Maybelline Color Sensational Matte Lipstick Divine Wine

nedelja, januar 03, 2016

Even though a miracle happened and these are finally sold in Slovenia (don't get two excited, it's only four shades), I haven't seen this shade here yet. I ordered Divine Wine online a little bit before I saw these in our shops and I got this because I was curious what the formula is like. Several of you readers recommended me to try these, since my love for matte finishes is well known and I picked Divine Wine, because this was the only shade that really appealed to me from the choices I had available, but also because I just really love such deep shades

Shade: Divine Wine is actually very similar to Mac's Diva. Both are very deep reds with a slight brown undertone (Laetitia has a purple-berry one), though this one is more brown. It's a very dark shade, not in an almost black way, but definitely a great choice for the almost obligatory autumnal vampy shade. 

Formula: Everyone was telling me how amazing these are. The formula is nice, actually really nice, but as far I'm concerned, this is not a proper matte lipstick. It's a very creamy lipstick and it glides on the lips with ease as it has quite a slippery texture, so the finish isn't matte, but creamy-satin. Despite being a creamier dark shade, it doesn't bleed over the line, however, it does obviously transfers when touched. These will appeal to those who are not fans of proper matte lipsticks, but prefer a much more comfortable, creamy version, though don't expect that "Instagram/Pinterest matte finish". I don't find it drying, but I can't really assess if it might be drying for some people, as my lips so rarely get dry. Still, this could be the safest best when you're searching for a matte lipstick and your lips tend to get dry a lot. 

Staying power: It's a deep, richly pigmented matte lipstick, so obviously the staying power is really good. It'll survive drinking and eating well enough, but it'll start slowly fading after a few hours.

Packaging: A classic Maybelline's square tube, but with a matte green-grey lid. I just feel that Maybelline's need to let these go. It's time for something new, fresh and less cheap looking. 

Price and availability: I got mine on Look Fantastic for €9.85. As I said, it's not sold here is Slovenia because that would just be insanity to offer a full range of lipsticks and other popular makeup by Maybelline #sarcasmon. 

I get why these are so popular. Their creamy matte texture is very comfortable to wear and formula is in general excellent. I wish they were a bit more matte, but then people would probably find them too drying, so it's great they went this way instead. You will like Maybelline's more if you think Laetitia is too matte for you, but I like the real deal. By the way, I actually already bought one of these in March as a birthday gift, shade Touch of Spice, which I was allowed to swatch and you can find picture of it here and here. These are worth checking out as they are great quality lipsticks and I wish we had a larger selection of shades here. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Predivna je nijansa! <3 nažalost, kod nas nije dostupna. Ali inače obožavam ovu liniju ruževa. :)

    1. Pri nas je tudi ni :( Dobro da imamo internet :)

  2. I have Divine Wine and I love it. Such a pretty winter and fall shade.

    Annie | DrugstoreDreamer

  3. very pretty shade for you!

  4. I already have Diva and prefer a matte-matte (the Instagram/Pinterest-matte is a good term! I'm gonna start using it!), so it's not for me. But hot dang, wow, this colour is such a good shade on you! (I feel like a broken record as I always comment that, but you look good in a lot of things I guess, haha :P). It makes your eyes pop!

    1. I also much prefer a proper matte finish :) I still think Bourjois Velvet Grand Cru is the best real matte, but it's such a difficult shade to work with.
      Thank you <3 <3

  5. Lep odtenek. mislim da bi ga z veseljem veliko nosila, samo nikakor nisem navdušena nad formulami, ki pravijo da so mat, čeprav niso... :) Super ti paše odtenek! :)

    1. Če že pravijo da je mat, naj bo mat, a ne :) Čeprav formula teh je krasna. Hvala <3

  6. Sexy! Deep reds look great on you. I don't often wear shades like this myself though.

    1. Thank you :) Yeah, I noticed you prefer more nude shades.

  7. This is a very bold deep shade. Looks amazing on you.

  8. Čudovita barva in meni osebno je tale finish ljubši kot popolnoma mat, ravno zato, ker so moje ustnice neprestano izsušene.
    Pa odtenek je kot narejen zate

