Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation

sreda, oktober 05, 2016

It is hard to miss the buzz around Catrice HD Liquid Coverage, as since its release there have been raves upon raves about this foundation. Naturally I couldn't resist trying it out myself, especially since I liked L'Oreal eau de Teint which comes in all the wrong shades for me. Catrice's shade range is very small, yet again excluding both very pale and darker skin tones, but 01 isn't that terribly wrong for me at the moment, so I grabbed a bottle for myself. Despite the rave reviews I read, I'm not rushing to put this in my favourites, but it didn't disappoint me either.

Texture: The whole concept of this foundation is than it somewhat dupes foundations like Giorgio Armani Maestro or L'Oreal Eau de Teint, so it's a foundation that is very liquid and thin. Despite being very light, it's actually very pigmented. It's a foundation that dries fast, so you need to apply it in sections and work quickly if you use fingers, while with a fluffy, buffing brush you get a lot more time. It blends nicely into the skin and so far I hadn't noticed it emphasising any dry patches.

All the pictures are uploaded large, click on them if you want to see how it looks up close. My skin was oily-combination when I took these pictures, currently it's more normal and this foundation looks the same.

Coverage and finish: It covers very impressively for such a thin formula, I'd say it's about medium to full coverage and it can easily be layered for more, I do an extra layer instead of concealer where needed. When I first tried it on my hand, it dried within minutes to a powdery matte finish and the same thing happens when I apply it with fingers, while at application with a brush it looks invisible skin-like for the first few minutes, but then sets to a matte, powdery finish. However, despite having that powdery finish, it doesn't stay matte, instead it quite quickly gets more shiny, which from the start looks luminous, but with time almost a bit oily. Personally I'd prefer if it had a finish like L'Oreal's Infallible Matte as that one hides pores, but still looks naturally matte, while this one can start looking odd around the pores and it emphasizes lines, making it a more obvious foundation and that powdery finish isn't doing my skin any favours.

Edit: Since this is one of the most read reviews on the blog, I felt it deserves an update. When I wrote this post my skin wasn't in the best condition and this is foundation that doesn't work terribly well with large, obvious pores and bumpy texture. I've since changed my skin care and after I started using Cosrx Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence, this foundation started to look much better on my skin. It's no longer very obvious and it looks far better over pores. So keep that in mind if you're planning to buy it. It's great for uneven skin tone because you get a good coverage, but it's not that great when your skin texture isn't smooth.

Colour: I got the lightest shade out of the four and it's a bit too dark for me, but it has a neutral undertone, which I really appreciate as I can pull it off (though it might look a bit off by the neck). I don't have Nude Illusion anymore, but I think it's maybe a bit lighter than its shade 010. Mixed with a bit of Maybelline's Fit Me 110, it's a perfect shade for me at the moment. I heard from some reviewers that it oxidises to a darker shade, but I hadn't noticed that. The shade range includes only four shades and the second two differ very little, mostly in the undertone, so I think if you're not NC/W20 to maybe NC30-35 you won't find a match.

Staying power: I heard this lasts long on the skin, but I don't notice anything exceptional. It fades so nicely, I can't tell if it's gone or not. I don't powder this foundation, so it lasts less on me than it could.

Scent: It has a creamy-baby powder scent that's quite obviously when your applying it, but it dissipates quickly. 

Packaging: The packaging is completely high-end looking. It's a matte glass bottle, so quite heavy and comes with a pipette, which is a lot more practical than L'Oreal's which only has an opening. I have a feeling that those who are more used to classic foundation bottles, might find this more challenging to use as well as slower.

Price and availability: I got mine in Müller for 7.29 €.

So far I'm not in love with it, but I can't deny it's very good and I can see why so many people adore this foundation. Light texture combined with high coverage is bound to a winner for a lot of people, not to mention the affordable price, however, the thing is that we have good days and days when I'm not that happy with it. It can look nice on the skin, but it can also emphasize pores and lines, despite not being a heavy matte foundation. It's just that powdery finish that makes it look unnatural to me and I'm currently at a stage where I really only love Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum on my skin. I think this is a nice foundation for those with unclear skin, as it provides a lot of coverage with a thin layer of product.

Have you tried it yet? Have a great day!

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  1. i used many time loreal but i dont think its good for my wet oily skin....

  2. No, saj... zato se kar nekako izogibam takšnih podlag, ker me je strah kako se potem 'razvije' na koži oz. da preveč umeten videz. Če se že odločim za tekočo podlago, potem imam vsekakor raje 'dewy', pa matiram predele, ki se malo preveč svetijo. ;)

    1. Jaz sem tudi čisto živčna, če mi puder izgleda preveč fejk na obrazu. Zato še vedno zaupam samo Bourjoisu, pa tudi če se malo svetim. Pudrast finiš zame ni :/

  3. Jesi li L'Oreal Infallible Matte 10 i Bourjois HM Serum 51 kupila u drogeriji ili naručila od nekud s interneta? U Zagrebu su najsvijetlije nijanse za njih 11 i 52 :(
    Moja nijansa je inače 110 Ivory od Revlon Colorstay pa sad vidim da mi nažalost Catrce HD 010 nebi odgovarao nijansom.

