Jordana Matte Lipsticks

sreda, december 09, 2015

Jordana is a new brand to me, though I've heard about it before, at least about their Best Lash mascara (which I have and find impressive for a regular formula),  I didn't know they have matte lipsticks that are so highly rated on Makeup Alley as well. I've got four shades that a bit of everything, but they have quite a large selection of shades, so these are great also if you want to experiment with colours as they are really affordable.

Texture: These are thick, but still creamy enough for an even application. They remind me of some Mac lipsticks, to be more precise their Please Me and Lady Danger which is are both Matte finish. The colour is fully opaque and have that classic lipstick matte finish, which isn't as matte as lip creams, but still a bit on the creamy side upon application. I don't think I've ever tried a more impressive matte lipstick for such an affordable price. Essence has nothing on these, while Catrice's are already as impressive, but cost a bit more. I don't find these actively drying, but they are not moisturising, however, on my lips this does not present itself as a problem. I find these comfortable on the lips and as far as I read reviews on Makeup Alley, an overwhelming majority feels the same way, but as I always say it also depends on in what condition are your lips.

Colour: These come in tons of shades and I picked four that I thought might be more interesting to you. I got the good old classic red called 10 Red, something for nude lovers - 28 Natural, a light pink 48 Pink Passion which I got to compare with Please Me by Mac and the wild card in this selection 60 Plum Obsession because I suspected it may be a pretty popular colour. 

10 Red

I wanted a good selection of red shades that would be useful for future posts and this was my choice for a warm red. It's a bright orange based red that isn't as punchy as Mac's Lady Danger, so it's a lot easier to wear. I chose Matte Style from the Modern Mattes for a cool toned red and I wear it more often because I think it suits me a bit better, but if you have a warm skin tone, this one will look amazing on you.  

 28 Natural

Natural was my choice for a warm nude. It's a peachy nude that is very easy to wear and is appropriate for almost any occasion. Such shades differ the most on different skin tones, so keep  that in mind. If you're not as pale as me, this will look more nude on you.

 48 Pink Passion

I picked this shade because I heard it's close to Mac's Please Me and because it's such a standard everyday colour. It's a warm light pink that is indeed similar to Please Me, but it's a bit less vibrant. In terms of formula and finish they are very similar as well.

 60 Plum Obsession

This is a shade that I wouldn't pick up if I were in a shop, but I chose it deliberately because it looked like it might be interesting to you. And you know what, I ended up really liking it. It's a cool toned fuchsia-violet/orchid shade, a fun and bright colour that might appeal to fan of lipsticks like Flat Out Fabulous by Mac. 

Staying Power: is comparable to Mac's matte formula, so really good, though it depends on the intensity of the shade. Darker ones obviously last longer than the paler ones.

Scent: The intensity of the scent varies from shade to shade, but they all have a fruity vanilla scent.

Packaging: the only thing that isn't impressive at these lipsticks. The packaging is seriously cheap. When I was in my very early teens I got those cheap lipsticks from our version of a dollar shop (199 SIT če se kdo spomni) and the packaging of those was exactly the same as these. It's very fragile, so don't plan on carrying these in your bags. However, it's the product inside that matters and that one wins hand down. I'd rather have a cheap packaging and a great product inside than vice versa. The shape of the lipsticks is different at every shade, which means you might have a problem creating a nice shape, but at matte lipsticks I always like to use a lip liner anyway. 

Price and availability: Mine are from Click2Chic where they cost 2.60 € (I got them to swatch for their website). I hear you can get them for a dollar in the US in some shops, but I don't know their regular price. Europeans can get it on the official Jordana Cosmetic EU site where they cost 1.96 € (but the shipping is crazy expensive at 7.74 €). By the way, I was told that Jordana is a sister brand to Milani.

If I overlook the cheap packaging, which is forgiveable considering the price, these are some of the best budget lipsticks I tried and the cheapest most impressive ones. The formula is outstanding, I really wish Essence would take the page out of their book and attempt to do something similar. I think Milani's one are even better, at least in terms of finish, while the formula is very similar, but in general this is a company that knows how to make a good matte lipstick for an affordable price. The selection of shades is also impressive which is just another plus. These don't have such a high rating on Makeup Alley for nothing.

Have a great day!

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  1. Pinky je najboljša (zadnja!). <3

    Ja pakiranje je res tipično "čip", ampak pigmentacija izgleda odlična!

  2. OMG, those Jordana lipsticks looks soo awesome in you! Here in Chile are very affordable, is one of the cheapest brands in Make Up and quite undervalued by its price, but as you know, the quality is pretty amazing :D

    1. Thank you :) We just got the in Europe this year and they are also super affordable. I'm very impressed with these, especially considering the price :)

  3. 60 mi že izgleda kot Flat out Fabulous *danger zone* :D Čudovite, sploh svetlo roza mi je všeč.

