Essence #insta perfect liquid make up - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Essence #insta perfect liquid make up

nedelja, oktober 07, 2018

#insta perfect foundation was probably one of the most exciting Essence launches this year because they finally created a diverse shade range that includes both very pale and deep shades. If you still can't find a match among nine colours, these are not expensive if you get two and mix them for a perfect shade. Both the bottle and formula bear some similarities to the famous Mac Face & Body and though it promises a strong matte effect, this is actually a very natural looking foundation.

Texture: Formula is somewhere between a liquid and creamy texture, but it spreads as any light liquid foundation. It's easy to apply and blend, you also have plenty of time to work with it because it takes a while to properly set and you can build it up without it starting to look cakey, but I haven't been able to really build up the coverage to high. Any method of application works with this foundation, whether you use fingers, a brush or a sponge. Formula reminds me most of Maybelline Fit Me Luminous (has a bit more coverage) and Mac's Face and Body (formula is more liquid, but has the same effect)  

Coverage & Finish: This is one of the least covering formulas I own and it just evens out the skin tone. You can see on my before/after pictures that my freckles are still visible and it certainly won't completely cover spots or dark circles. Some of the redness on my nose is covered, but for under my eyes I use a separate concealer. Finish is not matte as promised (I have normal/dry skin) and this is not the foundation that'll hold oiliness at bay, nor does it give me confidence it'll last very long on oily skin. On me the finish is satin and it takes several minutes for it to set, while in the mean time it stays a bit tacky. Overall this is a very natural looking foundation with not a lot of coverage, yet it doesn't look quite as nice as some other drugstore foundations such as Bourjois Healthy Mix (including the Serum version) or Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless. I tend to combine it with their Camouflage + Healthy Glow Concealer that I use under the eyes and on my nose. These two formulas work great together.

Shade: I have the lightest shade in the range called 10 #cool porcelain and it's one of the palest shades I own. It matches my neck perfectly, but I almost feel like it's a bit too pale even for me, so if you're very fair this a great affordable option. Undertone is cool, so pink, but it's not very strong and it's a shade that's close to being neutral. 

Staying power: The description of the formula itself should clue you in that this is not something that lasts long on the face. It's a low coverage formula that's isn't really matte, plus it takes time to set, so it's prone to wiping off fast. I can't see this foundation lasting long on oily skin and it should definitely be used in combination with powder.

Packaging: The tube is much smaller than most foundations, but it holds the usual 30 ml. It's made of soft plastic, so it's easy to squeeze, though I have my concerns how it's going to be when it's close to empty.

Price and availability: It costs 4.89 € in Müller.

This is a foundation for those who don't need much coverage and don't have an oily skin. It's a natural looking base that is more of a cross between a tinted moisturiser and a proper foundation, though it can be built up, just not to very high coverage. Most will want to use a high coverage concealer with this, but it's a decent drugstore foundation and the shade range is impressive. Is it worth the purchase? Honestly, I wouldn't miss it in my collection, but I also don't regret buying it. It's average, but I suppose for the price that's what you get.

Have a great day!

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  1. I have no idea why they would market it as a "strong matt" foundation, even bolded on the packaging. I got #30 and even that one is too light for me, they did go really light with this one. I wonder how good the colours are for darker skintones.

    1. I agree, it makes no sense. They should just say second skin finish or something like it. I saw that the first three shades are very pale and differ more in terms of undertones, so overall this does looks like a shade range that's more focused of fair skin tones.

  2. Mogoče bo zdaj Essence celo prišel ven s kakšno mat verzijo v večih odtenkih, če že ta ni. Res čudno, da jo promovirajo kot mat, če ni. Take stvari me res odbijajo.

    Na tebi izgleda čudovito. <3 Imaš tako lepo kožo, da ne rabiš neke prekrivnosti :)

    1. Tale je res precej drugačen kot ga opisujejo, sploh kar se tiče finiša. Upam, da bodo od zdaj naprej lansirali podlage z več odtenki, pa pri korektorjih bi tudi rada videla kakšen odtenek več, čeprav mi extra svetli se glede korektorjev pri Essence nimamo za pritoževat.

      Hvala <3 Meni se sicer ne zdi tako popolna, ampak vseeno raje uporabljam manj prekrivne stvari, ki izgledajo naravno, kot pa očitne podlage. Pa itak korejska nega skoraj dela čudeže :)

  3. I have it and I love ot for beeing the lightest foundation in my collection to match even my pale neck in winter!! Because I was afraid of the mentioned matte effect I mixed it in with some luminous primer from essence and it was just fine.. But maybe I should give it a go just like it is since you also have a dry skintype. Thanks for the tip!
    P.S. as a bonus, the formulation is free of ingredients that could irritate the skin like some essential oils or alcohol, which is a big plus for me and not so easy to find in cheap foundations!

    1. It's not matte on me and I don't have oily skin, so I think you can definitely skip the mixing. I'm lucky that nothing irritates my skin, but it's good to hear it's free of irritants :)

  4. It looks nice on you and as long as its a nice match for your neck dont care if it looks too light on your face due to the fact that we have to choose our foundation colour according to our neck colour..

  5. Jaz sem dobila ta tekoči puder od prijateljice, ker je njej bil pre-svetel. :) Odtenek mi ful paše, ampak imam pa mastno kožo. Kakšna priporočila za tekoči puder za mastno kožo, ki je podoben temu?

    1. Da bi bil enako lahek, svetel in mat mi noben ne pade na pamet. Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless ima res svetle odtenke (100 Ivory), samo ni ravno čisto mat in nekateri z mastno kožo ga res ne marajo. Je pa za preizkusit pa njihov Fit Me Matte + Poreless puder v kamnu čez. Maybelline SuperStay ima tudi svetle odtenke, je sicer bolj prekriven, ostane mat in je ravno za mastno kožo. Kar poznam pudrov za mastno kožo so vsi zelo prekrivni in težji (Revlon Colorstay, Nars Sheer Glow) ali pretemni (L'Oreal Infailible 24 h). Če ti ni predrag je Lancome Teint Idole kul.
