pa še smrdi mi. :/ Rdečilo bom pa morda še vseeno vzela, če ga najdem.

    1. Niti približno ni to ista stvar kot od Clarinsa. Saj je kul, ampak še vedno samo navadni glos. Upam, da ga še kje najdeš :)

  3. Uau, res super izdelki :)

    1. Kjut za pogledat, kar se kvalitete tiče pa nič izjemnega :)

  4. I'm actually really interested in that highlighter! Reminds me of Lightscapade. I hope this LE comes to The Netherlands! ^.^

    1. It's probably less shimmery, but the tone looks similar :) It should be sold there as well :)

  5. mene je pa ta kolekcija kar navdušila sploh s krasnim dizajnom. Sem si privoščila balzam za roke, osvetljevalec, rdečilo, obe olji za ustnice, seveda gumice ko so pa ble tak luštne, ravno danes sem pa še naletela na polno stojalo v dm-u kjer sem vseeno vzela še paletko senčil!
    Olja so mi ful všeč, pa tudi balzam za roke. Ostalega pa še nisem preizkusila, drugače pa krasna objava s čudovitimi fotkami ! <3

    1. Cele mi sploh še ni uspelo videt v živo. Gumice so tudi meni lušne kokr mi jih je uspelo videt preko neta, samo ne vem če bi jih nosila :D
      Hvala <3

  6. That blush and highlighter are too pretty with that little starry pattern :-D

  7. The lip products indeed look more expensive than they really are. Looks legit :D

    Korean Lip Tint

  8. Paletke senčil NE potrebuješ,ker je luštna navzven,notranjost pa ni nek presežek,:):), oljček je pa kr zanimiv in dejansko mi je čisto fajn nosljiv:)

    1. Sploh mi ni padla v oči. Essence senčila že na splošno spregledam. Olje je ok, ampak ni presežek. Za ljubiteljice lip glossov bo kul :)

  9. Vse na tebi izgleda luškano. :) Ni zame, ker je preveč roza. Sem preizkušala olji, pa sta bili na moji roki obe zelo roza. Imam pa zdaj tisto iz Essence Love Joy Care kolekcije. Ni slabo, pa tudi ni nek presežek. Dizajni so pa itak super pretty kot vedno :).

    1. Hvala <3 Pa sploh ne nosim dosti roza, sploh hladne, ker mi je potem vse preveč punčkasto. Ta olja se lahko zelo temno obarvajo, npr Barry M Touch of Magic šminka na meni izgleda zelo živa fuksija. Essence Love Joy je še ena kolekcija, ki jo nameravam mirno spregledat :D

  10. The collection is too cute to ignore but the quality does not sound very great!

    Chaste & Beautiful
