October Favourites

nedelja, oktober 30, 2016

I'm currently at a stage where I don't really like any foundation I own on my face apart from Healthy Mix Serum. I think my skin care is all messed up, so foundations look fake over the uneven surface, but this one is that one reliable product that doesn't look weird on the skin and looks pretty much like skin. I was even said that my skin looks so fresh a couple of days back when I was wearing it. Coverage is light to medium, which is just fine to me and it has a dewy finish without feeling tacky on the skin. However, I must express my displeasure at the discovery that it now costs 16 € here, which is well over 2-3 € more than when I started buying it five years ago. What is happening Bourjois?

Bourjois' concealers are again those that I find most reliable when it comes to nice, natural looking coverage. I still use Collection's or Nars' concealer when I want full coverage, but this is the one that doesn't look heavy on the skin and blends with ease, so it's great especially under the eyes and on my uneven nose.

I got quite a few new contour kits lately and I'm not even that big on the contouring trend because full face contouring just looks odd on pale skin. However, I do occasional use a bit of shading under my cheekbone and out of all the contours I got recently, this one is the only one truly wearable for me. The shading part has a good amount of grey in it, so it's the best for faking a shadow. The highlighter side I'm not that into, it's hasn't got any shimmer, so there is no visible effect on my skin. These aren't as pigmented as some others I've tried, so they need layering, but with a thin dense contour brush they work well. I've been using it quite a lot since I got it, skipping the blush because I was always in a hurry in the morning, but it looked good. 

I was on the fence whether this is the shade for me when I first tried it because it's a pretty dark colour on me, but it's just the perfect autumn colour with those highly sought after muted rosy-brown tones. Because it's so dark on me, but not a classic burgundy colour, it's a great alternative to proper vampies, but on medium skin tones it's probably look lighter and more mauve. Formula of these is amazing and this shade sets in a few minutes to a perfect matte finish, the colour just last forever on the lips and it's one of the more comfortable matte lip creams. 

I've already raved about this in my latest new in, but basically this is a bit lighter and a much more fun version of my old favourite Swivel Stick. Admittedly these ball designs aren't as practical as regular lip balms or even the cone shape of Balmi's version, but they are so darn cute. I dislike typical waxy hard lip balms like most Labello's or Burt's Bees and this is much softer, so it's not that coat of product on the lips that merely keeps the existing moisture locked in, but I genuinely have a feeling it's nourishing my lips. The scent is lovely too, though not what you'd expect from the name, but Palmer's original chocolate cake batter scent is still there, just mixed with a tropical fruit note (not mango though). It even tastes delicious. I wonder how the coconut version smells?

I found my favourite taupe shade. This one actually looked a simple grey in the shop, but it has some brown tones to it. Just like at 210 which was in my last favourites, the formula is again lovely, as is the brush which is just perfect for my nails. 

It's not often I'm interested in a Essence TE, not that they are bad, they just come and go too fast, but I had to get these. Both are stunningly beautiful and have that galaxy feel to them. 01 Meet Me at Midnight is a bright blue-teal-violet duo chrome shimmer on a black base and 02 is a purple-pink duo chrome shimmer on a black base, though honestly as many pictures I've seen on these, none truly capture how gorgeous they are in person. Both are opaque in two coats and need a bit more effort to take them off, as they leave shimmer behind.

BBW sure knows how to make a cinnamon scent in a product. I've been searching for something decent for years here, but every cookie scent smells exactly the same (boring car refresher vanilla, what else), but these actually smell like the real deal and you seriously just want to eat it. How I wish we had BBW here or at least that I would have too search all over the internet for a reasonable price. I have two of the autumn scents, Pumpkin Cupcake smells like cinnamon cookies spekulatius, which I love, while Pumpkin Cranberry Cider smells like Ledeni Čaj Brusnica from the start, so sweet cranberry fruity, but quickly becomes basically the same cinnamon scent that Pumpkin Cupcake. Scent are strong and last, which I love because it's like a yummy fragrance and they work fine as disinfectants, without leaving any tacky layer. 

