Beauty Wishlist #3

sreda, marec 20, 2013

1. Batiste Dry Shampoo - I've always wanted to try one and one of my readers, Branka, highly recommended I should try it since, based on her experience, it's better than any dry shampoo sold here and she confirmed that Asos ships them to Slovenia. I really like the Syoss one, but I want something that smells better and sweeter. I'm not sure which one I should get, I'm gravitating towards the Tropical one.  

2. TONYMOLY Cat Chu Wink Lipstick - Who can resist such adorable packaging? Tonymoly has some cute makeup (for example their Petite Bunny Gloss Bars) and these are sheer, glossy lipsticks. The only problem is that I can't decide on which colour I want. 

3. Eucerin ph5 Shower Oil - I've been told by my dermatologist that my flaky and itchy scalp problems originate from the fact that my scalp is very dry, so I had an idea to use my L'Occitane shower oil as shampoo, because it's really gentle and moisturising. As crazy as it sounds, it actually worked. It foamed nicely, cleaned my hair, but left my scalp and hair moisturised and didn't leave it limp. However, I am very frugal with L'Occitane's oil because of the price, so I decided to pick up Eucerin version. If it won't work, I'll just go on a search for a super moisturising shampoo.

4. Balea Bodycreme Sunny Peach - I saw this on Balea's website and it will be LE. Peach is one of my favourite scents and I'm interested in how this smells. I'll probably not smell as awesome as the TBS Vineyard Peach BB, but I'm willing to give it a go. I'm still not sure when and if it will be available in our DM's.

5. Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus and 6. Fairy Drops Platinum Waterproof mascara - my main issue with my lashes is that they refuse to stay curled. I hear Japanese mascaras are great in the holding curl department, so after an intensive search on MUA, I narrowed it down to two mascaras. I'm not quite sure which I'm going to pick, but probably the Majolica one. 

7. Balea new limited edition of tropical scented products - I am a sucker for tropical scents, Escada's LE scents are my fuel in the Summer, so imagine my excitement when I saw an announcement for this collection of Balea LE products on their Facebook page. So far I've only seen them on Balea's website and I don't know when or if this hits our DM's. I just hope they smell nice. 

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  1. The packaging of the cat lipstick is so adorable !

  2. Since you have dark hair as me, I would recommend you Batiste dry shampoo for dark hair(brown bottle)It smells nice and doesn`t leave white powder traces so, for me personally, it`s the best product in that range.
    I already bought Balea Sunny peach body cream and it`s great, I`m sure you gonna love it, smells beautiful :-)

    1. Thanks for recommendation :)
      I hope I find Sunny Peach in our DM's, I'm not sure if they have it yet.

  3. Tudi jaz sem temno lasa in imam navaden Batiste suh šampon in ko ga vmasiraš v lase nisi prav nič siv. Se mi pa zdi, da se abnormalno hitro porabi.

  4. Aaa. Tele šminkice so čudovite! :D Bi jih mela samo zaradi tega, ker zgledajo lepo :)
    Tole za maskare si pa moram zapomnit. Moje tudi ne ostanejo ukrivljene pa še kratke so za povrh.

    1. Te maskare imajo vlakna (fibres) in baje tudi zelo podaljšajo trepalnice :)

  5. So excited about new Balea LE tropical scented products, I'm a total sucker for beachy tropical scents too I can't wait for this stuff to arrive to our stores! Speaking of tropical, I get a feeling you are going to LOVE Batiste dry shampoo. I got two, Tropical (yellow bottle) and Blush (pink bottle), both 400ml gigantic bottles that are going to last me forever. Tropical has a coconut/exotic fragrance, which surprisingly enough stays around for quite a while, Blush has kind of a floral/fresh smell, which is fine but nothing special. Next time around I'll definitely repurchase Tropical because I just adore the fragrance, and I might try out the dark brown hair one purely because I'm curious about it.
    Now, unlike with some of the other dry shampoos I've used before, with Batiste the white powder does not show at all and im not sure how so but I think it's because the powder itself is finer - does that makes sense?:) Also, if need be I can go without washing for next 3-4 days while with other dry shampoos the effect would only last until mid-day. All in all, great product and I highly recommend it, it worked wonders for me I really hope you like it as well. Sorry about chatting I hope this helps u with your choice though, can't wait to hear your feedback:) Have a great day!

    1. I'll probably pick two, tropical one and the dark brown one. The most important thing for me is the scent, because my hair rarely gets greasy, I just want them to freshen up my hair between washes and to give myself a bit of volume. Thanks for your recommendation and mini review :), I really appreciate it.

  6. Mogoče bi pa tvojim lasem ustrezal šampon, ki ne vsebuje sulfatov? Ne vem, če si se kaj poglabljala v to ampak sulfati so v šamponih predvsem zato, da se dobro spenijo ampak so lahko zelo moteči za lasišče in jih odsvetujejo. Kot nekakšen detergent za lase so:). Jaz zadnje leto uporabljam šampon Paul Mitchell-a, ki je brez SLSov, vlažilen in je moje suhe lase prelepo nahranil (v kombinaciji z masko, ki sem jo imela kar za balzam). Je sicer malo dražji iz linije Awapuhi Wild Gigner ampak je res mega. Samo ideja...:)

    Twinkle twinkle beauty star

    1. Trenutno imam šampon brez sulfatov in ne opažam nobene razlike. Prav tako sem jih uporabljala nekaj let, ko sem uporabljala samo naravno kozmetiko brez sulfatov in silikonov. Glede lasišča nekako ni razlike, nekateri naravni šamponi so ga celo še bolj iritirali, kar se tiče pa las mi bolj ustrezajo silikoni in salonske znamke. Nisem pa še imela Paul Mitchel, bom malo raziskala to znamko. Hvala za priporočilo :)

  7. Vse kreme od Balee v lončku so absolutno top! Preizkusila sem dve - te marelce še ne, ampak jo bom. Imela sem Sheabutter in Cocos. Zelo prepričljivi vonji - ni umetno, ko sploh ne diši po tistem, po čemer naj bi dišalo.
