Wishlist #25

četrtek, september 14, 2017

MILANI Conceal + Perfect 2-in-1 Foundation + Concealer 
00A Porcelain
Looks like Milani finally created an actual pale shade. I already have a review for this foundation where I stated it's one of my favourite formulas ever, so I'm hoping the shade is pale enough (swatch). I've only seen proper comparison swatches of 00B and it's another joke, just like 00.

THEBALM Girls Getaway Trio Long-Wearing Bronzer/Blush
Two of the shades I really want (Balm Springs and Balm Beach) in one palette plus the one I was also interested in (Desert Balm) - sign me up. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I could find it here. Swatches.

MILANI Amore Matte Lip Cream
I still have no proper red liquid lipstick and this one looks so amazing on swatches. I want something like L'Oreal's Blake, so a cool toned red and this looks somewhat like it - as long as it doesn't turn out that it'll look darker on me because I don't need another burgundy. Swatch.

RIMMEL Stay Matte Liquid Lipsticks
100 Blush, 500 Firestarter and 650 Plum this show
These are new to me and I hear a lot of positive feedback about these. I hope they are truly properly matte and that they don't have that awful Rimmel scent. Two versions of packaging exist, but the shade names are the same. Swatches.

THEBALM Meet Matte Hughes 
I love the formula of these and so far it's my favourite. Sincere is similar to my beloved Committed, just more mauve. Swatch.

MAYBELLINE SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick 
Loyalist, Dreamer and Pioneer
Another matte liquid lipstick formula I've heard raves about and now I've seen they finally reached Germany, so there is a chance they'll soon be here too. Or at least online, but I want to see these in person. Swatches.

Plum Rose
I put this in my last wishlist post too, but it's only now become accessible to me. I recently heard they launched four highlighters too.

I've gone through most of my samples and I find this has the best results on my skin. It refines the skin texture, so it looks much better with or without makeup. 

THE ORDINARY Argireline Solution 10% and Hyaluronic Acid 2% +B5
Argireline solution promises to work on dynamic folds, so I'd like to give it a try on my smile lines, while the fact my skin soaks everything like a sponge indicates it's very likely I need hyaluronic acid in my routine and I trust The Ordinary most.
€7.20; €6.80

MEDIHEAL X-Line Friends Ampoule Masks
I.P.I. Lightmax,  E.G.T Timetox Ampoule Mask and N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask
I'm not thrilled about the price for one of these, but I heard Mediheal has great sheet masks and the packaging is so adorable. The pink bunny one promises a brightening effect and I'm a sucker for that, while the blue one is super moisturising and the yellow bear one works anti-ageing. Review.

PAPA RECIPE Bombee Honey Whitening Mask and Bombee Rose Gold Honey Mask Pack 
I've tried a lot of sheet masks in this year and these two were the most impressive, especially whitening version is my favourite ever. I'd like to get a pack of these.
$13.50 (5pc); $18.54 (5pc)

THE FACE SHOP The Solution Mask Sheet
I only tried Pearl which was fantastic and I so enjoyed everything about it (sheet has the most perfect fit ever) that I want to try all of them. But I'm delaying all my K-Beauty purchases because shipping is still impossibly slow and everything gets stopped at customs now. 
$13.99 (7 pc)

BILOU Creamy Shower Foam
Apple Slushy, Donut and Lovely Peach
I have Fizzy Berry which impressed me a lot and in the shop I liked most of the scents, so I'd love to give more of these a try and also body sprays if I can find them.

Have a great day!

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  1. Really want to try those liquid lipsticks from Maybelline, the US and UK bloggers are raving about them! xx

    Carolina's Makeup Life

    1. I've been stalking online shops for months, but they've only recently hit Europe. Now they just need to come to Slovenia, I'd really love to try them :)

  2. Sem še jaz dodala par stvari iz tvoje wishliste na mojo :) Predvsem Rimmel in Maybelline tekoče šminke zvenijo obetavno in hvala da si vključila linke do kvalitetnih swatchov od drugih, da prihraniš iskanje - super ideja za naprej :)

    1. Obe znamki sta že eksperimentirali z mat formulami, pa jima ni uspelo, ampak ocene za te nove formule so zelo obetavne. Upam, da oboje pride hitro k nam :) Me veseli, da so swatchi v pomoč :)

  3. I tried the Solution sheet masks and they were great, I will definitely re-purchase!! You always give the best ideas on what to buy next! x


    1. I'm glad you liked the masks :) I'm itching to try more versions, but even if I order right now, it'll take over a month to get here.

