Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Luminous + Smooth 110 Porcelain

sobota, september 10, 2016

I have this wishlist board on Pinterest and this foundation was pinned there the first day I created it years ago. I regularly checked online shops and eBay for this foundation, but it was so difficult to find and all options had high shipping costs. I finally caught a break when I found it on Salma and I didn't hesitate to order it because I feared it'd be gone fast. Why did I covet this foundation so much? Because of the shade. I remember reading on blogs that the shade is perfect for super pale complexions like mine and good fair shades are hard to find, especially in Slovenia. I hoped I'll like the formula too, but in any case that's not that big of a priority, as I use pale foundations that I don't like to mix them with my darker shades. Well, the shade is amazing for me, truly one of the best, but here's the thing - I absolutely abhorred the look of this foundation when I first got it in August. Then my skin was a bit oilier and this just felt like a greasefest of my face, however, my skin is slowly becoming more normal and I realised it's not as bad as I initially thought. I'm not sure if the formula has been changed or this was just renamed into Fit Me Luminous + Smooth (for normal to dry skin), so if it's a completely new foundation than the original Fit Me. A version for oily skin exists as well and it's called Matte + Poreless.

Texture: This is a simple light liquid foundation, not unlike many others and it's most similar to Rimmel's Match Perfection and Manhattan's Easy Match. It applies nicely and blends super easy, so from the start it looks good. However, when my skin was oilier, this was an absolute mess. It just didn't set, literally never, not even at the end of the day (checked once after several hours and it was just a mess). On the skin it felt greasy, tacky, it transferred, it moved, it slid into lines and looked oily on the skin. You accidentally quickly rub you face and this just wipes off. Imagine the mess when I answered the phone with this foundation - this is the biggest pet peeve of mine, I need my face to feel dry when I touch it. Fast forward to today, when my skin is more normal, it's looking better, but it's still not great. It's still a bit wet-silicone feeling on the skin all day and it's prone to moving, but it's not as bad as before. It again slips into lines and just looks odd around the pores.

Coverage: Coverage is about a light-medium and it's buildable. As you can see, most of my freckles are still visible with this foundation. Additional coats don't look weird and patchy, but they blend in well. Finish is dewy and shiny, just as it promises. 

Colour (110 Porcelain): This is a fantastic shade for those with a porcelain complexion and it's not only light, but also it doesn't have a too exaggerated pink or yellow undertone. It does have a warm a.k.a. yellow undertone, but it's subtle, so it's more like warm to neutral.

Compared to the lightest shade in the Fit Me concealer range, 15 Fair, the lightest foundation is much lighter. What this means is that if you're pale you can't use a foundation and concealer from the same range. 

Staying Power: It moves a lot without powder, so it can easily wipe off. The foundation is still on the face after 7 hours, but the state of it isn't that good. I'm most bothered by the "dewy/luminous" shine that looks a bit greasy, however, this quality might actually be good on really dry skin. It looks a bit odd around the pores and a bit patchy on some spots, though from far away it doesn't look too tragic.

Packaging: The bottle is great, it's glass and the new versions have a pump which is nicely precise.

Scent: It's got a pleasant creamy scent.

Ingredients: Click here.

Price and availability: I got mine on Salma for 9.55 €. I'm not sure where this shade is available in the drugstores, but it's at least in the USA.

As much as the shade is a hit, the foundation itself didn't blow me away. It's very Match Perfection like and we do not get along, especially because I hate it when the foundation never sets and I dislike the tacky feeling on my skin. I think the thing about this foundation is that it's definitely designed for dry skin, while my combination skin just can't handle all the dewy-ness of it. Maybe it's be better in winter. I'd like to give the Matte + Poreless version and try in the same shade, so I can see if it's any better.

Have a great day!

