L.O.V. LASHseduction Instant Volume Mascara

sobota, februar 03, 2018

This is the first mascara from L.O.V. that I had a chance to try and one of the products that were added to their range in autumn. I did not get along with this mascara in the first months because it's the messiest, wettest and most gloopy mascara I've tried in a long time, so I kept waiting for it to dry a bit and become more manageable. I kept giving it chances every week or so, but there were no signs of it thickening for a very long time. It's three or four months now and it's still quite wet, but much easier to work with and it gives an insane amount of volume.

This has a a standard brush with short bristles, so a type that is for depositing a lot of product on the lashes and not for combing or definition. It's a good idea to use an old mascara wand after application for combing the lashes.

Performance after a week or two of use. You can see on the right how heavy the application can look and I didn't apply more than two coats.

After three or four months since the mascara was opened. All the volume is still here, but it's not as messy any more.

Like I said before the formula of this is very wet and very messy, so when it was new it created quite a mess of my lashes and around my eyes as it transferred everywhere. The formula was also heavy which meant my lashes just dropped with this and the volume I was able to achieve, wasn't even that visible. Fast forward to today, it's much less messy, so I can apply it without making a massive mess and it's also more defining, but nothing like proper defining mascaras. The greatest feature of this is the amount of volume it creates. This just beefs up the lashes so much and creates a very intense lashy look. If you're a fan of a lot of volume, you'll be enjoying this one. However, do no cry with this mascara or rub your eyes or do anything around your lashes because you'll have the worst raccoon eyes ever. One day I looked so terrible with this, I vowed myself never to wear this if I suspect I'll be in a situation when any water or eye rubbing might be involved. It's also a mascara that needs some extra effort when it comes to removal, not because it's a particularly long-lasting mascara, but because there is so much of it on the lashes. It's also a mascara that needs a lot of time to dry, so do not sneeze with this in the next half an hour after application (did that mistake just once).

Mascara costs 10.99 € in Müller.

If you're looking for volume this is a top performer, but be ready for the fact it's messy and wet, also be prepared to leave in alone for a while because this is not a mascara you'd open and it'll work perfectly. It's too messy for me to wear it daily with confidence and I prefer Essence mascaras which are also quite volumusing, but some might like such a mascara that you can build up quickly and since it doesn't dry fast on the lashes, you can keep on building it up if you wish. I recently got the newest Catrice Lashes to Kill Pro mascara which reminds me a lot of this one when it was new and they have very similar results.

Have a great day!

*PR product.

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  1. Kolk ne maram teh mokrih pacastih maskar. Čeprav na koncu mi je efekt na tvojih trepkah zelo všeč. ;)

    1. Ko je nova je prav tečna za uporabljat, ker takoj konča na vekah in se predolgo suši. Zdaj je že veliko boljša in še vedno da ogromno volumna, ampak čakat 4 mesece, da je maskara uporabna je pa kar dolgo.

  2. Jaz sem tudi pomislila na Lashes to Kill Pro Waterproof, ki sem jo ravno začela testirat :) Čeprav se mi zdi da tista ni tako zelo messy pri aplikaciji, in waterproof obljuba drži, jo po celem dnevu težko spravim dol celo z olji :)

    1. Jaz imam navadno in je isto mokra/messy zdaj ko je nova (sem prav naredila primerjavo z to in Catrice na trepalnicah), tako da čakam, da se posuši in postane bolj uporabna. Sicer glede volumna je odlična :)

  3. Zame ta malo preveč zlepi trepalnice. Je točno tako kot si sama opisala, ful mokra in res ta aplikator nanese ogromno maskare na treplanice. Jaz jo kar celo obrišem v robček, preden jo nanesem. Jo imam že kar nekaj časa odprto pa še nisem prišla do točke, da bi bila vidno bolj suha :D. Mi je pa že od začetka všeč, ker se mi zdi, da mi ful podaljša konice trepalnic in jo zato včasih kombiniram z drugimi. Zdaj vem, da se lahko komot ognem tudi Catrice verziji :).

    Na tebi mi je seveda izgled odličen. Ti imaš itak že naravno ful dolge treplanice <3

    1. Še zdaj se ti ni posušila? Si je pa vzela čas :D Moja je že na tej točki, ko ne lima vse tako skupaj, moram pa vseeno vse bolj počasi nanašat. Kar se tiče efekta je ena izmed najbolj volumenskih maskar, kar sem jih preizkusila, primerljiva še s Princess Lash, ampak sem skoz živčna, če je kaj razmazala. Catrice že vem, da bo enaka.

      Hvala <3

  4. I was never tempted to try one of their mascaras since this seems to me to be so overprized.. I can't forget the fact that LOV is just another COSNOVA brand that produces essence and Catrice and I like essence mascaras so much that I'm not drawn to try some other ones that are this expensive. After all, it's just a mascara that I will have to replace after several months so I prefer not to spend too much money on these ones :)

    1. This, yes. You're 100% right. Princess Lash is about the same thing for a third of a price and the new Catrice Lashes to Kill is a half of the price.
