Wishlist #22

sobota, januar 21, 2017

1.  BOURJOIS Healthy Mix Foundation (reformulated)
50 Rose Ivory
Healthy Mix has been revamped again and though that normally wouldn't really interest me, since I much prefer the Serum version, this time by some miracle they actually added a lighter shade 50 and if it's indeed lighter than 51 (I have yet to see swatches), I need it.
They also repackaged the concealer, which I like, but disliked the original tube packaging. However, I actually like Radiance Reveal so much, I'll probably skip this one, unless it's now full coverage. 
URBAN DECAY Naked Skin Weightless Concealer (light neutral), CATRICE Liquid Camouflage Concealer (005) or TARTE Shape Tape Concealer (fair)
My full coverage concealers are on their last legs and it's just such a "joy" to use them both with broken wands (stupid packaging) scrapping the last bits out, so I really need a new one. These three intrigue me the most, though I like what I currently have (Nars and Collection), but I'd like something less matte for now because I realised I use them mostly in the inner corner of the eyes. It's probably going to be Catrice's when I finally find it in stock somewhere because it's easiest to get.
UD, €22.40; Catrice 3.79€ , Tarte 24$

3. TONYMOLY Pikachu Mini Cover Cushion Pokemon Edition
I actually already ordered this, but it's being held up because of shipping problems due to weather, so I really wish this arrives safely (I'm scared it'll be out of stock because no one set it aside or something). I did get it because it's Pokemon (I don't care if you judge me), but also because I'm hoping shade 01 is very pale, which I desperately need. I've never tried a cushion foundation before, so that will be new to me.

4. CATRICE Prime & Fine Makeup Transforming Drops 
Most of my foundation are rubbish and those that are actually good (Milani Conceal + Perfect) are too dark, so I really need some sort of a lightening product and this will be the easiest to get (I'd love TBS's drops, but I can't get them). I hope the texture isn't too odd, so it doesn't mess up my foundations. Based on swatches I've seen it's tinted yellow and I'm not sure I like that. I need to see it in person.
3.49 €

5. ESSENCE Out of Space Stories Nail Polish
I have a thing for anything with a galaxy/space effect, so naturally this shade caught my eye. I haven't seen any swatches yet, but Essence promises this line contains holographic, changing and metallic finishes. I have to see it first and then decide if I want it.
1.99 €

6. PRETTY SERIOUS Naileontology Collection 
Eye of Copernicus
I blame my lemming for this solely on Metka's gorgeous swatches. I've wanted Essie Starry, Starry Night, but missed it since it wasn't sold here and I didn't want to pay for shipping on Boots, but Metka say this one is even prettier so I need it. The only thing is that it's expensive with shipping, so again I'm reluctant to pay so much for a nail polish.
10.36 €

Snow White
Yeah, I have a thing for Snow White too (I hope for obvious reasons), so this collection, which actually includes other princesses, caught my eye, but I haven't taken the plunge yet, apart from a sheet mask (bellow). The cushion is a peach colour corrector and it supposedly brightens the skin tone (I'm scared it's too peachy for me), but I love the packaging, while the lipstick is a classic red and the nail polish has flakes. I have a feeling I'll miss it, but it's not at the top of the wishlist.

8. AVON Mesmerize Black
This I blame on Petra who gave me samples of it. It's such a wonderful scent and I just fell in love with it. It's basically pure sandalwood, so a warm and cosy fragrance, but without the overused vanilla or amber. It's really affordable on Salma, which makes me even happier.
8.90 €

9. AVON Luck for Her
I love the bottle of this one, it's so classy. I had a sample of this and it's a scent most will find boring, but I like these type of fruity florals. I smell sweet pineapple (notes mention berries and citrus) and a gentle white flower scent, so it's basically a Fructis shampoo type of scent. Notes.
13.90 €

10. KATY PERRY Mad Love
I spray this one every time I'm in DM. It smells so good, but it's a very teenage fruity sweet scent, yet it has no vanilla. I swear I smell pineapples from the start, though notes mention strawberry and coconut. I currently have no happy, cocktail like fragrances for summer, so either a Victoria's Secret spray or this are on the list. Notes.
23.80 €