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  1. I had the regular version of this foundation and I had very similar feeling about it. I mean I really liked the shade, but it didn't perform on my skin as well as I expected. I also wonder if they changed the formula, or it has been just renamed, because my old version seems very similar, basing on your description :) By the way, I have also the concealer and I really like it, it's just too dark :(

    1. I kind of have a feeling that this is the same as the original one and they just added the Matte version, so they renamed it for practical reasons, but I don't know. I like the concealer a lot more than the foundation, but I can't wear the lightest shade :/

    2. They just renamed this one and added the Matte version to their line, as you suggested. I never was tempted to try this since foundations from the drugstore that claim to be designed for dry skin never were designed for MY type of dry skin, but maybe I'll try this one! I don't like the useless, unstable sunprotection filter in this foundation (it can irritate sensitive skin and even react with sunscreen you wear underneath), but what scares me even more is the undertone.. warm to neutral. To me, it looks straight yellow ^.^ and since I found out, that I can pull off too dark foundations, as long as they are pink-based, I'm far less tempted to try yellow-based foundations, even if they claim to be very fair. Hum. We'll see

      P.S. it's funny that everything on this foundatin is in german, but we don't even have this shade in our drugstores *sigh*

    3. It's not obviously yellow at all, note the comparison with Nars' Siberia, which is very yellow. Once it's on the face, I couldn't even tell it has an undertone :) Not sure why the writing is in German, since I know you don't have it in your drugstores, but it's the European version for sure.

    4. I didn't mean that this is a very yellow foundation at all but that I can't pull everything off that is even a little bit yellow-ish, I mean... if I can't test it on my hand or my neck (because I had to buy this one online) there'd be a great chance that it wouldn't fit me. I'm no longer willing to take this risk ^.^

    5. Then it's definitely not for you :) It's not a strong undertone, but it is yellow. I'm sure you know, but I'll write it anyway in case anyone who reads the comments might need help - Rimmel's 010 Light Porcelain is pink, as is Dior's BB (expensive) and Revlon's 110 Ivory. I'm one of the lucky ones who can wear both undertones.

    6. Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.

    7. Thank you for notifiying! After looking at your swatches, I'm now definitely sure that I will never test out the Bourjous foundation ^.^ Good to know, since we can only get Bourjois in Germany via online-order.. -.-

      P.S. your post about skin and undertone helped a lot! Now I know why yellow-based foundations that are only a tiny bit too dark make my face look dirty, like I had worked in a dusty field all day.

  2. Jaz imam nek odpor do teh Maybelline, Max Factor, L'Oreal podlag. Sem jih preizkusila samo nekaj in me nobena ni navdušila. Potem pa še niso ravno poceni in je škoda denarja. Ta verzija tudi meni ne bi bila všeč, ker prav tako ne maram, da se podlaga zelo sveti in premika. Sama imam tudi kombinirano kožo in je včasih prav težko dobiti nekaj kar ni betonski mat ali grease ball.

    Je pa odtenek dejansko svetel - shocker :D. Na tebi izgleda lepo. Se mi zdi, da ti pašejo te lažje podlage, ker imaš itak tako lepo kožo, da so te freckles samo še zanimiv dodatek in jih ni treba prikrit :).

    1. Pri meni je bolj problem da te znamke nimajo dovolj svetlih odtenkov, tako da tudi kaj dosti testirala od njih nisem razen par pudrov. Me pa trenutno noben puder res ne navdušuje. Seveda mi je Healthy Mix Serum še vedno stalnica in L'Oreal Infallible Matte mi je tudi odličen, ampak pri obeh odtenek ni čisto pravi. Tale Maybellinov je res odličen odtenek, ampak se mi zdi čisto preveč šajni na obrazu.

      Prekrivnost je res lahka, kar meni sicer ustreza, ampak moram dat dve plasti na podočnjake in nos. Pa hvala :)

  3. I used to own the stick version of this foundation and honestly, it was a bit dewy for my taste and I have dry skin. For the most part, I agree with your review. Great post as always. :)

    1. I've seen the stick versions, but never got a chance to try one. I assumed they have a more satin finish compared to the liquid version, I guess I was wrong :)

  4. Kako lepo izgleda na tebi, prav vau mi je tako lepa koža izgleda. Ampak škoda, če ti je povzročila nevšečnosti. Ker bere se tako super na embalaži, da bi jo jaz zagotovo kupila, če ne bi npr. prebrala tvoje ocene. Odtenek je res dober, ko pogledam Bourjois HM kako zelo topel je, me kar strese:), pa je to moja najljubša podlaga:). Je pa Fit me eden mojih najljubših, samo je pa tudi odtenek tak kiks, da ni za nikamur, še dobro, da se tak lepo prenese v mojo kožo, da potem ni tak opazno. Se strinjam s Petro, da ti res paše lažja prekrivnost. Sama imam obdobje, ko posegam po lažjeprekrivnih podlagah, mineralnih pudrih in sploh ne pogrešam tistega grozno na veliko napudranega obraza. Pa sem npr. sedaj dobila veliko pohval kako lepo kožo imam, prej pa redkokdaj:), prej je blo tisto, nosiš pa veliko podlage:)