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  1. Lovely selection, I would love to try the Palmer's flip Balm and it is so cute too :)


    1. I love the packaging of Palmer's because the balm actually flips and it's so much quicker to use than Balmi's at which I always struggle with the lid.

  2. I've been wanting to try the Infallible Sculpt but I never find it in the right shade, seems like everyone is quite into it!

    | www.noirettediary.com |

    1. They have it on Feel Unique if all else fails :)

  3. The loreal highlight side of the sculpt kit didn't work for me either.. I agree that the contour side is better!

    Great little post
    Warm wishes


    1. If it were a powder product, I could at least use it for setting makeup, but a cream product with no shimmer has no effect on my skin. It probably works a lot better on medium skin tones :)

  4. Bourjois je čist taka podlaga za hladne mesece. Jaz sem se vedno zanašala na njo, ko sem imela bolj suho kožo - ampak foundation verzijo. Zdaj pa za pravo zimo bolj Missha Perfect Cover BB. Čeprav mi je pri Borujois všeč ravno ta rumen podton. Na jesen sem še vedno precej rumena :).
    Si videla, da imajo na Lookfastastic mini verzije theBalm tekočih mat šmink? Mene že mikajo, čeprav niso vsi odtenki ravno moji :).
    Ti Bath and Body works so pa tako luškani. Zdaj si me že navdušila nad njih. Izgledajo prav mini, kar mi je všeč. Glede na to koliko vsega nosim po trobici.
    Fotografije so mi čudovite <3

    1. Meni paše celo leto, ker nimam nikoli zelo mastne in nikoli čisto suhe kože :) Foundation verzijo se pa spomnim, da mi ni bila pretirano všeč, pa ne vem zakaj.

      Sem videla ja, mi je Sara morala povedat da jih imajo :). Na Feel Unique je set precej dražji, tukaj je pa dobra cena. Bi pa imela samo Sincere, Dedicated pa Loyal, ker dva že imam, Doting bo pa oranžen na meni. Škoda da nimajo tudi po tri.

      BBW geli so tako lušni. To kar imamo pri nas mi je zdaj vse tako krampasto in bolj za met na mizi, ti so pa tako mini, da pašejo v žepe in v mini predalčke od torbic. Pa sploh se ne porabi dosti, dejansko mi je kapljica dovolj. Ne vem kako jim je to uspelo :)

      Hvala <3

  5. Healthy mix od Bourjous je ena mojih najljubših podlag, ker je lahka in ni mat (imam suho kožo, ki se na bradi rada lušči). Zato največkrat uporabim dve različni podlagi + korektor... Tudi jaz sem svetla in mi je tudi light vanilla pozimi pretemen, pri mešanju z drugimi podlagami pa včasih zgubi vse svoje prednosti. Oh ja. Sicer je moj najljubši tekoči puder od Lancoma Teint Idole Ultra 24H, ampak je najsvetlejši, ki se ga lahko dobi pri nas (010) ultra pretemen jeseni in pozimi, ampak naredi (po moje) pa najlepši videz kože. Imajo tudi odtenke 005 in 007, tako da bom poskušala kje po Evropi.
    Videla sem tudi tvoj review nove podlage Catrice in meni se zdi zelo lepa na tvoji koži (lahko mi daš še par milimetrov tvojh trepalnic, srečka :))) Mogoče samo odtenek ni pravšnji, kar pa je šibka točka vseh podlag za nas, ki imamo zelo svetlo kožo.
    Mislim, da bom morala 'bite the bullet' in naročiti ter poskusiti Nars Sheer Glow. Od Narsa imam korektor Radiant Creamy Concealer v odtenku Chantilly. Skrbijo me samo odtenki, Siberia se mi zdi preveč rumena. Poleg tega, pa vse podlage na moji koži še oksidirajo in dodatno potemnijo. Ne vem zakaj Chantillyja ne prestavijo med odtenke podlage Sheer Glow?! Zame bi bil perfekten. Če pomislim, ima tudi Illamasqua svetle odtenke podlag, V Müllerju na Čopovi so jo na žalost umaknili.
    Lepo bodi :)