  4. Maybelline mat šminke so že v Dmih. No vsaj v našem so bile. Sem jih malo swatchala in so mi všeč, ampak zame bodo verjetno presuhe.

    Priporočam The Ordinary hialuronsko. Je tudi dokaj ugodna. Jaz jo zdaj že redno uporabljam, ker je spet tukaj hladno vreme. I've hit the pan na mojem Butter Bronzerju. Znamk, da bom verjetno morala ponovno kupit. Ti osvetljevalci na tvojem storyu so me takoj zanimali, ampak osvetljevalcev res ne potrebujem, ker jih skoz uporabljam. Upam, da blush verzijo razširijo, vsaj glede nabora odtenkov. :)

    I don't get it. A je zdaj od Milani najsvetlejši odtenek dejansko dovolj svetel? Ali še ni swatchev? To bi znalo bit res zanimivo. Bo končalo še na moji wishlisti. :)

    1. Really?! Pri nas jih še ni bilo včeraj :/ Oh, upam, da bodo kmalu prišli tudi v NM. V MS pogosto dobite stvari veliko prej kot mi, tukaj imamo še vedno prazna Catrice stojala in essence ni še poln.

      Hialuronsko moram vključit v rutino in to vse hvalite :) Sem imela od Ombie več let nazaj (še pred bloganjem) in mi je bila čisto zanič, upam, da je ta boljša.

      Jaz pa bi takoj ta osvetljevalec, moja zbirka je itak zelo borna proti tvoji :D Bi enega perlastega, ker takega nimam. Pa tudi blush nujno :)

      Tale 00A izgleda zanimiv, ampak ima roza podton. Swatch sem do zdaj našla samo uradni od Milanija, ki pa ravno ne slika na zelo svetlih polteh, sem pa brala na Redditu, da je menda dovolj svetel. 00B je za NC15-20 in rumen vsaj sodeč po teh swatchih, ki sem jih našla in eni video oceni, ki je pa slabše kvalitete in punca ni ravno snegujčica. Nekako sumim, da boš vseeno ostala brez čisto pravega odtenka, ker 00A je roza in 00B ti bo pa morda že pretemen, vsaj za zimo.

    2. Sem jaz to tudi opažala zadnje čase, kar je čudno. Prekmurje vedno zaostaja glede drugih stvari. Ampak no, se sploh ne pritožujem. Mogoče se tovornjaki prej ustavijo pri nas iz Nemčije :D. Upam, da čim prej dobite. Saj po mojem bo zdaj zdaj ;).

      O hvala za razlago. Vidim, da si ti že preštudirala odtenke. Si moram nekje zapisat 00B. Če seveda pride v moj doseg in ne bo pretemen. :)

    3. Ni dvakrat za rečt, da je zaradi bližine Avstrije, ampak sem jih danes našla - v Műllerju so bili samo testerji, ker so očitno danes imeli namen jih dat na stojalo, v DM-u so bili pa samo izdelki brez testerjev, tudi očitno šele od danes. Sem vzela dva, Pioneer in Locer :) Loyalist mi je bil preveč peachy bež in nude, Dreamer pa preveč živo roza.

      Oba odtenka sta že na Click2Chic, če slučajno ne veš. Drugje ju pa še nisem videla npr. na Beauty Bay.

    4. O super. No so pri vas tudi pohiteli. Nam boš postregla s super swatchi :).

      Nisem vedela, hvala. Pametno za vedet :D.

  5. I want to try. Thank you very much. Cilt Bakım

  6. The balm liquid lipsticks and Ordinary hyaluronic are amazing for the price and you won't be sorry if you buy them (especially hyaluronic because it can stand up to many of my high end skincare)

    1. I love theBalm liquid lipsticks, they are my favourite, so I really want to expand my collection with a least Sincere :) And I definitely need to order that hyaluronic acid :)

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