11. BIOBAZA Exclusive Micellar Oil
I have a sample of this that I've been using every day for three or so weeks and it's by far the best oil cleanser I've tried. It's very liquid, but with water it creates such a luxurious, thick emulsion, exactly like L'Occitane's Almond Shower Oil. It isn't causing me any problems and it removes makeup well (ok, only a bit of mascara is left because I can't reach it). I really like this.
12.94 €

12. COSRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid
I've been unhappy with the uneven skin texture around my nose and on my chin for a really long time, but that 5% glycolic cream I got, just isn't working like I hoped, so maybe BHAs will be better. I hear this is great for blackheads and nothing works on mine, so I hope this is good.

13. ELIZAVECCA Milky Piggy Hell Pore Clean Up Mask
Another blackhead treatment, well pore clearing treatment. It dries solid into a sort of a peel off mask which I hope works better than strips that usually fail on me, also because I can never fit them properly and I end up with air pockets on the sides.

14. ELIZAVECCA Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask
I read so many positive reviews about this that it's hard to ignore. It's a mask that bubbles after application (I once had cleanser from Skin 79 that bubbled) and it apparently clears out the pores.

15. TONY MOLY Panda's Dream White Sleeping Pack
I ordered this as well already and it's also being held up, just like the Pokemon Cushion, so I hope it arrives safely. I spotted this on Makeup & More Blog where Zlatana praised it and I've read further positive reviews. It's a moisturising treatment that you leave on overnight, so it's something like Balea's Power Maske. Plus the packaging is adorable.
US $8.96

16. COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch
I read this is the best spot treatment and I just wish I knew this before because I was searching for something last year and ended up buying Afrodita's version, which does very little. I had patches before from Balea and they were also some of the most effective ones, but I have even more faith in Korean skin care.

17. MISSHA Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence
Another product I've heard a ton of praises about. Essence's are to me a strange step in the skin care routine, but I hear this is somewhat like the popular SKII Essence (plus the Time Revolution serum from Missha is supposedly a dupe Estee Lauder's ANR), but it's again not the most affordable product, so it's going to be on hold for a while, though I really should start investing more in my skin. 

A'PIEU Peach & Yogurt Sheet Mask, THE FACE SHOP Snow White Brightening Face Mask, TONY MOLY Pokemon Sheet Mask 
I kind of want to force myself to use more masks because this winter it was just crazy how much my skin dried up (I was sick with a fever for the first time in years, if not decades and it wreaked havoc) and almost nothing helped, so I need to start injecting more moisture into my skin and sheet masks are a really good boost. I know Innisfree's and Etude House's are very popular, but I really like the idea of the peach one from A'Pieu and the Pokemon ones are so cute, while I already ordered the Snow White one. Any recommendations? 

The Body Shop Shade Adjusting Drops Lightening / Deborah Radiance Creator Foundation 00 / Elizabeth  and James Nirvana Black / Balea Regenbogen Shower Gel / L'Occitane Néroli & Orchidée Hand Cream / L'Occitane Fleur d'Or & Acacia fragrance and shower gel / Estee Lauder Modern Muse Nuit / Etude House Missing U Hand Cream // 
Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f1.8 / Katy Perry Spring Reign / Paco Rabanne Olympea Set / Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips / Colourpop Ultra Satin in Lyin' King // 
Colourpop Lippie Stick in Contempo, Lumiere, Mirror Mirror and Trust Me / H&M blush in Rosy Brown / Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer and City Glow bronzer / L.A. Girl Pro Coverage foundation white and fair.

I won't go into details here, don't worry. It's just a wishlist I made in December, but never posted it and it was more meant for me because I like making these. I actually already got that Balea Unicorn shower gel and I can tell you it smells of the most boring car freshener vanilla. I also got L'Occitane Néroli & Orchidée hand cream as a gift and I just love it, it smells amazing and the texture is great because it sinks in under a minute. I ordered the Etude House Panda Peach hand cream, but I'm still waiting for it to arrive. I'm debating whether to get the 45 mm lens for Olympus, but it's just so expensive, even the used ones.