    1. Meni se je tudi Serum priljubil takrat ko sem imela pozimi luske, ampak mi je še zdaj najboljši puder ko je moja koža v boljšem stanju :) Sicer pa tudi sama na večino dni mešam dva pudra da dobim dober odtenek, tega pa nočem ker mi je predober.

      Od Lancomovih sem imela mnogo let nazaj Color Ideal, ki je bil takrat edini puder v naših drogerijah, da mi je ustrezal odtenek, ampak mislim, da ga zdaj ni več, je pa bil izjemno podoben HMS-ju. Originalno sem hotela kupit Idole Ultra, ker so ga že takrat punce zelo hvalile, pa nisem našla odtenka zase. Me pa še mika.

      Ta novi puder od Catrice sicer zelo hvalijo, ampak sama še zdaj nisem čisto prepričana če mi je všeč. Slika se zelo lepo, je res eden boljših za take situacije, ampak v živo se mi zdi malo nenaraven, pa preveč poudarja gubice in tudi pore. Mi je pa všeč, ker je tako lahek in ima odlično prekrivnost. Odtenek je pa kar temen, je pa vsaj nevtralen.

      Iskreno - včasih sem oboževala Sheer Glow, zadnje čase pa opažam predvsem kako se čudno nosi po parih urah predvsem okrog por. Sicer na moji koži izgleda praktično identično kot Revlon Colorstay za suho/normalno kožo, ki pa se lepše nosi, ampak vseeno začne izgledati čudno po nekaj urah. Siberia je izjemno rumena, bolj rumenega pudra (z izjemno Milanijevega Conceal + Perfect) še nisem imela, je pa vsaj zelo svetel. Chantilly je pa za moje pojme že skoraj malo preveč bel. Bi imela med Sheer Glow odtenek, ki je odtenek temnejši od Chantilly. Si že kdaj gledala tiste The Body Shop posvetlitvene kapljice? Jih imam na wishlisti, pa so menda zelo dobre :)

  6. Hvala, sem kar malo pozabila na te posvetlitvene kapljice, ker se mi je 'fržmagalo' dati 44 USD za Cover Fx. No zdaj, zahvaljujoč tebi vem, da jih ima tudi The Body shop. Grem takoj raziskat :)
    Sheer Glow torej odpade, ti zaupam. Tudi jaz imam od Revlona Colorstay za suho kožo in čeprav mi je najsvetlejši odtenek kar všeč, se začne, kot praviš ti čudno obnašati na koži. Meni ga koža kar poje, ne znam razložiti, ampak kar izgine. Enako je z Estee Lauderjevim Perfectionist, ki mi ga je prodajalka priporočila, ker naj bi bil super za suho kožo, ampak je tako silikonski, da ga koža okoli nosa in brade kar 'poje'. To se mi s Teint Idole nikoli ne zgodi. Res je, da je malo bolj mat, meni pa je všeč bolj sijoč videz, zato na koncu obraz popršim z All Nighterjem od Urban Decaya.

    1. Čisto te razumem glede tega, da koža kar vpije velik del podlage in začne vse izgledati čudno. Meni se to dogaja z bolj prekrivnimi pudri.

      Sama dražjih pudrov ravno ne gledam, me pa punce že leta prepričujejo, da bi mi bil UD Naked Skin všeč, ker imajo zelo svetel odtenek, jaz pa imam za najprej ogledan Deborah Radiance Creator v odtenku 00:)

  7. Bom tega od Deborah preverila tudi sama, če najdem kje dobro založeno stojalo :)
