L'Occitane Shea Cleansing Oil

petek, maj 13, 2016

This is my second cleansing oil from L'Occitane. The first one was the Immortele version, which was my favourite such oil, not just because of its makeup removing capabilities (including waterproof mascara), but also because it's the only oil so far that hasn't caused me problems in terms of unclear skin. But in all those months I could not bring myself to liking the scent. It's not like it's terrible, but I still noticed it and it's not the best L'Occitane fragrance. I picked up this Shea version as a replacement, which it's also a bit cheaper, so that's another plus. 

It's a light oil, just like all I tried before (L'Oreal, TBS, Immortelle), but somehow more comfortable, like it's softer. It's difficult to describe, but I really like this sensation. You are supposed to apply it on dry skin, massage it well, so it breaks up all the makeup, then add water so it can emulsify and rinse or wipe it off with a cloth. It does the same job of removing waterproof mascara and other makeup as the rest, but compared to Immortele the scent is much nicer. It's their typical Shea Butter scent which is a classic creamy clean scent.

It removes most of the makeup easily, but some mascara might still linger on the lashes giving you those seductive morning panda eyes if you're not thorough enough when wiping all the product off. This really shouldn't just be just rinsed off, but preferably wiped off with a wash cloth. It leaves the skin nourished, though my cheeks still need some moisturiser in the colder months. In terms of long term effect, this hasn't "protected" me against potential breakouts, a fact that had become painfully true whilst trialling a new, yet not released moisturiser, so I can't say that I love it as much as the Immortelle version. The latter just works so well for my skin, though this Shea's one also doesn't cause me problems, it just doesn't manage to keep the skin up to check. 

For my test I used all of my most pigmented and long-lasting product or product I know are difficult to get off when swatching. I used Essence Mousse concealer (in a thick coat), Wet n Wild Sugar Plum Lipstick (stains like crazy), Milani Amore Lip Creme in Gorgeous, Stila All Day Waterproof Eyeliner and Kiko's Stick eyeshadow in 06 Golden Bronze. This oil removed everything, even the Stila's Eyeliner, which looked like it won't break down, only a little bit of Sugar Plum Fairy remained on the skin.  

The packaging is similar to Immortelle and The Body Shops' version - a plastic bottle with a very handy pump. Unlike the backstabbing The Body Shop's it never leaks, so it's appropriate for travel.

Main ingredient is sunflower oil and actually Balea's one also has this ingredients first on the INCI, so it might be worth a try if you're looking for something cheap. I know I'll try that one next.

It costs 19.30 € in L'Occitane, which is a splurge, especially if you're one of those who really cares about expiration dates as this is supposed to be used up in 3 months. I find it impossible to do that as you don't get to use much at one use. I love the texture of this oil and the scent, however, Immortelle remains as my favourite. As I said I'll try Balea's one next, since I heard so many good things about it, but if I don't like it, I'm buying Immortelle again.  

Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz ga tudi ne bom niti približno porabila tako hitro. Mene to živcira pri izdelkih, ker potem čutim stalno nek pritisk, da to zdaj porabim. Ah well..pač ne bo :D. Balea je veliko bolj mastno, "težko" in gosto, ampak totalno isto efektivno. Vonja ne zaznam nobenega. Jaz zagotovo več ne bi kupila L'Occitane, ker za 3 eur dobim čisto enako odlično olje za odstranjevanje makeupa. Za second cleanse itak uporabim še vedno nekaj drugega. Baleo pa tudi ne šparam in večkrat uporabim za odstranjevanje swatchev šmink in podobnega za blog, ker mi ni škoda teh 3 eur :D.

    1. Eh, jaz se sploh ne oziram na roke uporabe. Če postane izdelek čuden ga vržem stran, drugače pa ne, ker za to stvar sem plačala in ne bom metala denarja stran. V vseh letih se mi ni še čisto nič hudega zgodilo zaradi tega :D

      Me ne moti, če je bolj mastno, mogoče mi bo prav zaradi tega še bolj všeč :). Pri meni je bolj problem, da mi olja kar hitro naredijo manj čisto kožo, zato mi je prav Immortelle najbolj všeč, ker je edino do zdaj, ki dobro sodeluje z mojo kožo :) Baleinega bom zagotovo preizkusila, ker slišim toliko pohval na njega.

  2. Meni je Balea čistilno olje super! Odlično odstrani vodoodporno maskaro, ki je ponavadi kar velik izziv za marsikateri odstranjevalec ličil. Vsekakor priporočam :)

    1. Ga bom zagotovo preizkusila, čeprav so mi do zdaj vsi oljni odstranjevalci čisto ok odstranili maskaro, vključno z navadnim kokosovim oljem :)

  3. Tudi jaz sem preiskusila že obe različici in mi je Immortele kljub meh vonju ljubši. Zdaj poskušam do konca porabiti Emma Hardie Moringa Balm, za poletje bodo pa olja spet bolj praktična za uporabo (bom verjetno tudi kupila Balea olje in šla nazaj k L'Occitane, če mi ne bo všeč).

    1. Moringa Balm mi je bil tako všeč, res je krasen za uporabljat, ampak se ni tako dobro razumel z mojo kožo :/ Polagam upe na to pohvaljeno Balea olje, ampak isto kot ti, če mi ne bo všeč, grem nazaj na L'Occitane, ker mi vsa druga olja naredijo čudno kožo.

  4. Naslednjič mi javi, če rabiš kaj Loccitanovega ;) Drugače pa čisto iskreno, meni je tole predrago. Me zanima kako se ti bo zelo v primerjavi z Baleinim, če boš sprobala. Ker slišim večinoma pohvale.

    1. Strinjam se, najmanj 5 € je predrago. Ampak meni je učinek na kožo najbolj pomemben in Immortelle je edino olje, ki sodeluje z mojo kožo, navadnih gelov pa ne morem uporabljat, ker se mi takoj luske naredijo. Pač pri drugih stvareh šparam :D Bom za zagotovo dala Balea olju šanso, da me prepriča :)

  5. For me this is THE best cleansing oil I've tried so far, hands down!

    1. I adore the texture of it and it does a really good job, but the effects on my skin could be a bit better :)

  6. Meni je všeč, sploh pa obožujem ta vonj.
    Lp, simona

    1. Vonj je res krasen, tak enostaven in čist :)

  7. This cleansing oil looks great! ♥ I want to try it!