Anything caught your eye? What's on your wishlist? Have a great day!

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  1. Vedno, ko preberem tvoje wishliste bi še jaz imela vse :D Catrice concealer ti z veseljem priporočam, meni je odličen. Pokemon in Snow White izdelki izgledajo zanimivo :D
    Avon Mesmerize Black me mika že nekaj časa zaradi opisa in dobrih ocen, ampak nočem tvegat, da mi ne bo všeč. Katy Perry parfumi pa so meni vsi, kar sem jih do zdaj videla in povohala všeč :)

    1. Catrice že dolgo kupujem, no v bistvu čakam da moje druge porabim in ga nameravam potem kupit, ampak kolikor gledam v drogerijah, ga v NM ni skoraj nikoli na zalogi.

      Mesmerize nimam pojma s čim naj ti ga primerjam da bi vsaj približno vedela kako diši, ampak je topel, malo drugačen vonj kot tipične cupcake vanilije. Mene spominja na 90's. Moder diši pa kot S budget breskov jogurt :D

      Katy Perry sem imela že Purr, ampak predvsem zaradi flaške, ker vonj mi je bil povprečen. Royal Revolution tudi imam, spet zaradi flaške in ga bolj redko uporabljam, ampak je drugim zelo všeč :)

  2. I bought the new Bourjois concealer two days ago, it is very yellow and quite dark, I only swatched it on my hand, but I would be more than happy to send it to you so you can write a proper blog post about it :)

    1. Then it's the same as before, I think I have a mini review about it.
      Oh, there's no need to send it, but thank you regardless ;)

  3. Jaaaa, Bourjois concealerji so meni top <3

    hahahah, glede tuš gela ki diši po oblačkih in zvezdicah in vsemu bogu zraven, si pa že all good to go :D <3

    1. Radiance Reveal in CC Eye cream sta top :)

      Hočeš rečt the most boring smelling shower gel :D Ga imam zraven računalnika, ker mi je slikca tako kjut :D

  4. Ta Liquid Camouflage od Catrice je res odličen, pa še poceni je :)
    Dober je tudi tisti ki je v lončku (Camouflage Cream), samo ne vem, če bi ti ustrezal odtenek ... pa za podočnjake zna bit malo presuha tekstura.

    1. Also: Deborah Radiance Creator <3 Čudovita tekstura in občutek na koži, ultimate fave.
      Edini minus je prekrivnost ... jaz bi ga oz. ga bom takoj še enkrat kupila, ko ne bom več rabila bolj prekrivne podlage.

    2. Verjamem, da je dober, glede na to da skoraj stalno ni na zalogi v NM :) Teh korektorjev v lončkih pa ne maram, ker so preveč voskasti za moj okus in izgledajo preveč fejk na moji koži.

      Deborah sem šla pa kakšna dva tedna nazaj iskat in ga ni bilo nikjer v NM. Prav bedno mi je zdaj, ker sem ga imela na wishlisti že kakšno leto, pa ker je bil 14 € ga nisem hotela vzet, ker sem preveč škrta. Imam drugače rada manjšo prekrivnost :)

    3. Tudi jaz načeloma nisem marala korektorjev v lončkih, dokler enkrat nisem rabila nekaj ful prekrivnega, in sem vzela tega - je bil precej pozitivno presenečenje. Je pa res da jaz korektorja sploh ne uporabljam na podočnjakih, ampak samo na mestih, kjer imam rdečico/izbruhe mozoljev, no in tam dobro opravlja svojo nalogo :)

      Škoda za Radiance Creator :( Sem pa tudi jaz škrta haha, sem vedno čakala na kakšno akcijo za Deborah podlage, preden sem ga vzela (kljub temu da mi je najljubša podlaga ever) :D

    4. Sem jih imela nekaj in ponavadi sem jih mogla še segret na radiatorju da so mi bili kul. Sem pa porabila celega of theBalm Time Balm, ki je zelo pohvaljen, ampak meni enostavno taki niso všeč.

