My Blogging Routine

nedelja, maj 08, 2016

A while ago I got a comment: "Could you do a blogging routine tag or something similar about how your posts are created?" Never say I don't listen to you, dear readers, so here it is. Actually I didn't find a tag, I never even read such a post before I was asked if I would make one, but when I googled it, I found quite a few "regular" posts with bloggers describing their routine. They all followed about the same pattern and so did I. With almost six years of blogging experience under my belt, in the last half year actually writing two blogs, I've developed a very organized blogging routine. I just want my posts to be the best I can make them, so I invest a lot of effort into my blogging and I just hope it shows. I write all in advance, meaning I don't start writing a post on the same day it'll be posted, instead I have tons of nearly finished drafts on which I add some finishing touches on the day that I post them. 

Planning and inspiration
I have a few ways keeping myself organized when it comes to planning posts. I quickly note ideas that just come to me on my phone. I have a Sticky Notes widget on my welcome screen, where I note everything that needs to be done, shopping lists and other things. Those post ideas I transcribe into OneNote by creating a new post. I'll talk more about that programme later, but it's the cornerstone of my blogging routine. When it comes to pictures, I photograph the products quite quickly when I get them, in the next few days or even the same day, but all the additional photos of swatches and other stuff happen later. I write what photos I need to take and other blog related tasks in a notebook. It's a simple A4 notebook, I didn't plan to make it a blogging tool, it was actually meant as a picture prop that I bought because it was pretty, but one day simple sticky notes just weren't enough. I've filled almost a half of the notebook in the past six months or so, all in my dreadful handwriting. I tend to make lists and then make a tick when the task is finished. I know people have proper planners, but I don't like those.

I don't need much to be inspired. I have a lot of ideas that just pop into my head doing the most random things like folding the laundry because I can't get my mind to shut off even for a second (I had a dozen ideas just this week and took pictures for five posts just yesterday) , but when I actively seek inspiration to develop the post fully, I mostly turn to Pinterest, especially when my posts on the other blog are concerned. 


I think most of you already know that I take pictures with my smartphone. Currently it's Samsung Galaxy S5. I don't have a proper camera, even though by now I really should, but they are too expensive. I've already written a lot on the topic of blog photography and I still do the same thing, so check that series of posts for more information on that. I take pictures on my vanity and I have two lights, both classic desk lamps with Phillips Economy Twister Cool Daylight  23 W bulbs that help me add more brightness and accuracy to the photographs. 

All bloggers know there is one unwritten rule - don't touch the products before taking pictures. That's why I do them almost immediately when I get them. I get inspired quite quickly how I'm going to set the background for pictures, so I whip it out in minutes and get to work. I have a whole drawer dedicated to blogging background props (it's actually gift wrapping drawer too), but what I pick often depends on the actual product that I'm taking a photograph of. For the least amount of editing required, I use a marble sticker background (got it in Merkur), a white wicker basket (Jysk) or my white wool sweater. I stopped using just white background because it takes so much editing compared to other textures to make the picture look good. When it comes to products which I know my camera will pick them up as too cool or green, I use more warm toned background. You might be familiar with my winter white and off-white sweaters in combination with a peachy scarf, dress or top, but I often add something rose gold or amber to warm it up more. I recently got a wool carpet (Jysk), which warms up the pictures too. There is a reason all of those stereotypical blogger backgrounds are so popular - they help the camera pick up the colours more accurately, especially if you don't own a fancy camera like me. These are all tricks that make editing a lot faster.

I take full-face photos and lip swatches in front of the window, the curtains are of course pulled away - on my picture I'm just trying to hide what's outside. I use two old organizers for height, a mirror so I can see the screen (I never use the front camera on my phone) and a Nuxe bottle to hold the phone. I don't have a phone on the picture, since I'm taking the actual picture with that camera and I don't have a back-up, but it stands on the boxes. On Galaxy S5 the earphones work as a shutter, so I use those all the time for all my full-face pictures.

TheBalm Meet Matte Hughes in Adoring -  just one example of the pictures I had to retake. In this case because I stupidly thought that I can wear black and it's going to be totally fine. 