    1. Meni se zdi pa preveč svetleč, ampak hvala :) Sem slišala od punc s suho kožo, da je v redu puder, meni pa za zdaj ravno ni najboljši. Je pa odtenek odličen in je res škoda, da nima več firm takega svetlega odtenka brez močnih podtonov. Vem pa da je 115 že preveč rozast, da je že skoraj oranžen.
      Sama iščem puder, ki izgleda nevidno na koži. Večje prekrivnosti ponavadi ne maram, ker mi izgleda preveč fejk, zato imam tako rada Bourjois HMS, Maybelline the Eraser in Radiance Reveal korektor :)

  5. I believe you will like the matte and poreless version. I have normal to dry skin with some redness and just as pale as you, and even though I always go for foundations for dry skin, I love that one. Try it :-D
    (I like the same foundations as you btw)
    Hugs from Denmark

    1. I really hope I get a chance to try it, but it's almost impossible to track down 110 Porcelain without high shipping costs. It sounds amazing :)

  6. I guess this foundation could be an exact dupe for the NARS All Day Luminous Foundation - It's as terrible as your description of the Loreal one, haha! I'm curious if the matte version also has the same light, yellow shade, if yes I'd be eager to try it.

    1. Really? I though that one has a matte finish? Anyway, I hear it's not the best foundation either. I believe that Fit Me Matte + Poreless comes in the same shades as this version, so Porcelain exists as well :)

  7. Lol it's weird that like few weeks ago I just bought it, the same one for dry skin and the same color. I must say, the color is one of the lightest that I have seen with yellow undertone, but a bit too light even for me. Overall I like it, but it's really sheer coverage. It has a bit weird smell, thought.

    1. The shade fits me quite well, especially when matched to the neck :) I don't mind the lighter coverage and the scent isn't bad either, but I'm not a fan of it being overly dewy.

  8. Mateja, you should have a look of the new Essence 2 in 1 foundation - the pale shade is super pale indeed. Personally I quite like the foundation too (even though I've never been a fan ot Essence foundations) - it gives really good coverage without being heavy. But even if you don't like it I think it would be good to mix with other, darker foundations. :)

    1. Yeah, I already checked it out in the shop, but I only got the concealer from the get picture ready line, which is also very pale. I loved the coverage of the foundation and I heard that's it's good, but I already got the Catrice's HD foundation recently, so Essence's will have to wait :) Thanks for the recommendation!

  9. Škoda da formula ni ok, ker odtenek zgleda dober. Jaz sem prejšnji teden testirala Matte & Poreless verzijo in mi je zelo všeč - odtenek dejansko dovolj svetel, da se ujema z vratom in dobro zdrži na moji koži, tudi kadar sem imela spodaj sončno kremo. Pride pa steklenička brez pumpice, kar je precej nadležno.

    1. Mogoče mi bo bolj všeč pozimi, ampak v toplejših mesecih na mastni-mešani koži ni najboljši. Odtenek je pa itak odličen :) A Poreless je isto bolj lahko prekriven? Sem pričakovala, da imata obe verziji pumpico :/ Imam staro verzijo Revlonovega Colorstaya, ki je tudi brez in je zelo smotan za odmerjat.

    2. Prekrivnost je srednja (slabša od Loreal Infallible Matte), ampak ne izgleda cakey, če na kakšnih delih nanesem 2 sloja. Je pa odtenek res tako dober, da spregledam odsotnost pumpice :).

    3. Imam raje lahko prekrivnost tako da zveni kot da je zame :)

  10. Another fantastic review from you! Thank you!
    I considered buying this(bc of the shade 110 haha). But from the review i think it is very similar to Bourjois healthy mix serum. This never sets and movies like crazy through the day, even with powder on my normal to dry skin.

    1. Thank you :) Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum sets on me without problems and I dont' even feel it on the skin when I touch it, so it's not similar on my skin, but I think you need to try the Poreless + Matte version instead :) They have the same shade in their range :)

  11. For a drugstore foundation this one is totally amazing.

  12. I didn't really like it, found it to make my skin really dry, I told them about it and they sent me this link to get a refund - got it back!

  13. A bi mi morda znala povedat kakšen podton ima Fit me 120? Imam slabo oko za te primerjave in nekako skoraj vedno udarim mimo.