      Upam, da ga kje še najdem :/

  5. Za Shape tape sem brala same pohvale, baje, da je res full coverage, pa da je Fair res zelo svetel odtenek, jih je bilo dosti presenečenih nad tem. :D Ima pa Tarte ta vikend zastonj worldwide shipping, če te zanima. :)

    1. Sem šla takoj gledat na stran pa ga ni na zalogi :( Šavke :/ Ga tudi kakšen teden nazaj ni bilo, očitno je preveč priljubljen.

  6. Nov Healthy Mix sem zadnjič preizkušala v trgovini. Žal nisem niti vedela, da imajo svetlejši odtenek in zdaj ne vem, če sem preizkusila tega ali 51. Korektor mi ni bil všeč, ker mi je na roki spet izredno hitro oksidiral kot Radiance Reveal. Je pa bil najsvetlejši korektor temnejši od najsvetlejše podlage, tako da upam, da je bila 50 :D.
    Tarte korektor bi takoj imela, če bi imela višek denarja :). Essence laki so tudi meni vedno zanimivi. Sploh ti z raznimi efekti.
    Posvetlitvene kapljice so definitivno toplo rumenkaste in dokaj svetle. Sem samo enkrat zmešala z Revlonovim pudrom pa mi ni bilo preveč všeč. Vsekakor malo posvetli, ampak je izgledalo kot da je bilo preveč chalky na obrazu, če me razumeš. Moram sprobat še z drugimi. So pa bolj goste, ampak ne polno prekrivne. Meni bi mogoče bel odtenek bolj prav prišel za mešanje.
    Vedno ko vidim kaj z sneguljčico, se spomnim nate :D.
    Jaz sem zadnjič kupila od Balea-je te pimple patches in je bilo katastrofalno. Se mi je kar odlepil čez noč. COSRX so pa obdržijo celo noč in se prav vidi kako ti ven posrka vso umazanijo iz mozolja, ker postane bel in odebeljen. Vsekakor priporočam ;).
    Missha esenco testiram testerje in me ni navdušila. Jaz ne opazim nobenega efekta. Ima pa Nadja na blogu link do Ebaya kjer lahko dobiš mislim da 10 testerjev za solidno ceno, da prej preizkusiš.
    Sheet maske ti priporočam Innisfree Grean Tea mi je zelo všeč, verjetno katera koli od njih. Balea Vital maska (za starejšo kožo) mi je bila izredno všeč, ker mi je zelo lepo navlažila kožo. Aqua verzija je bolj "lahka", ne tako zelo vlažilna.

    1. 50 ni pri nas, smo se že razburjale zaradi tega v FB skupini, tako da ga bom mogla naročit z neta. Čeprav pravijo je menda 51 zdaj bolj nevtralen in ne toliko rumen, kar bi bilo tudi kul.

      Tarte edino kar ga nikjer ne najdem, drugače bi bil že naročen. Povsod ga ni na zalogi, na eBayu pa itak izkoriščajo z visokimi cenami. Nočem še kakšnega davka potem plačat.

      Kapljice sem videla pri tebi in so mi izgledale nekako tako kot Nars Siberia in me je takoj razočaralo. Meni ni fora da so kapljice bolj kot puder, to že imam, morale bi bili nekaj takega kot TBS-jeve, ampak bom sprobala še v drogeriji če sploh kdaj pridem do nje. Chalky, a? Potem mi zveni kot od Illamasque bel puder, ki mi tudi ni bil všeč. Ko bi vsaj imeli TBS pri nas.

      Baleine sem imela skoraj deset let nazaj in so bili zihr drugačni. Te COSRX pa moram nujno naročit, ker berem same pohvale.

      Sem videla že testerje pa je vseno 13 €.

