Golden Rose Matte Lipstick Crayon 02, 03 and 05

sreda, januar 20, 2016

From what I was told about Golden Rose when I asked about what's worth checking out, I gathered that their lip products are the bomb. I was particularly recommended to try their matte lip products, so their Velvet Matte lipsticks and these Matte Crayons. I said in my New in that I got a few e-mails and messages from readers and friends about really dark, plumy shades and I wanted to find really affordable options, not just that I could share my finds with them, but of course also for me as I didn't have a proper really dark vampy shade. I picked up two of the darkest shades, 02 and 03, later I also got 05 to swatch as a loan from my cousin, who bought it not knowing the brand.

Texture: These are very creamy for matte pencils and are similar to Maybelline's Color Drama. There is no annoying dragging with these, they glide on the lips just nicely. The formula is actually a bit creamier than their Velvet Matte lipsticks, which is perhaps a bit unexpected. Even though they are in a pen form, I didn't get that precise, crisp edge with these. At most shades that would be unimportant, but when it comes to dark shades you'd want the nicest possible application, so pick up a lip liner for these. They are nicely pigmented, but you might need an additional layer to get a full impact of colour. The finish is quite a decent matte, but still has a bit of the creamy shine. These do transfer.


02 is a deep burgundy red that is very similar to Mac's Diva, but a bit more cool, so if you ever looked for a cheaper alternative here you have it. Shade 23 from the Velvet Matte range is basically the same. 


03 is a deep plum with some brown tones. I must admit it was not love at first sight, as anything purple or brown tends to look awful on me, but I gave it a shot since I have nothing similar and it's deeper than 02. It's not my favourite on the lips. I feel it lacks some vibrancy and red tones. Shade 29 from the Velvet Matte is its equivalent. 


The last shade, 05, is a classic burgundy colour that is a shade lighter than 02, but closer to a true red than that one. 

Staying power: I can't say these are the most long lasting lip products, especially considering how dark the shades are that I picked, but it's still very decent and these will last hours one the lips. They can also survive drinking, but at eating the edges are the first to go. If your lips tend to get dry during the day, you may find these drying, though they aren't actively drying, it's just the the formula isn't providing any additional moisture or care.

Scent: I notice no scent. 

Packaging: These need to be sharpened. It's good because you'll get more precision, but bad because it's one of those annoying chores and you lose some of the product each time. However, I've used these several times so far and haven't sharpened them once. Ingredients here.  

Price and availability: These cost an affordable 3.90 € (price in Slovenia) in Golden Rose shops/stalls.

For the price these are pretty good. The texture is nicely creamy, pigmentation is good and they last decently on the lips. If you're looking for cheap vampy shades, now you know where to check, but they also have a nice selection of more natural looking colours. I don't quite get why so many shades are the same as in their Velvet Matte range, but at least you have an option of choosing between the two. 

By the way, Jasmina from Makeup Arena swatched most of these here and a comparison with shades from the Velvet Matte range is here.

Have a great day!

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  1. Vau, vsi trije odtenki so mi všeč. Sem si jih ogledovala decembra, ko sem bila v Ljubljani, ampak sem se na koncu odločila samo za mat šminke. Si jih bom pa dala na listo za drugič, ko spet obiščem Golden Rose. :)

    1. Meni je pa žal da nisem še kakšne šminke vzela, ker so mi malo boljše od teh svinčnikov :) Itak so odtenki praktično enaki, tako da lahko izbiraš kakšno verzijo hočeš :)

  2. Tudi jaz mam 02 in sem zelo zadovoljna :) so pa moje izkušnje malo boljše, meni res zdrži cel dan, tudi če jem (ok, malo popravljanja, ampak res minimum), pa še čisto se mi posuši na ustnicah in je popolnoma matt, kar tut podaljša obstojnost :) meni se tudi ne prenaša na kozarec, pa res dosti pijem :) je pa to verjetno posledica mojega nanosa, saj vedno po prvem nanosu potapkam robček na ustnice in potem nanesem še 1x :) je definitivno najboljša šminka, ki jo imam trenutno :)

    1. Pri meni je proti koncu dneva že bolj kot zelo intenziven stain, ampak lepo enakomeren :) Šminke so mi vseeno boljše, ker so bolj mat in na splošno mi je formula malo bolj všeč :)

  3. I have 04, 05 and 08 :) These are some of my favourite lip products :)

    1. I loove the look of 08 from what I can see on swatches :) These are pretty good, yeah, but I have to say I'm more into Milani's Mattes than these :)

  4. Hello, Mateja, very good picures :) Are they all making with samsung galaxy s5?!? They are so ... clear. I have galaxy S5 too, but mine are not so clear. :)

    1. Thank you :) Yes, I use Galaxy S5 for all my blog pictures :) I suggest you switch to a more dynamic background than white paper because it's making it too blue (I had the same problem). I find it's best if you add something pink that warms up the pictures. Also editing is very important, at least brightening the pictures and maybe adding a colour balancing layer with more red and yellow tones :)

  5. Zelo so mi všeč odtenki in še matte so <3 I need it! Super ti pristajajo! xx

  6. 2 in 5 sta odlična in oba ti ekstremno pašeta :) <3 03 pa mi ni všeč. Preveč hladen in sivkast odtenek. Golden Rose ima očitno res kar solidne izdelke. Njihovi laki so mi zelo všeč. Lepo obstojni. Šminko imam samo eno in ne mat. Moram zagotovo še prit kaj v LJ po kakšen njihov izdelek :).

    1. Hvala <3 Meni 03 sploh ni všeč. V živo izgleda tako čuden, preveč rjavkasto vijola, ampak brez življenja. Moral bi biti bolj kot npr. Transylvania od NYX. Vse mi je všeč kar sem kupila od njih, samo kremno senčilo mi ni izjemne kvalitete, ampak kot podlaga je pa čisto kul :)

  7. Good to hear you don't need to sharpen them often, that's good. These particular shades don't suit me though.

  8. Jaz imam 01 odtenek in mi je zelo všeč, morem definitivno sprobat še šminke in ta 02 odtenek kupit, sem ga že na Juliji občudovala :D
    Škoda, ker imajo tako tečno svetlobo, sem swatchala šminke, pa mi nobena pod tistimi lučmi ni bila všeč :)

    1. No ja odtenek 10 pa res, ne 01 hahaha

    2. Sem gledala v Cityparku, tako da je bila kar v redu svetloba :) 10 mi je tudi krasen :)

  9. Ooh! I was looking for something like Diva, but not as dark or purple. 05 Looks perfect :o And thanks for listing the ingredients (or taking the picture of it), a lot of bloggers tend to overlook that :) The comparisons are very helpful too! Great review ^.^

  10. All the 3 shades are insanely pigmented. These must leave behind a nice tint when it starts to fade.

    1. They do leave a nice stain when they are wearing off :)
