Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick 330 Sloane's Plum

petek, januar 08, 2016

If you read the post about My Beauty Box unboxing first, then you know this lipsticks was in it. Since they plan to include Rimmel in their selection, people at My Beauty Box included it in my December box. Moisture Renew is actually an old line of lipsticks by Rimmel, but it was revamped about two years ago. As the name suggest these are supposed to be moisturising and judging from this shade, I agree. Check Fleur's post for swatches of these lipsticks.

Texture: The lipstick is richly pigmented, lightweight, very balmy and comfortable to wear. The finish is almost glossy, which at such a dark shade is not my preference as it can get messy (still a matte girl), but if you're looking for a moisturising vampy shade, this was made for you. I have a feeling these may have a lot less wax in them than lipsticks usually contain, as it reminds me of Revlon's Ultra HD lipstick. So basically it's another type of lipstick that you can wear as a substitute for a lip balm, however, I have read some reviews of these and I think the lighter shades might not be as moisturising as darker ones.  

Colour: The name pretty much says it all - it's a plum shade. It's like a deep burgundy with strong violet tones and a great vampy shade for the colder months. The closest shade I found is Maybelline's color Drama Lipstick in Berry Much. Due to the type of the texture, it's a very simple shade to wear as a stain. 

Staying Power: Here we have a combination of a dark shade with a very creamy formula, which means both of these features kind of cancel each other out and you get an average wear. It won't last all day, but it also won't disappear in an hour, proving of course that you don't eat or drink as this transfers a lot. As I said before if can get messy, especially at such dark shades, as this is a very creamy formula that has a lot of slip.  

Scent: It has quite a strong scent of Nivea cream. I find it pleasant.

Packaging: Reminiscent of Maybelline's lipsticks, so a plastic silver tube and a semi-clear violet cap. It's not the most high-and looking, but for the price it's ok.

Price and availability: These aren't yet available on My Beauty Box, but it'll probably happen soon. All of those who don't live in Slovenia can probably just walk into the nearest drugstore and get it. Feel Unique also sells these for about 9 €.

I think the formula of these will be a winner for all of those who always suffer from dry lips. I would stick to lighter shades, just because the more creamy the lipstick, the more chance of a mess it is. But if you like glossy, vampy shades this one is worth a try. I was thinking once about getting the shade Vintage Pink, which is the type of colour that is very in now, so that 90's like muted rose.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ful ful lep odtenek & pristaja ti <3 xx

  2. Čisto mimo teme, ampak karkoli imaš oblečeno zgleda prelepoooo :D nisem te še videla v potisku, super je :D Šminka pa kljub lesku super zgleda, odtenek je krasen :) Že zlajnan tip komentarja, ampak rimmel bi tudi bil super pri nas....we can dream :)

    1. O, najlepša hvala <3 Pa veš, da je vsem všeč, ampak je edina stvar, ki jo sploh imam s potiskom :D. Je pa H&M oblekica Divided, prejšnji teden so jih še imeli. Tako izgleda cela: http://shrani.si/f/2g/iK/1covsGhx/20151129132604.png

      Res ne vem zakaj ravno Rimmel nimamo. Prav čudna stvar. Ampak opažam zadnje čase, da ima Manhattan precej podobnih izdelkov in embalaž.

    2. uuuuu ful lepa, hvala za sliko :D
      Bom pa zdaj res pogledala še na njihovo stojalo :D

    3. Ni za kaj :) Sem jo ravno imela na računalniku, ker sem jo imela za sestrično, ki jo je tudi takoj šla kupit :)

  3. Meni je barva za umret lepa, ampak jaz bi jo raje v mat finišu. :D

    1. Potem bi bil Maybelline svinčnik zate, ta Berry Much :)

  4. Kako lep odtenek! Že nekaj časa iščem takšnega, ampak potem, ko swatcham na svoji roki, sem vedno v dilemi :D Drugače ti pa lepo pristaja :)

    1. Poskusi kakšnega, treba je stopit out of your comfort zone :). Kaj 23 in 29 od Golden Rose mat šmink? 3,5 € je še sprejemljivo za eksperimentiranje.

      Hvala :)

  5. I would seriously love to try the lipstick but not the shade as it goes out of the wearable criteria, at least for me. Nice review. :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I would pick something lighter in this formula too :)

  6. Yep, dry lips here! Seriously dry lips, even. So this formula sounds lovely.

    1. Then you'll like these, but I hear darker shades are more moisturising than light ones :)

  7. Fantastičen odtenek in kako ti paše! <3 Jaz bi verjetno težko nisola tak temen odtenek tako glossy. Sem taka perfekcionistka pri nanosu, da bi me srce bolelo, ka ne bi bilo perketno. Ampak se navajam. Imam zdaj od Kiko tudi shiny finish pa se mi ne da skoz z lip linerjem nosit. Mi je pa všeč, da je nekaj za nas suhimi ustnicami ;).

    1. Hvala <3 Ja, se ne počutiš najbolj secure z glossy temnim odtenkom, zame bo vedno najboljše če je tak odtenek matte. Če bi že kupovala to linijo šmink, bi vzela nekaj svetlejšega, da je za zihr :) Sem pa opazila, da gre tale odtenek odlično skupaj s svinčnikom Black Tulip, ki je tudi od Rimmla :)

  8. Ojla:) Smem vprašati, kje se da kupiti majhno sovico v ozadju na slikicah? Hvala :)

    1. V H&M-ju :). Poglej na oddelek z dodatki, če ga pa ne najdeš poglej še na otroški oddelek. Je pa to balzam za ustnice in obstaja različnih verzij :)

    2. Hvala :) Sem jih že zamudila. Upam, da še kaj dobavijo, ker so res lušne :) Lp

    3. Oh, škoda :( A si mogoče gledala tudi v manjših H&M? Moj je iz Novomeškega. Ker na spletni strani so še.