    1. Infallible sem kupila na Salmi, ker sem samo tam našla 10 Porcelain. Pri nas v drogerijah je isto samo od 11 naprej. Bourjois sem kupila pa v Műllerju, imamo odtenke od 51 :) Pojdi v Krško za Bourjoisov puder, saj je dosti blizu, če ne pa je na Feel Unique.

      Potem ti bo 010 res malo pretemen, lahko ga pa zmešaš s svetlejšim pudrom :)

  4. Omg I love this foundation I read a lot of great reviews about this product. Have to try it.

    Charming Coco

    1. So far I only read raves about it. It's not my favourite, but it's really good :)

  5. Meni je pa kar všeč zaenkrat. Res mi je zanimiva ta kombinacija lahkotnosti in hkrati dokaj dobre prekrivnosti. Tudi na meni ne ostane mat, čeprav sijoča tudi nisem. To pa zato, ker jaz vedno uporabim puder v prahu preko podlage. Tudi meni se zdi precej nevtralen odtenek, kot večina prejšnjih Catrice podlag v svetlih odtenkih. Se mi zdi, da na tebi izgleda še bolj prekrivno kot na meni. Jaz jo uporabim z Ebelin gobico, ki itak pol podlage popije in je bolj naraven izgled. Me pa zanima kako dolgo bi mo odtenek še ustrezal :).

    1. Saj meni je tudi všeč, samo ni mi tisto specialno dober, kot ga vsi hvalijo. Jaz sem alergična na ta pudrast videz, zato ga nimam med najljubšimi, ampak če kdaj naredijo dewy verzijo bom all over it, ker prekrivnost + lahkotnost mi je kul. Čez tega si sploh ne upam da puder v prahu čez, ker bi bil samo bolj cakey. Meni se zdi, da mi skoraj vse prekrije, sploh če dam dva sloja pod oči in na nos, uporabljam pa za nanos oval čopič ali pa RT buffing brush :)

  6. I had my eyes on this foundation but I was waiting for your review. It sounds average and not really befitting for my dry skin tone. I think I will pass this but to be honest, I was more attracted with the packaging. Great review!

    1. Oh, it's definitely not for dry skin in my opinion. It's going to look too cakey/powdery because it dries really fast and it isn't moisturising at all. But the packaging sure is a looker :)
      Thank you :)

  7. Veš kako ga imam v mislih, pa sem že 99%, da ga bom kupila, pa si spremislim, pa kar ne vem kaj bi:), potem si rečem, da imam trenutno res lepo kožo, da ne rabim neke ekstra prekrivnosti, tudi nisem fen matirnih podlag, rada imam sijoč finish. Jaz sem kar na Healthy M. priklopljena in ta mi je res Top. Če pa kdaj podležem temu, pa me prav zanima kako bi bil na moji koži.:)

    1. Si upaš stestirat v trgovini? Za v lonček se ga ravno ne da vzet, ker so tiste picene flaškice. Sestrična ga je kupila šele ko ga je pri meni dobro stestirala, tako da mogoče imaš kakšno prijateljico, ki ga že ima in ga lahko na hitro sprobaš :). Sama sem ga kupila ne testiranega, drugače ponavadi natočim malo testerja v lonček, ki ga imam vedno sabo, samo s tem se ne da. Ampak tale izgleda kar pudrasto mat, vsaj od začetka.

  8. Great review. I've never heard of this foundation before. Definitely something I might try in the future.

    1. It pretty popular in Central Europe at the moment :) It's worth a try if you're looking for something light with a lot of coverage and a matte finish.

  9. Super ocena, vedno rada preberem tvoje ocene, ker imaš zelo podobno svetlo polt kot jaz in potem lažje ocenim, če je produkt zame. Sicer se mi zdi, da bo tale puder malce preveč prekriven zame.

    Sicer me pa zanima, če si že preizkusila IsaDora Hydralight? Jaz sem bila prej zelo dolgo zvesta uporabnica HMS - potem pa mi je začel povzročati nečistoče in sem ga zato menjala za IsaDoro in sem zelo zadovoljna, ker je zelo lahek in res ne daje občutka, da sem sploh napudrana.

    1. Hvala :) Pod About imam seznam vseh pudrov, ki mi ustrezajo, če boš kdaj rabila :) Prekrivnost je res visoka, primerljiva z Revlon Colorstay, ampak malo manj.

      Isadorinega nisem preizkusila. Vedno spustim njihovo stojalo, ker mi je dolgočasno, vedno predvidevam, da nimajo dovolj svetlih podlag in so mi predragi za znamko o kateri skoraj nikoli nič ne slišim. Ampak zdaj bom pa šla preverit :)

    2. Saj sem jaz vedno počela isto spuščala njihovo stojalo, ker se mi je zdelo, da je predrago, potem pa mi je prodajalka svetovala tega, ker nisem med malo cenejšimi (Loreal, Boujouris itd...) našla nič primernega. Sicer pa niti ni tako, drag - mislim, da je okrog 19€, kar je pri meni sicer zgornja meja kolikor sem pripravljena plačati.