  9. Sem jih že neki časa gledala v dm-u in so mi ble vsi 4-je odtenki, kolkrjih pačje:) bli lepi, sploh tista dva rožnata, paše prodajalka ga jenosila, pa semjokar napadlana blagajni, če nosi to šminko. Sem pa kokr sem jo probala bila zelo vsaj jaz navdušena, ker mi je bla res všeč kremna formula, tudi to da ima mat učinek in sempri nas potem hotela vzet temnejši rožnat odtenek, pa ga je zmanjkalo. Zj paniti nisem več gledala za njim, čeprav smo se s Saro pogovarjale, da se jo splača imet:). Tako,da letos zagotovo enkrat.Bom pa še v Avstriji pogledala za odtenki, dvomim, da majo samo 4-i:). P.s, če boš kj rabla js imam precej bližje do avstrije in sem v urci gor, tako, da če želiš v prihodnje kdaj kj kokretnega iz svojih wish list, samo javi:)

    1. So kar lepi odtenki, ti ki jih imamo na voljo, ampak zakaj sta 2 zelo podobna roza pa 2 klasične rdeče? Naj bodo vsaj 4 drugačni, npr. A Touch of Spice, Divine wine, Siren in Scarlet in Faint for Fuschia. Pa Darling in Nude bi bila zihr zelo popularna. Problem je ker pri nas imamo najmanjša možna stojala in sploh ni prostora. Če greš v Avstrijo so taka kot od Essence. Šminke so dobre in se jih splača preizkusit :)
      Hvala za ponudbo, mogoče pa te kaj pocukam za rokav :)

    2. Pri nas je kot, da stojal sploh ni:):):)Sej, ko pa grem sam do Avstrije, pa me scre boli ko vidiš kaj vse imajo:):),ampak ok, bomo pa sosedom mal prometa nardili. Drgače pa, ko bom šla gor, grem v kratkem,ti pa javim in če boš kj želela ti z veseljem prinesem in ti potem pošljem po pošti:).

    3. Čisto res :) Če bi imeli stojalo ali ne. Mislim, da že dolgo nisem kupila nič od Maybelline v naših drogerijah.
      Ok :)

  10. Hi, could you please tell me what does this lipstick look like compared to Bourjois Grand Cru? I've seen you reviewed it too, and the pictures look like grand cru is a colder shade. But how would you compare them two? Thank you)

    1. My Grand Cru is in really bad shape because it's old, so I can't get an opaque swatch, but it's a more true red than Divine Wine. The later is more brown and a bit more muted, so yes Grand Cru is a cooler shade. The first will give you a proper matte finish and fantastic staying power, however it's an absolute pain to apply evenly and you need to do a lot of coats of products, plus make sure they really dry otherwise you just shift the product. Divine wine is an opaque creamy lipstick with a slightly shiny finish that tends to transfer, but it's very comfortable on the lips. I'd pick Divine Wine if I were you in terms of formula, however if you're looking for a cool toned burgundy in a matte liquid lipstick form, try theBalm's Adoring :)

    2. Oh, thank you for your quick respond! I was actually thinking of theBalm, but I didn't find anywhere to swatch them.. Drugstores don't seem to have them instore, however i've seen them on the Superdrug website.

    3. I had to drive 80 km away to swatch theBalm's Hughes. They aren't sold in many places here either :/.

    4. You know, i think bourjois have been reformulated and I noticed difference while applying, it's smoother now and takes no fuss)) I'm so in love with the colour! Will try and find the exact match! The only problem with Bourjois quality is that in couple hours it creates a sharp line where i close my lips. So in other words it's a big contrast which is seen(

    5. It might be, but mine was also fine when I got it, I mean it wasn't completely smooth when I swatched it, but on the lips it was fine with two coats, however, the older it got the more useless the formula became. It wore well on me, without a line forming.

      I'll post about most of my burgundy shades in a couple of days, though without Grand Gru, since I can't use it anymore, but you might find the burgudy you're looking for. I still think theBalm Adoring is pretty close, though you know Divine Wine isn't that far off either (and it is a dupe for Mac's Diva).

    6. Thank you for your help, Mateja) I'll keep my eye open for theBalm ;-)