It takes a lot more time to set up and take these type of photographs, especially since my camera isn't the best. It highlights my imperfections, so if there is a tiny bit of fallout from the eyeshadow that I don't even see in person, it's visible on the picture. Hence a lot of attention to detail is required when setting for that. I'm also limited to what I can actually wear, since white makes my skin tone look yellow, mint green too green and black is just a no-no, unless I take a lot of time for editing. That's why you don't see me in that many different clothes, but colour accuracy comes first. My hair is a problem in itself because it's so dark and it affect the colours. That's why I have my hair on only one side on most of my lip swatches because if my hair is up, the skin tone looks yellow, if it's down on both sides it's washed-out, but on just one side, it's a lot more accurate. 

I usually take pictures of several posts at once, often ending up with several hundred pictures, which I then immediately transfer to my computer and arrange them in appropriate folders. Taking photos can take several hours when I take them for more than one post, especially for posts that include a lot of product swatches. For one simple post, it can be quite quick, maybe 20 minutes if it doesn't include full-face pictures. I keep all the original pictures until the post is posted, just in case I need to re-edit the pictures or I need an additional ones. I then go through all the pictures, selecting which are best, this surprisingly takes quite a lot of time. All the selected pictures then go through editing, which I often do straight away or later at night. Just in case my computer decides to break down (hasn't so far, but you never know), I always keep all the pictures back-upped on a thumb drive.

Editing takes a various amount of time, could be a minute a picture, but it's not uncommon that it takes a lot longer, especially when there are several products in the picture. It all depends on how the camera picked up the colours. I don't have a fancy camera with a ton of manual settings, so editing is my main point. Lightening up the pictures is easy, but colour correction takes a lot more experience. I strive to show you the colour of the product as accurately as I can, so I fix the colour if I need to and then check that it's all as it should be on at least two different screens. For those posts that I do for the other blog in the style of 10 Commandments of Concealer or my wishlist posts it takes a really long time to make them, a lot longer than normal editing. I also add a watermark and edit the pictures properties by adding Mateja's Beauty Blog for author rights. I know people find watermarks ugly, but my blog has been stolen 11 times (yes, you read that right), so I want to protect my work.


I rely on an Microsoft Office programme called OneNote for drafts of my posts. I write all of my posts there, which also serves as a back-up in case anything ever happens to my blog. It saves everything online as well as on the computer, which means that you can access your posts anywhere with internet through OneNote Online and on your computer without internet. All you need to have is a Microsoft account, which is basically your Hotmail. It works the same as Blogger, except there is no fear you'll accidentally post something and you don't have to re-upload your pictures when you fix them, so you don't fill up your online albums for nothing. Here I see better what pictures look good and which don't, so I do additional editing for those. I have a lot of drafts, those close to the top are already finished while the ones on the bottom I've only just taken pictures.

Every product I get I immediately add to my New in post, I note the name of the product, where I got it and price, also some basic information, while the rest is added once I make my mind about the product, but never on the same day I post it, as these New in posts, as well as for example Empties are finished long before that. I keep new products in special baskets or boxes that I keep near the computer, so I can test everything and don't forget about certain products when I'm writing. As I said each post gets written in advance. I tend to write several posts in a day when I feel inspired and then re-read them and edit them endlessly before they are posted. This one for example which is one of the long, themed ones I've been working on for several days, tweaking it once daily, adding, erasing text and fixing errors. It's just something that has roots in my education. I was taught that when you write an essay, you should leave it for a few days and only then go read it again because you can see your mistakes and add what you might have forgotten, since you're essentially reading with fresh eyes. I have a lot of posts that can be posted very quickly, probably enough for a few weeks that's why I can post so often. Even if I don't feel like writing, I always have posts that are basically finished and it just takes a lot of the pressure off blogging. The pictures are all also already edited way before, so all I need to do is read the post again, which I do many, many times to see as many mistakes as I can and then press post. I don't think I can't really tell you how long it takes to write a post, since I write them in such a way. For a nail polish it doesn't take long, maybe an hour or two, by that I'm talking about everything from photos, editing and writing, but for posts such as this one, it's days or even weeks (like for example Three Reds which took me a couple of weeks to do, mainly because of pictures).

