Essence get picture ready! brightening concealer

sreda, oktober 19, 2016

Among all the new Essence products for autumn/winter, this was the one I was looking forward to the most. I'm a big fan of Maybelline's the Eraser and it's clear Essence got a bit inspired by that concealer, but the design isn't all that similar. I expected a lot, even though it's by Essence and I'm not sure it managed to convinced me.

Texture: The formula is thick, but in a creamy way instead of a paste and it reminds me of some BB creams, particularly those that are like moisturisers. It looks like it'll have a high coverage, but because it's thick, it has to be blended to a thin layer, otherwise it'll start looking weird and thin layers of this concealer reveal it's not actually that pigmented. I hadn't noticed it making my under eye area appear any brighter.

Coverage: The coverage is light-medium, though closer to medium and it's not the best for covering really dark circles or spots. It's more about evening out the skin tone, but considering it doesn't cover even my circles, which aren't that terrible, this is not a concealer for those who want perfect coverage. I'd actually compare it more to foundations and it's very easy to use it like that. It actually looks nice on the skin, not obvious, but it can be quite shiny.

 Applied all over the face instead of foundation. I have two layers under the eyes and on spots, but it's not really covered well. You can click on the picture to see it larger.

Colour: There only two shades, both very light which is bad news for those above NC25. As far as I could see, both are similar and the main difference is in the undertone, though the 010 is a bit lighter. I think it's about NW15-20. It fits me ok, especially when it's blended, but in a thick coat it's slightly too dark and pink.

Staying power: It lasts averagely on the skin, Like most concealers it rubs off my nose fast, but it fades evenly, so it doesn't look that off. 

Packaging: Essence decided to combine the tube with a sponge applicator which makes how much you get out, harder to control, so I always get too much. The applicator has a hole in the middle, unlike at Eraser which gets the product all over the sponge. This concealer might just have the worst applicator in history. The sponge in completely stiff, doesn't even bounce a tiny bit, even though the material is similar to makeup sponges and it doesn't blend at all, only shifts the product around and absorbs a part of it. I just squeeze the product out and use a brush. When isn't that full any more, it can start squirting the product out and I ruined two of my freshly washed shirts already. So far as I can tell, the sponge can't be removed and washed.

Price and availability: I got mine in Müller for 3.29 €.

Not the best concealer, but also not the worst. Don't expect high coverage from it and don't expect anything from the sponge either. I'll throw it in my bag as an simple emergency foundation, but as a proper concealer, it lacks coverage. They should repackage this formula into a BB cream or a light foundation.

Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz sem si ga tudi omislila, samo ga še nisem stestirala :)

    Drugače pa vsekakor za to ceno... če je nekaj srednjega je super :)

    1. Meni 3€ ni ravno tako poceni in sem pričakovala malo več za korektor, mi je pa všeč formula namesto kakšne BB kreme :)

  2. The Essence's concealer definitely has similar qualities to the Maybelline concealer, but the coverage from Maybelline is unbeatable. It's one of my favorite concealers at the drugstore. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. I agree, Maybelline has great coverage for such a thin formula. It's my favourite too :) Together with Bourjois Radiance Reveal, of course :)

  3. Čeprav načelno izgleda zanimivo, me ni najbolj prepričal, jaz bi potrebovala večjo prekrivnost ;) Mi je pa zelo všeč embalaža, čeprav verjamem, da ni najbolj praktična za nas, nerodne ;)
    Xoxo, A.

    1. Korektor pač rabi večjo prekrivnost, drugače imaš lahko le puder :) Izdelek ni slab, samo slabo zapakiran in poimenovan :)

  4. The result does look nice. Good coverage. But I am just not a fan of stuck-on sponge applicators.

    1. Coverage could be better in my opinion and the packaging leaves something to be desired, but the actual product looks nice on the skin :)

  5. Omg I love your photos !! I love this concealer, also the sponge on top is great thing.

    Charming Coco

    1. Thank you! I just don't like the sponge, but the product itself isn't bad, though I'd wish for more coverage.

  6. Midva pa se kar ne ujameva.Uh, gobica mi je obupna, bi rada našla bolj prijazen izraz pa ne gre:). Osebno je premalo prekriven za pod oči, pogrešam tisti malo bolj vau osvetlitveni efekt. Ampak ima en plus, zelo minimalno se mi vsede v gubice. Sicer priznam,da me je kupil z embalažo, napisom, vseeno nakupa ne bi ponovila. Na tvojem obrazu mi deluje zelo lep, naraven.♡

    1. Gobica je totalno brezvezna, se strinjam. Nič ne blenda, Maybelline Eraser je čisto drugo. Za pod oči je tudi meni premalo prekriven pa nimam nekih hujših podočnjakov in res mi je kot nekakšna BB krema ali lahek puder, zato ga raje nosim po celem obrazu pa potem še posebej drug korektor npr. Collection ali Nars. Osvetli mi pa tudi nič.

  7. Essence has been killing it lately, in the best possible way! I'm going to have to try it to see how it compares to the Maybelline Age Rewind concealer. Thanks for the awesome reviews!

    1. It doesn't compare in my opinion. Maybelline wins by a long shot :)
      Glad you liked the review :)

  8. I bought this concealer the other day and haven't used yet and after reading your review i don't feel like using it, booo! x

    1. You might like it :) It's not a bad product, it's just not a high coverage concealer.

  9. Tudi sama sem poiskusila tale korektor od Essence in moram priznati da mi je za svojo ceno kar včeš, edina slaba stvar je prekrivnost. Rada bi te pa vprašala kje si dobila Maybelline korektor?

    1. Ni slab, samo ni najboljši kot korektor :) Eraser je pa iz Avstrije, se ga pa dobi tudi na Feel Unique in Boots, pa seveda na eBayu.

  10. Meni je pa gobica prav fajn, samo navadit sem se je mogla. Super mi je za nanos, blendam pa potem itak z drugo gobico ali čopiči :D Imam pa odtenke 20. Pa mi pod očmi fino osvetli :)

    1. Meni je čisto pretrda :/ Razvajena sem od Eraserja :D Nič ne osvetli, tudi na slikah ne kot L'Orealov Lumi.