    1. Kolikor vem je 120 rumen, torej topel. 115 je roza in če se prav spomnim so tisti ki se končajo s 5 roza, tisti z 0 rumeni.

    2. Hvala za odgovor :) Nekako res težko zadenem s temi pudri, se mi zdi da je na našem tržišču tako skopa ponudba podlag z rumenim podtonom.
      Do zdaj mi je nekako najbolje ustrezal bourjois healthy mix foundation v odtenku 52 vanilla. Če te lahko prosim za nasvet, kateri odtenek podlage fit me bi bil zame najustreznejši (po tvoji oceni) ?

    3. Meni se pa zdi, da je ravno rumenih precej več kot roza pri nas :). Za 52 se mi zdi, da ni ravno pravega podobnega odtenka. 115 je roza in približno enako svetel, 120 je rumen pa malo temnejši. Lahko bi sicer vzela oba, pa ju mešala. Tukaj imaš primerjavo HM 52 in Maybelline 120:

    4. Potem pa očitno na moji koži izpade vse bolj roza. Prav obupano že iščem odtenek, ki bi mi zraven tega healthy mixa ustrezal. In res sem že zmetala ogromne količine denarja stran, ker se mi kasneje vsi pudri samo potikajo po predalu. Sem pa že tudi parkrat vprašala v drogerijah, da so na meni testirali odtenek, ki naj bi mi ustrezal... (končali smo s clinique superbalanced makeup ivory 03 in pa nato enkrat kasneje urban decay naked skin foundation 3.5), ki pa sta se kasneje na dnevni svetlobi izkazali za precej oranzni, vsaj na meni.
      Pa hvala za hitre odgovore ✨

    5. Možno, da imaš zelo izrazit rumen podton tako kot Melissa iz Kiss & Makeup Beauty Blog. Ona se je znašla tako, da je kupila rumen pigment (mislim da senčilo od Maca) in ga zameša s pudrom. Drugače ima pa Milani bolj intenzivne podtone, ker ciljajo na women of colour.

    6. Rumeno zlato, vcasih se mi zdi da malo na svetlo olivno polt vleče. Morda predlagaš kakšne vredu podlage za svetlo olivno polt? Lahko tudi z zlatim ali rumenim tonom

    7. Temptalia Foundation Matrix ti bo znala najbolj pomagat :) Jaz žal poznam samo zelo, zelo svetle pudre pri nas. Edino za korektor ti lahko pomagat - Revlon Colorstay 2 Light, ki je zelo rumen.

      Lahko bi vzela Milani Conceal+Perfect 02, ta je zelo rumen in ga mešala z npr. Revlon Colourstay Buff, da ga posvetliš. Bobi Brown ima tudi zelo rumene odtenke.

    8. Sem pogledala na Milani spletni strani in imajo na odtenkih prav napisano za katero polt je primerna podlaga in kaksen je podton, hvala za pomoč in nasvete. Sem pa kar naročila tega 02 od Milanija in upam, da bom zadovoljna.
      Želim ti obilo uspeha v blogganju še v bodoče.

    9. Ni za kaj :) Upam, da ti bo ustrezal, vsaj podton, ker drugače ti bo temen, ampak ga zmešaj s enim svetlejšim :)

    10. Trenutno sem na podlagi shiseido sheer and perfect foundation v odtenku O40 in je tudi super. Upam, da mi Milanijev 02 ne bo pretemen, glede na to, da je ta shiseido primeren za light to medium, medium kožo.

    11. Mislim, da bo potem blizu. Milani 01 in 02 sta zelo podobna, 02 je samo bolj rumen, sta pa oba nekje NC25-30 kar je podobno Shiseidovemu kolikor vidim na Temptalii. Lahko da bo malenkost pretemen, ampak kot pravim, lahko zmešaš z enim svetlejšim, jaz to delam 95% časa.

    12. Sem tudi jaz preverila na temptalii ta dva, ampak je v primerjavi s shiseido Milani veliko bolj rozast. Bom pocakala, da mi ga dostavijo in bom videla. Sicer pa je ta temptaliia super, hvala!

    13. Imam 01, ki je zelo rumen in po teh swatchih sklepam da je 02 še bolj:

      Upam, da bo kul :) Ja, ta foundation Matrix je res praktičen, čeprav pri svetlih odtenkih kar malo greši.