After I press post 
Starts the sharing. I pin an image on Pinterest, then head to Facebook to share the link and whatever is posted on Facebook is linked to Twitter, admittedly my least favourite social media, which I never check, so my posts are the same as on Facebook, which is also not my favourite media. Sometimes I share an image on Instagram as well, directing people to my blog via my profile blog link. I tend to do all these things just once and don't repost links everywhere later, simply because I find it annoying. If I write a lip colour post or nail polish swatch, I immediately add it to my Swatch Gallery and I add every post I write to my Directory. I strive to keep things very organized, so readers can find things easily. 

I  try to reply to every comment on my blog, except if it's a type of comment that's in the style "I love this nail polish colour" because what significant can you reply to that? But it doesn't mean I don't read them or don't appreciate them. I want to let people feel that their comment really matters and a lot of new information is often added in comments, which is helpful for other readers. As far as Instagram goes, their comment system is abysmal, so I don't like to reply there, even though I do to most, but I sometimes miss comments simply because there are already so many likes that I can't wade through looking for what picture it actually was. Sorry about that, it's not intentional if I miss you. The whole follow-for-follow / check my blog / links posting in the comments is my pet peeve, so I either erase them or don't answer. I never posted my link or begged for attention on any other blog, it's common courtesy not to do so. 

So maybe not the simplest blogging routine, but very efficient. If you thought blogging is easy, boy do I have news for you. It's easier to have several posts ready that you wrote when you really had that surge of inspiration than constantly feel pressured to post something just because you think you have to. I never just put a product aside to deal with later, I rather deal with everything straight away (I was that kid who did the homework straight after coming home, so I could have all the free time later. I think that explains a lot about me). My posts on the other blog are more time consuming that on this blog, mainly because I write more theme posts than here. Review posts are much easier to write than something in the style how to discover your undertone, which took me two weeks to do and I have to find inspiration using a more limited amount of products than on my blog, so I don't have many pre-written posts there.  

I'll finish off with this little rascal, since we're already discussing blogging behind the scenes. He's been hogging my keyboard and mouse pad for the past week, as apparently this is the best place to sleep. I had to edit out many empty spaces, commas and pluses during writing this post because he feel asleep on the keys, but I don't mind such an adorable distraction. I hope this was interesting to you, to see what's happening behind the scenes, though might have made it a bit long and too boring.

Have a great day!

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  1. Krasna objava! Tvoje pisanje je zelo učinkovito in kapo dol, odlično izpeljano. Si že beležim in sledim nekaterim tvojim točkam.
    Ti bo pa definitivno zelo zelo lažje, enkrat ko si boš lahko kupila malce boljši fotoaparat. Tudi na bolhi poglej, za rabljenimi, so tudi ok dokler nimajo na 10.000 klikov ali nekaj takega (si je treba malce prebrati prej).

    V glavnem, kapo dol!

    1. Hvala <3 Vem, da bo lažje, ker zdaj se vse vrti okrog popravkov, pa kako sploh naredit slike, da so barve prave in to vzame preveč časa. Sploh ne vem, kateri so dobri, npr. če tudi ti ki so včasih znižani v Intersparu od Nikona, ker za tiste boljše tudi nisem pripravljena dat veliko denarja. Včasih vem, da je bil popularen Canon D600. Dodatnega denarja za leče pa vem, da ni šans, da bo še kdaj zapravljala, sploh ko sem videla cene.

    2. Ja, je škoda, da gre preveč časa in misli na to, kako boš slikala, da bodo slike čim bolj realne. Sicer je tudi pri nekaterih fotoaparatih (jaz imam "trotla" in ne DSLR) problematična indigo barva, pa vijolični odtenki, ampak so večinoma veliko bližje resnici kot telefon.

      Ah, kateri je dober. Veš da ti težko povem.. včasih sem se s tem ukvarjala, pa se že kar nekaj let ne več.
      Samo po mojem je vsak fotoaparat dober, dokler ga res poznaš :). Vem, da Ajda ful hvali Sony HX90 in so njene slike res super (tiste, ko sama slike, ostale itak).

