TheBalm Autobalm California Face Palette

sobota, december 26, 2015

When it comes to theBalm, their packaging is either a win or a total fail to me. This one is such a winner in my book. I think that the driving license design is really clever, especially for a palette that is meant to be above all travel friendly. I  think these were released last year, but I'm unsure whether they are LE or permanent, however, they are certainly sold here in Slovenia as well as on Feel Unique. I already put this in my November favourites, which proves how much it appealed to me. My version is the California licence and the other version is a Hawaii one.

There are four powder products inside the palette: 
• A matte bright peachy-pink blush/shadow
• A champagne highlight/shadow
• A medium matte brown eyeshadow and brow powder
• A deep reddish brown with shimmer that works as an eyeshadow and eyeliner.

It's a basic collection of shades, but definitely ones I wear a lot. These are the colours I use for a simple everyday makeup and I was using different products in bulkier packaging, however, here I have them in a small travel friendly compact, which makes it a lot easier.

The blush is one of those peachy-pink brightening shades that makes your skin look more healthy. It's matte which was a good decision considering they added a highlighter already. I own two other blushes from theBalm, Hot Mama and Frat Boy, and I have to say this isn't quite that same awesome quality, though still nice, it just takes a bit more effort to blend, otherwise it's a nicely pigmented, lovely blush. It's a bit small for proper blush brushes and I think this may be the reason why I feel it could blend a bit better. It's similar to Frat Boy, but less pink and deeper.  

TheBalms eyeshadows are amazing, probably the best I tried so far (or it's tied with Urban Decay's and L'Oreal's L'Ombre Pures) and these inside this palette are no exceptions. They are super smooth, pigmented and blend so nicely
The highlighter shade isn't as strong as for example their Mary-Lou, but this still packs a punch and looks super pretty both as highlighter and as eyeshadow. Compared to Stand-Offish from the Nude'Tude Palette it's a bit pinker. 
The eyeshadow/brow shade is a matte medium neutral brown and another great matte eyeshadow by theBalm. Compared to Sultry from Nude'Tude it's a bit lighter. I do wish it were a bit cooler, especially considering it's a brow product.
The last shade is the deepest  and similar to Nude'Tudes Silly, which is not the best quality and though this one also isn't as opaque as their other similar shades, it performs much better than Silly and works for deepening the outer corners.

The packaging is cardboard as most of theBalm palettes and it contains a mirror. As I said it the intro, it's designed to look like a driving licence and around the mirror there is a map design as well, which appeals the geographer side of me.

It costs about 19 € in Müller. It's not the cheapest, but it is very versatile and very travel friendly. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Blush mi je zelo všeč...sicer si pa nebi kupila, ker bi rabila samo blush :D

    1. Dosti je podoben Frat Boy blushu. Mislim, da na licih se verjetno sploh ne vidi kakšna večja razlika med njima :)

  2. The colors look beautiful, definitely my kind of shades.

    1. They are pretty classic :) Just what I like to wear too :)

  3. Čudovit odtenek blusha in crease senčila. Mogoče si bom pa kupila tole paletko, da stestiram kako se odtenki na meni obnesejo in ker nimam še nič od znamke. Se mi zdi da je priročna in krasna za vse nas, ki se nam zdijo izdelki malo dražji in lahko sami preizkusimo če kvaliteta res upraviči ceno

    1. Všeč mi je, da so jo v njo spravili samo res uporabne odtenke :) theBalm mi je res zelo dobra znamka, sploh kar se tiče teh powder products. Do zdaj mi je bilo vse zelo primerne kakovosti za svojo ceno, edino maskara me res ni prepričala.

  4. Luškan dizajn in lepi odtenki. Imaš res dobro osnovo za potovanja. Vse ti tako čudovito paše, sploh rdečilo <3 :) Svetlejša rjava mi je všeč, ker je ravno dovolj topel odtenek in super pigmentiran. Za oči seveda, verjetno bi bila zdaj za moje obrvi pretopla.

    1. Dizajn mi je tako adorable :) Pa res so izbrali samo dobre barve za v to paletko, Hawaii mi je kar nekaj. Hvala <3 Za moje obrvi bi bil tale odtenek precej pretopel pa tudi malo presvetel, čeprav jaz za obrvi itak ne uporabljam ničesar. Za oči mi je pa krasno senčilo :)