    1. Sem gledala swatche kjer ju primerjajo, pa se razlikujeta. Pink Passion je taka klasika za vsak dan :)

  4. Juj so lepe, meni je najbolj všeč svetlo roza in tale čisto zadnja in potem vidim to ceno, ki je res čisto poceni,OMG ok ta mesec mogoče res ne ampak januarja pa bi res imela eno, vsaj svetlo:), embalaža me pa čist nič ne moti, tudi če je bolj uboga, če je šminka pokvaliteti fajn in ja Essence bi selahko vrgu ponjih:):), čeprav tele božične šminkice iz berry kolekcije pa imam in so mi res ful fajn, ful bolše od vseh ostalih essence šmink al pa samo na meni tele precej dlje zdržijo in so res fajn pigmentirane in super nanos imajo. Hvala za krasen review, mene si kupila:)p.s prelepa sina slikicah;)

    1. Sploh nisem vedela prej cene Jordane preden smo jih dobili še tukaj in se začela malo bolj raziskovat, ampak so res ugodne. Pri meni bodo zaradi embalaže nekje na varnem, da se mi kaj ne polomi, morajo ostali lepe za slikat :D

      Ja, Essence je imel res dobre šminke za božično kolekcijo, ne vem zakaj trmarijo in ostajajo pri njihovi "lame" formuli Longlasting šmink. Če že znajo naredit dobre šminke, zakaj jih šparajo samo za TE?

      Hvala <3

    2. Ja bolše, da jih skriješ nekam na varno:), na slikicah morajo bit lepe, pa če hočejo ali ne:):):), ja Essence se pa špara, pa ne bi rabli nas uboge duše v SLO ko itak nič nimamo, se nas lahka usmilijo:):):)

  5. Ko sem videla prvo sliko sem najprej pomislila, da je to pa zelo cheap packaging in sem očitno dobro ocenila :). Saj to res ni na koncu pomembno, bolj sama kvaliteta izdelka. Vsi odtenki izgledajo super na tebi, tudi prvi, ker res zelo izstopa na tvoji polti :). V bistvu so mi vsi odtenki lepi, razen roza bi preskočila. Ko sva bili v LJ na pijači, sem v Golden Rose kupila eno šminko, ki mi je tudi zelo všeč in je embalaža prav tako bolj cheap. It don't matter. Mat sem se izognila, ker imam že en teden tako suhe ustnice, da jih ne moram spraviti v normalo.

    1. Yup, tista tipična cheap embalaža šmink, ki so na blagajni v kitajskih trgovinah. Ampak to res ni tako pomembno, meni je bolj šokantno, da za tako malo denarja delajo tako dobro formulo. Kako je lahko Macova šminka potem toliko dražja, pa mi je ista na ustnicah?
      Golden Rose imam namen še raziskat. Slišim pohvale na njihove stvari, pa me zanima. Me ne bo motila cheap embalaža, ampak pod pogojem, da so spodobne cene :)

    2. MAC si lahko računa samo še za njihovo shiny shimmery boljšo plastiko embalaže. Itak so te dražji izdelki vedno precenjeni. Kot sem nekje videla kremo za obraz, ki stane 300 eur. Kaj zdrobljeni diamnti so not? Ne more biti sestavine, ki bi dvignila ceno izdelka na to raven. To je samo marža in blagovna znamka. Nekje bi morala bit meja. Jaz zdaj tudi še preizkušam. Sicer mi je njihova šminka všeč, lake pa še moram dobro sprobat. Čeprav cene lakov so prav smešne, pa šminke tudi po 3€. :)

    3. Hvala še za en super prispevek. Zelo izčrpno in s primerjavami. Sicer jaz nisem mogla čakati na tvojo objavo in sem (zaradi res nizke cene) že prej naročila 4 iz te linije in 2 modern matte. Zadnje so za pikič kvalitetnejše, kar se teksture tiče, vendar se tudi nad temi ne pritožujem. Imam pa tudi 4 Golden Rose matte svinčnike in so mi tudi božanski - boljši od Maybelline svinčnikov Colorama in za čist eno malenkost manj vlažilni, kot Revolonovi matte balmi.

    4. Meni se zdijo zelo podobne po kvaliteti, skratka oboje so mi všeč :) Tukaj malo kasneje objavljam kot na drugem blogu, mi ne uspe sledit še z angleškimi verzijami, ampak upam, da jih večina vidi swatche že tam.

      O krasno, ravno ti Golden Rose svinčniki me zanimajo, bi si vzela kakšen odtenek :). Hvala za priporočilo in mini review, jih bom šla pogledat :)

  6. Zadnja pa je čisto moj odtenek. <3

  7. Red and natural are beautiful shades. I'm definitely going to pick them up soon and I loved your detailed review!

    Chaste & Beautiful

  8. I have Plum Obsession, and love it(if there's such a thing as a "wearable" magenta, this is IT!), and just ordered Red 10.
    I'm a major fan of Jordana/Milani; their products are cruelty-free, high-quality, readily available, and inexpensive.
    The packaging is indeed quite low-end, but who really cares?

    1. Both Jordana and Milani always impress me with the quality of their stuff :). I don't even mind the packaging here much.