      Mogoče kakšen ta "trotl", ali pa uni napol kompaktni, ko imaš možnost dodatnih objektivov. Sicer so objektivi res freaking dragi (jaz se tega ne bi več šla samo zaradi objektivov... no money za to!), ampak tisti ki so na pol/pol bi morali biti cenejši.
      Včasih so bili ful popularni tej kiti od Canona. Si dobil okvir, en objektiv in še baterije in spominsko. Tko, za začetek odlično.
      Drugače ljudje ful kupujejo Sigma objektive za Canone, ker so več kot pol cenejši...

      Uf.. sem se malo zapisala, je kar obsežna tema in sploh sem še jaz malo zmedena :P.

    3. Pri meni je najbolj problematična zelena, ampak sem se jo že naučila zeditirat ven :)

      Imaš čisto prav, da je potrebno samo poznat svoj fotoaparat :) Jaz sem čisto zmedena ko pride do fotoaparatov, edino kar me zanima je da je poceni :D Za te Canone sem pa veliko slišala koliko so bili popularni, ampak je od takrat že minilo nekaj časa. Moram se enkrat poglobit v to, ampak za zdaj imam shranjenega samo Olympus pen e pl7

  2. Krasna in informativna objava! <3 Moj proces je precej podoben, čeprav (na žalost) malo manj organiziram, čeprav se trudim tudi to izboljšat :) Ti zavidam tvoj setup, ker imaš neko stalno pozicijo za slikat, jaz vedno slikam zunaj na balkonu in sem tako zelo omejena z vremenom in časom :)
    Vsekakor se v tvojih objavah pozna ves trud ki ga vložiš, ker so vse čudovito dovršene! <3

    1. Hvala <3 <3 Saj sama od začetka tudi nisem bila pretirano organizirana, ampak zdaj pa že toliko časa blogam, da je že vse tako rutinsko :) Sem tudi jaz omejena s za slikanje časom, sploh pozimi, ker takoj ko začne sijat sonce v spalnico, je težko slikat. Zdaj je najboljše ker lahko slikam od 10h do 2h.

  3. Sem vedela, da imaš enega resnega pomočnika behind the scenes, da lahko tako veliko objavljaš :P Pri meni je podobna rutina, ampak mi manjka malo discipline in organizacije, kot ju imaš ti :)

    1. Sta celo dva :D Tale bolj len, drugi pa samo za škodo :D Tvoje objave z veseljem prebiram, ker pišeš na način, ki je meni najbolj ljub in o stvareh, ki me najbolj zanimajo :)

  4. Another great post from you, you never fail to please me with these long posts! You have a great blogging routine and I believe that organisation is everything. I take lots of pictures in one day too, usually on Saturday afternoon when I am at home and when the lighting is good and also, I write down all ideas for posts and pictures as soon as I think of them. It's a lot of work but I really enjoy doing it! :)


    1. So glad to hear you like my long posts :) I was worried it's way too long, but I just had so much to say. Yes, it's all in organisation, I agree :) And in working when you feel most inspired :)

  5. What a great post! The amount of time you invest in blogging really shows in your posts, that's why your blog is so amazing.
    I love your kitten(s) and though it's not really a beauty theme, I do hope you'll somehow sneak a picture (or a ton) of them in your future posts :)

    1. Thank you <3 I'll try too sneak a few pics of my furry friends, but they so rarely stand still now that all I get is blurry pictures :D

  6. Very helpful! :) I also try to read my posts as many times as possible to correct errors and I also ask my sister to check it for spelling mistakes, she helps me a lot :)

    1. Thank you :) That's a great way of getting rid of spelling mistakes :) I don't have anyone to help me unfortunately :)

    2. Malo se bom vrinila v pogovor.. Za spelling mistakes ti priporočam Grammarly ;D

    3. Uporabljam, ki ima zraven tudi slovnico in thesaurus. No, vsaj včasih sem še na faksu za eseje in je super, zdaj pa res redko :)

  7. Joj Mateja, tvoje objave me vedno zelo inspirirajo. Res super objava, je tudi moja rutina precej podobna tvoji, vendar veliko manj organizirana. xx