    3. Jaz sem ga včasih zvesto gledala, ampak ker me pravzaprav nikoli ni nič res pritegnilo, sem ga začela spuščat. Nazadnje so so mikale njihove matte šminke v svinčniku, ampak so ime tri odtenke in me čisto razočarali.
      Uh, 19 € je pa kar drago. Še za HMS mi je težko dat 14 €, raje počakam na popust.

  10. I have this as a PR-Sample but it's a little bit too dark and orange for me. I like the staying power on hot sweaty days, but now that it's getting colder I graviate towards my more dewy foundations and don't know what to do with this one. Maybe I'll give it to my sister and she'll mix it in her heavy moisturizer to get a little bit of coverage in the mornings. I've seen other bloggers do this on Instagram and it worked out!


    1. It's a bit dark for me too, so I mix it with Maybelline Fit Me 110. Unfortunately they don't work well together, as the super dewy Fit Me turns this into a grease ball after a couple of hours.

      I used to do mixing with moisturisers, but it ruins the staying power.

  11. For the price it sounds pretty nice! But I wish there were more than 4 shades available.

    1. I don't know why Catrice insist at such small shade ranges. I found it so funny when I was at their PR event and they said their foundations fit a majority of European skin tones - oh whatever *rolls eyes*, I haven't found one light enough match in their foundations ever. But they have the best foundations in their price range :)

  12. The foundation coverage is definitely really good. Wish their range included darker shades.

    1. The coverage is impressive :) I wish their shade range was bigger too, but they always focus only on most common European skin tones, leaving out both super pale and darker skin tones.

  13. Meni je res super (svetel) in tudi edini primeren pri Catrice zame odtenek 005 Even Ivory / Even skin tone podlaga, škoda, da so dali ven iz prodaje. Drugače pa mislim, da bi ti bil Deborah Radiance creator všeč, vem, da si ga že omenjala na blogu :) Meni se zdi, da izgleda precej "naravno" - tudi sama ne maram pudrastega, maskastega videza. Še najboljša podlaga do zdaj mi je Bourjois CC Cream, vendar žal pretemna :( Mogoče še Wake me up Rimmel kdaj poskusi, meni sicer ni nek hud presežek, mi je pa boljši kot Match Perfection npr., pa odtenek je kul (010). In pa Infallible od L'oreala Porcelain (navadna verzija, ne matte) je res ful svetla, sem bila kar presenečena :) Nisem pa še čisto prepričana, če mi je drugače všeč :)

    1. Tisti odtenek od Catrice sem imela na seznamu za preizkusit, pa sem ga zamudila. Radiance Creator imam pa prvega na seznamu za preizkusit, samo na kakšen popust čakam, ker 14 € je res drago. Sama še vedno zaupam samo HMS-ju in CC kremi (tudi meni je pretemna), ker sta edina pudra, ki na moji koži izgledata naravno.

      Wake Me up sem že gledala, samo je težko dobit 010, se moraš kar trudit. Pa moti me da je menda ogromno šimra notri. Match Perfection pa res ne maram in na splošno se z Rimmelovimi pudri ne razumem. Ne vem zakaj jih moja koža ne mara :/

      Ta Infallible sem videla v ljubljanskem Müllerju in sem ga hotela kasneje potem v NM kupit, pa ga sploh nikoli nismo imeli. Ko sem ga drugič iskala v BTC-ju LJ, ga ni bilo nikjer več. Čudno

    2. Ma ja, je res kar drag Deborah, pa še kar hitro se porablja, jaz sem ga kupila na kuponček v Tuš drogeriji. Hmm, Infallible so nekaj prenavljali embalažo, drugače ga imajo v naših drogerijah, ampak itak da ne svetlih odtenkov. To je ta:

    3. Meni tako manjka Tuš drogerija v NM ravno zaradi teh kupončkov. DM in Műller sta grozno škrta glede popustov, sploh DM točke so mi fail :/
      Za Look fantastic pa vem, da imajo :)

  14. Meni je pa vonj tako moteč. Prav spominja me na stare babice oziroma na tekoči puder od Clarinsa, ki je imel identičen vonj in že takrat ga nisem marala :D

    1. Vonj je res eden izmed močnejših. Sicer mene ne moti, ampak verjamem, da bo marsikomu preveč :)

  15. I didn't try it , but I heard only good reviews so far. I think it is very good for the skin that is not very clean and for the problematic skin that need full far I have pretty clear skin, so I don't pay attention to full coverage foundations, but I will try it because I need something that will make my skin even :)

  16. Hi, Mateja.
    I bought this recently, and I like to mix with Cien Antiwrinkle Serum (from Lidl), because it dries too much on my skin. This way, it's just perfect.

    You have a lovely blog. I'll follow from now on, thanks for such great explanations!

    1. I recently found that this is definitely a foundation that needs a good base, meaning skin that has a smooth texture for it to look good. It's nice for making the skin look even, but if you have large pores, this emphasises everything. I can see why it works better with a serum because it dilutes that powderiness it has :)