      Balea Vital pa imam :) Sem jo kupila že v začetku decembra, pa je nimam časa uporabit :D Moram se prisilit si vzet več časa za kožo kot 2 minute preden grem spat (zdaj sem na micelarno olje + Nuxe). Innisfree grejo na seznam :)

  7. O, jaz bi imela karkoli z Pokemoni :D (geek :D)
    Nov Healthy Mix bom vsekakor morala poswatchat, ampak ne vem če me res res zanima, sploh ker sem trenutno v zelo comitted relationship z Milani Conceal and Perfect:D
    Neroli&Orchid od L'Occitanna sem pa enkrat dobila testerček v reviji in je bil fantastičen :D <3

    1. Sem vzela še testerje krem za roke Jigglypuff, me pa mika še krema za telo :) Lušna kolekcija :)

      Ti imaš itak srečo, da ti ni treba prečesat celo drogerijo za en potencialni ubogi odtenek ki ti bo ustrezal. Kolikor se spomnim original HM mi je bil preveč sticky/masten, ampak če imajo zelo svetel odtenek bom recimo da preživela. Je vsaj za mešat. Ko bi vsaj obstajal zelo svetel Conceal + Perfect, novi menda spet ni tako bled.

      L'Occitane ima itak take krasne vonje :)

    2. Kje pa si narocala vse to? :) (Pokemon stuff)

    3. Na eBayu, prodajalec bringbringshop, ampak jih je več :)

  8. Loving all the K-beauty picks on your wish list, so cute.

    1. Some things are so adorable :) I'm also liking the Rilakkuma cooperation with A'Pieu :)

  9. Odlična wish lista, nekoliko stvari sam dodala na svoj popis, a neke su nam iste. Voljela bi isprobati Biobazinu micelarnu otopinu jer mi je Garnierova dvofazna micelarna (koju obožavam) pri kraju. Također me privlači nova formula Bourjois pudera i korektora no bojim se da će i nasvijetlija nijansa biti prežuta za mene. Trenutno imam najsvijetliju nijansu starijeg Bourjois korektora i baš mi je na granici da bude prežut. Catrice kapi za posvjetljavanje pudera mi se čine baš zanimljivima, svakako ću ih isprobati. Pozdrav, Karmen.

    1. Biobaza olje je odlično, ti ga res priporočam :) Mi je drugače tudi Garnierjeva micelarna všeč :)

      Menda je najsvetlejši odtenek pudra roza (50), drugi pa bolj nevtralen (51). Korektor pa je zelo rumen.

  10. :) Blushing :) Ampak lakec je pa res lep <3 In hvala za omembo <3

    Tele princeske bi bile pa za moji punci :) Si kar predstavljam navdušenje.

    Od COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch si pa tudi jaz ogledujem ze kar nekaj časa. Če ga kupiš, bom vesela tvoje ocene :)

    1. Ma ti bi meni vsak lak prodala, ampak tale mi je pa še posebej gorgeous :) Ni za kaj :)

      The Disney stvari so zelo lušne. Imajo še npr. masko za lase Tangled, pa neko nego za noge od Pepelke, sleeping mask od Trnuljčice,... :)

      Obliže bom zagotovo naročila ker res rabim nekaj takega. Sem pa videla pri Petri (Adjusting Beauty) da je že pisala o njih.

  11. Congratulations, your wish list is amazing.

  12. Fajn wishlist! Sem videla, da želiš Avon Mesmerize Black ... doma imam skoraj polno flaškico, zelo malo sem ga uporabljala. Če želiš, ti ga lahko pošljem (zastonj, seveda!), ker ga boš ti ziher bolj vesela kot jaz. :)

    Misshin FTE si tudi jaz želim imet – zdaj v bistvu testiram njihov FTE Intensive, ki mi je kar všeč, torej tudi z navadno FTE ne bi smela zgrešit. Druga stvar, ki jo iščem, pa je en dober korektor/concealer, ki se mi ne bi usedal v gubice pod očmi. Liquid Camouflage me ne mara.

    1. Hvala :) Mi lahko pišeš na mejl, prosim? :)

      Mogoče bi ti ustrezal Collection korektor, ker je menda bolj mat od Catrice. Meni se ne useda v gubice :)