    1. Res je lepo slišat, da so moje objave nekomu v navdih :) Hvala :)

  8. Super objava, sem si jaz tudi zapisala nekaj točk, čeprav sem pri nekaterih stvareh kar podobna. Edino želim si, da bi imela dejansko čas, da bi si nekaj objav naprej napisala in jih imela za back-up, tako kot to naredim s slikami.
    Pa nekako sem se odvadila fotografirati izdelke takoj ko jih dobim, se mi je včasih zgodilo, da nisem imela časa in sem potem čisto pozabila na njih :D Naj se vidi, da jih dejansko uporabljam hehe
    Tega mačkona bi pa takoj pockrljala, kljub temu, da sem alergična in nisem pretirano navdušena nad mačkami :D

    1. Kakšno leto nazaj nisem imela tako izpopolnjeno rutino s toliko končanimi objavami, sem imela res samo grobe osnutke, ampak potem sem si lani avgusta, ko sem bila ves čas doma vzela veliko časa in naredila 20 objav. Od takrat je veliko lažje imet jih toliko pripravljenih, ker jih je vedno veliko na zalogi in lahko nove bolj počasi pišem.

      Veš to se pa zadnje čase vedno bolj sprašujem ali moramo blogerji res ustvarjat iluzijo, da je vse novo. Ok, za C2C blog normalno, da mora bit, ampak za moj blog pa res ni tako nujno, da mora šminka izgledat nova :D Čeprav izgleda seveda lepše.

      Sta dva, praktično enaka in sta tako lušna, da ni za povedat <3

  9. Odlična objava! Nekaj stvari, ki si jih omenila mi bo zagotovo prišlo zelo prav :) Za fotografijo se mi zdi, da imaš res talent; konec koncev so tvoje fotografije vedno čudovite in celo boljše od tistih, ki uporabljajo profesionalno opremo. Verjamem, pa da gre ogromno časa v editiranje itd.

    1. Hvala <3 <3 Ironično mi prijatelj, ko sva bila v Franciji ni pustil slikat, ker menda ne znam :D Ja, kar dosti energije gre v urejanje slik in se mi zdi, da sem se ogromno naučila v zadnjih letih :)

  10. Odlična objava! Mislim, da sem to že enkrat napisala, ampak se res pri slikah in besedilu zraven takoj vidi, da je vključenega ogromno dela :) Jaz trenutno ugotavljam, kako posneti ličila na obrazu, da bi se na sliki lepo videla haha :)
    Tudi jaz sem ena tistih, ki je domačo nalogo naredila takoj, da pol sploh nisem rabla več skrbet za to. Še zdaj ponavadi, tisto kar je nujno naredim takoj, da mam pol mir in ne paničarim zadnji čas :P

    1. Hvala <3<3 Tudi jaz sem se učila kako naredit spodobne slike ličil na obrazu več let, pa še zdaj velikokrat nisem zadovoljna. Sem pa v zadnjih mesecih prišla do ugotovitve, da je najboljše slikat ko je malo oblačno, ampak ne pred dežjem in korak od kamere :)

      Mene časovni pritisk spravlja v obup, zato vedno raje naredim vse prej :) Samo fora pri domačih nalogah je bila, da če je bil predmet enkrat na teden, potem čisto pozabiš kaj si sploh delal pri domači :D

  11. Zelo izčrpn in moram reči, da tudi super objava ! :) Meni se pri tvojem blogu res vidi, da je vloženega ogromno truda v prav vsako stvar, tako fotke, pisanje, design... Skratka vse. Sem pa tam, ko pravis da moras vse narediti takoj, tudi jaz ista :) Le, da meni ponavadi ostali dejavniki to preprečujejo, da bi takoj in potem sem jezna na cel svet :P

    1. Hvala <3 Mene tudi jezi, ko mi nekdo podre dnevni plan, sploh ko se neke čisto brezvezne stvari. Zato sem se navadila, da pišem ponoči ko me ne more nihče motit :)

