Maybelline Tattoo Liner Gel Pencil

sreda, julij 03, 2019

I haven't been a regular user of black pencil eyeliner in the waterline for many years and for quite some time I relied only on a classic black eyeshadow applied with a thin brush, as they tend to last longer than eyeliner formulas I've tried before Maybelline's pencil. Before I found this I liked two eyeliners, Avon's Supershock, which is amazing, but I'm not an Avon member and Urban Decay's 24/7 Eyeliner that's quite expensive. With Maybelline I finally found something easily accessible and reasonably priced. I got this after I saw a rave review from Gemma, who's one of the bloggers I trust most. I got this to wear in my waterline as I don't wear such pencils on my top lash line and use liquid liner instead.

Formula: It's very similar to Avon's Supershock in terms of formula - it's intensely black (shade Deep Onyx), very pigmented, soft and transfers with ease into the waterline. There's no need to go over and over the line to make it intense and once it's on it stays where it should. It's easy to draw on the top lash line too, though on some parts I need to go over the line again to make it more intense and it's obviously not like a proper liquid eyeliner. Despite being soft, it surprisingly doesn't need to be sharpened that often, but it's still more than at regular pencil liners. 

Staying power: This lasted 14 hours on my waterline, as you can see on the picture below. This looks like freshly applied for a long time and even as it fades, it doesn't smudge or run. Staying power in the waterline is seriously impressive, it's the best eyeliner I've tried so far. On the top lash line it fades and transfers, but only after quite some time has passed. It wasn't too bad on my normal eyelids, but I have doubts about it being suitable for oily eyelids, though I hear it works.  

 Freshly applied and after 14 hours.

Packaging: This is a regular pencil that requires a sharpener. 

Price and availability: These cost 5.89 € and are available in most drugstores. Other colour are available.

This is an outstanding eyeliner and one of my favourite discoveries this year. The formula is great, though not unique, but it's its staying power that is truly impressive. If you're on a search for a new eyeliner, this is a great one to try.

Check reviews of my fellow bloggers:
- Petra from Adjusting Beauty. Includes a comparison with Avon's liner.
- Sandra  from Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick. Review is in Slovene and includes a comparison with Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner.

Have a great day!

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  1. The 14 hours later photo is IMPRESSIVE to say the least, I might just have to give this pencil a try. I am quite the makeup buff and I love experimenting, I love learning techniques etc, but for some reason I never managed to draw a waterline line that stays, no matter what I do haha!
    Thank you for your reviews, as always :)

    1. I was shocked to see the first time how long it lasted. All eyeliners I had before were gone a lot faster. I'm glad you find my reviews useful :)

  2. Great post! I really want to pick this one up even though I don´t always love sharpened pencils!


    1. Thank you :) If you only plan to use it in the waterline, it doesn't need much sharpening, but on for the top lashline you have to do it almost every time for better precision.

  3. Čist off-topic, ampak ne morem se te nagledat s to barvo las. :) Krasno ti pristaja.

    Ta svinčnik pa je res krasno odkritje letošnjega leta. Meni se kar smeji, ko pomislim, da bom lahko zdaj ''privarčevala'' 13€, ker ne bom več rabila kupovati UD. :D Prej me je vedno malce pri srcu zabolelo, ko sem dala 19€ zanj, ampak glede na obstojnost sem mu pač to oprostila. :)
    Se mi drugače zdi, da se tale res malenkost manj šili v primerjavi z UD, tistega moram res veliko šilit in ga vedno izjemno hitro porabim.

    Odlična ocena in neverjetno, kako dobro pri tebi zgleda še po 14ih urah. :O
    Pa hvala za omembo. <3

    1. Barve že ni več :( Na žalost je zdaj temnejša, ker sem hotela tonirat in je pretemno prijelo. Ampak zelo pogrešam to barvo in načrtujem še enkrat svetlit.

      Res je izjemen. Bom morda vzela še temno rjavega. Mojega bolj malo šilim, ker ga imam le za waterline, ampak za na veko bi ga pa kar morala zelo pogosto. Se mi zdi, da bo vseeno dolgo zdržal preden bom rabila novega :)

      Hvala :) Sem bila čisto šokirala ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo po 14h urah, res nisem pričakovala take obstojnosti.

      Ni za kaj :)

  4. Bi se kar strinjala, da je formula res odlična in sem vesela, da imamo tudi v naši drogeriji kaj, kar lahko komot priporočam naprej. Čeprav meni je tudi Avonov super. Je pa res težje dostopne. Na sploh imam vedno raje take kremne linerje, čeprav se mi potem odtisnejo na zgornjo veko. Redko kdaj jih uporabljam za waterline, ampak za to so itak najbolj namenjeni. Upam, da dobimo še kakšne bolj odbite odtenk v naše drogerije :D.

    Hvala za omembo <3

    1. Super je, res sem zelo prijetno presenečena nad kvaliteto in zdaj po dolgih letih spet bolj pogosto nosim eyeliner v waterline :) Sem imela Avonovega ampak sem ga že zdavnaj porabila, se pa spomnim kako dober je bil :) Za zdaj sem videla samo bolj nevtralne odtenke, bi bilo pa super, če bi še malo povečali izbor.