  12. Super si Mateja in tvoje fotografije so prelepe, tudi, če nima profi opreme. Verjemi, da so veliko boljše kot kakšne z res dobrim fotoaparatom. Sama sem svoj fotoaparat pokazala na konferenci fotografu pa je rekel, da žal ni nič posebnega in da žal nima te in one in druge funkcije, pa se jaz čist super razumem z njim in s svojimi sikami. Sem se pa nasmejala tistemu stavku o belem ozadju, ker ga je res tako težko slikat, da ja ni kakih senc, pa raznih sivih, modrih ozadij in podobno:), včasih se vprašam zakaj mi je treba tako noret s to belo:). Jaz sem precej organizirana, sicer slikam res takrat, ko je moj fant prost in se za kako uro zaprem v sobo :):) pišem pa vedno zvečer po 9 uri, ko imam mir in čas zase, pa nima slabe vesti,da se ne posvečam malima, čez dan bi si pa želel kako tako free urico za pisanje. Si pa ideje tudi sama zapisujem v rokovnik. Sama izredno uživam v tem, včasih mi kdo reče, kako simpl je vse to, pa težko razložim koliko truda gre v eno objavo**

    1. Najlepša hvala <3<3 Tvoje slike izgledajo way bolj profi od mojih. Če se prav spomnim iz tvoje objave o editing programih celo uporabljaš nekaj čisto enostavnega, a ne? Jaz se pa matram z nekimi kompliciranimi sloji in tratim dragoceni čas. Res bi lahko že kupila kakšen bolj spodoben fotoaparat. Eh, z belim ozadjem so samo problemi. Marmor je res še najboljši oz. karkoli ima kontraste črno-belo ali sivo oz. kakšno teksturo.
      Vidiš to sem pa pozabila povedat, da tudi jaz pišem in urejam slike ponoči. Podnevi je itak drugo delo. Ni čudno, če pišem kdaj do 4h zjutraj, ker čisto notri padem, potem pač manj spim, itak s tem nisem nikoli imela problemov :)
      Meni ni pa še nikoli nihče rekel, da izgleda bloganje simpl. Bolj jih skrbi koliko delam, ker zadnje mesece, tudi če si rečem, da si bom vzela vsaj en dan frej od vsega mi ne uspe.

    2. Kar v tem free programu uredim PicMonkey, malo ostrine, kontrasta,mi je res tak enostaven program, pa kar učinkovit in res na hitro uredim vse, tako da niti ne porabim preveč časa. Sem pa sama zelo dolgo študirala naravno svetlobo:), pa najbolj primerne ure kdaj pride vse dost svetlo. Pridna si zelo, res cenim te ker pišeš dva bloga, ker si lahko samo mislim koliko časa gre v to. Jaz nimam ravno tuki v mojih koncih koga, ki bi se s tem ravno ukvarjal, da bi razumel ves čas, ki ga daš v en post, mogoče tudi za to, ker delam zvečer in ni občutka, da sem čez dan zaprta v sobi:)Si pa verjamem, da si tvoji domači, res zate mislijo, da preveč delaš in rabiš pavzo, samo a ne da je ful težko odklopit od tega:).

    3. Točno, PicMonkey :) Meni ta ne ustreza ker se moram ukvarjat z vsakim posameznim delom slike in ne s celoto, tam se pa ne da tako dobro vse označevat in dodajat sloje. Je preveč enostaven za popravljanje mojih "polomljenih" slik z Galaxyem :D. Svetlobo imam pa tudi jaz že naštudirano v vseh teh letih :)

      Mislim, da sem edina na Dolenjskem, ki se ukvarja z bloganjem, vsaj tukaj bolj proti Beli Krajini, ampak vseeno še nisem slišala od nobenega kakšnega bolj poniževalnega komentarja. Mogoče zato ker pišem v tujem jeziku in se jih zdi zato veliko težje, ne vem. Ko sem začela delat za dva bloga je kar veliko dela, morda ne toliko na mojem blogu, ker mi je lažje in imam objave za najprej, ampak tam je pa težje, ker moram met ideje za tiste tematske objave in pogosto se kakšno stvar prvič lotim, kar pomeni zraven še ogromno raziskave teme.

  13. amazing post and very much impressive way your share the things in 1 way ..

  14. Really beautiful & helpful article! I really love it! ♥

  15. I always wonder about your pictures. They are always soooooooooooo beautiful and editorial.

    1. Thank you so much <3 I love taking pictures that's why I've grown so fond of Instagram :)

  16. This wasn't boring or too long at all! I love how you describe in depth what you are doing and how you are dealing with everything.. I sometimes feel like we are very similar since I have a ton of ideas in my head. But I'm not in any way as organised as you since I have 156 drafts in my blogging folder but none of it could be posted right away.. *lol* I hate doing things right away and ticking tasks of my to-do-list so I ended up with a back up hard drive which is full of pcitures that are waiting for me, unedited.. for nearly 3 years now. And they get even more and more.. and I still take more and more.. but hate sitting down and editing them in front of the computer. So I have a lot of ideas and pictures and still am always writing blogposts in the last minutes before posting them. By the way, I never did my homework right away after coming home from school. This explains a lot, too ^.^

    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you :) I actually like editing pictures:D I listen to an audio book or what tv at the same time and time just flies when I edit. Looks like where the exact opposite :D

    2. Yes, I think so, too. So sad. I made you up in my head as the perfect friend for matching nicely to me ^.^

      But it's okay for me to admire your work from the distance. I really hope you won't be quitting blogging anytime soon :)

    3. Oh, trust me it's not sad :) I'm actually not considered as the warmest person around here, so I doubt I'm a perfect friend to anyone :D

      No plans to quit blogging any time soon, though you never know what life brings :) As long as I find it a passion of mine and not a burden, I think were safe :)

    4. "...I'm actually not considered as the warmest person around here, so I doubt I'm a perfect friend to anyone"....nooo, I can't believe this! You are always so kind to all of us who read your blog and reply consistently and these are such great qualities that are hard to get in friendships. Not everyone has to be this "Oh hi DAAAAARLING how AAAAARE you....hug/kisses/etc." kind of person. I understand if you prefer to act morr reluctantly (= shy.. excuse my lacking english skills), it's all due to personal preferences and I would never call someone like that cold. I would say: elegant. Ladylike. Things like that..
      sorry if this conversation turned out akward. I will contain myself now and stop babbling :-)

      have a very nice day!

    5. Well, I've been called a dragon lady more than once :D But yes, when it comes to replying and helping people, I'm always there and never blow someone off :)
      It's not awkward at all :) Have a nice day as well :)

  17. V tvojih objavah se res vidi ves trud, ki ga vložiš v svoje objave :) Hvala, da lahko berem tako kvaliteten blog :) Še bolj te občudujem :D Tvoje fotografije pa so popolnoma primerljive s tistimi, narejenimi s ''profesionalnimi'' fotoaparati, večinoma pa so še bolše :D

    1. Hvala tebi za tako čudovit komentar <3 <3 Zaradi takih še raje pišem :)

  18. Ti si si nardila cel biznis iz tega. Mislim v dobrem smislu, da si organizirana kot v službi (saj vem, da en del je tvoja služba :D). Bom rekla, da nisem daleč vstran od tvoje organizacije, samo mene pisanje muči. Od nekdaj ne maram slovnice (kar se verjetno bere na mojem blogu) in potem tudi ne posvečam ogromno časa slovničnim napakam. Jaz sem bolj vizualen tip in mi vedno več pomenijo fotografije. Itak te moram še enkrat pohvalit, ker kaj ti pofotkaš z telefonom je a-mazing. Sicer pa vem, da imaš crazy editing skills - ki tudi niso moj forte, at all.
    Jaz tudi vedno vse čim prej pofotkam, vse gre v svoje mape takoj in ko je čas se editira v PS. Zdaj mi je ta OneNote padel v oči. Mogoče ga bom celo pregledala. Vidim, da ga imam celo inštaliranega.
    Vse pohvale za tvoje objave. Vsaka je odlična in vedno se vidi, da vložiš v objavo ogromno truda in časa :) <3

    1. :D Res sem kot v službi :D Ironično sem vedno sovražila spise v šoli ter na faksu in nisem bila najboljša v teh stvareh, ampak ko pride do bloga lahko pa brez problema spišem gore teksta. Večinoma se sekiram, če so predolge objave in da preveč nakladam. Mene pri ostalih blogim itak najbolj pritegnejo slike, že te same ogromno povejo :) Če se sekiraš zaradi slovničnih napak, kar se ti sicer ni treba, samo kopiraj tekst v in ti preveri tudi slovnico.

      Mene že to žene, da grem hitro slikat, da lahko takoj preizkusim nove stvari :D Pa ne maram, da imam stalno v mislih, kaj je še treba naredit.

      OneNote je del Office-a tako, da sploh ni treba nič novega inštalirat. Edino v Hotmail se moraš prijavit, če hočeš da ti sinhronizira z netom :)

      Pa hvala <3<3<3

  19. Mateja in ti imas ob taksni rutini cas se za sluzbo? Kapo dol, odlicna organizacija. Glede na tvoje kvalitetne objave mi je jasno koliko casa vzamejo. Sama imam organizacijo na nuli, kar se lepo vidi tudi na blogu. In pa odlicen pomagac na zadnji sliki ;)

    1. Pozabila napisat, da pišem ponoči in slikam več objav naenkrat enkrat, včasih 2x na teden. Maček je pa itak cuker :)

  20. Sem večkrat prebrala ta post preden sem se lotila komentarja. Predvsem ogromne pohvale za tvoj trud in blog. Se res pozna kok si temeljita, najbolj sem navdušena nad swatchi ki nikoli ne manjkajo v tvojih postih, primerjave z podobnimi izdelki, tako kot sistematičnost pri opisvanju. Midve z sestro sva pred kratkim začele blogat in mi res velik pomeni prebrati tvoje izkušnje in bom se zagotovo skušala organizirati na omenjen način. Jaz recimo zaenkrat fotkam z pro fotičem in je ironično da fotkam z auto nastavitvami. Manualne še ugotavljam, ker enostavno ne dobim željenega rezultata. In potem zabijem ful preveč časa pri obdelavi fotk tako da bi izdelek deloval čim bolj realno. Predvsem pogrešam čas ki bi ga potrebovala za boljšo organizacijo in ustvarjanje lastne rutine. Ampak saj se ne mudi nikamor, upam da te stvari pridejo tudi s časom. Še enkrat, hvala za objavo in ti želim prijetno in uspešno bloganje še naprej!

    1. Najlepša hvala, Iva <3<3 Ja, ravno zaradi te sistematičnosti je veliko lažje pisat in ocene zato vzamejo veliko manj časa :) Me veseli, da ti tale objava pomagala in vama želim veliko uspehov pri bloganju :) Saj sama kaj več od izenačevanja beline tudi ne nastavljam, ker drugih funkcij nimam in isto je treba potem popravljat, ampak zdaj imam že vse tako naštudirano, da gre kar hitro. Drugače sem se tako zorganizirala enkrat lani poleti, ko sem imela čas in od takrat je vse veliko lažje :)

  21. I didn't know that you use your phone for blog pictures- the images look so amazing. Lighting really makes a difference!

    1. Thank you <3 Yes, it definitely does. The less light you have to work with, the less clear and grainy the picture is at these cheap cameras.

  22. Hello, I just started my own beauty blog a few weeks ago, so I found this post super useful! I never thought blogging would require so much patience. I tried posting once a week, but I haven't been able to do that due to my full-time job taking too much of my time lately.

    I wonder, when you first started blogging, how many posts were you writing in advance before you published your first post? how often did you post? And did you have this blogging routine back then too?

    Thanks again for this useful post! I'm going to bookmark it so I can come back and re-read it later :)

    1. Hi, welcome to the beauty blogging world :) I wish you all the success :). Here's the thing - I never actually started from zero, since I've been posting swatches and reviews online for years, so I actually just collected everything I posted on forums and transferred them here. From the start I had about twenty reviews ready and I posted them very quickly, I think several a day. Then I started posting more sporadically, since I was living in two places, but I had at least a couple of reviews ready, just not completely finished. I had a similar blogging routine, meaning I took the pictures for posts much before posting and wrote at least a simple draft. But doing my current routine where I have at least a dozen reviews ready started just as I accepted a new job, so I took that month before starting work and made about twenty reviews so I could post them regularly, not worrying I won't have time. Now it's much easier, since I can work on posts bit-by-bit when I have time and I always have something to post (at least until I get tired of blogging :D).

      And thank you :)

  23. Pa to je to je čitav science!!!! 🙂😁Wow you work a lot on this, seems u really love it! And wow Is this kitty yours? 💖

  24. Odgovori
    1. Ovo je stari post ali da, mačka je moja :). Sad ima 4 godina :)
