New In #1

sobota, marec 09, 2013

These are the things I bought in February and the beginning of March, so I've had a few products for a while now and there will be full reviews for some things in the following months. If you have any request for which ones should I do first, leave a comment. 

Tigi s Factor Flat Iron Shine Spray Heat Defender
I repurchased my favourite heat protectant for my dry hair. I did a review here.

Balea Dry Shampoo
 I got this because it was a lot cheaper than Syoss  (the one I usually use). The scent is nice, but I find this one does leaves my hair a bit white and that doesn't happen to me when I use Syoss. I'll go back to my old favourite.

Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mystique Blow Out 
I got this when Cheapsmells had an offer on Tigi. I normally use Redken Anti Snap for heat protection, but that one has proteins in it and it's not a good idea to use it all the time. This reminds me of John Frieda Brilliant Brunnete Shine Shock, because it has shimmer in it. I don't notice my hair being sleeker with this, but I've only used it once so far.

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque
This is such a hyped up product and sorry to all who love it, but this is average. It's no where near as moisturising as Tigi S Factor Serious conditioner or Joico K-Pack Hydrator and Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment balm, but more about it in the review.

Bioderma Sensibio Micelar Water
Another repurchase. I've been using it almost every day for the past two years. I love this stuff.

L'Occitane Honey Foaming Gel 
It has a gorgeous honey scent and is basically the same thing as the discontinued Honey Harvest Foaming Jelly.

L'Occitane Ambre eau de Toillete 
a warm, balmy, amber-vanilla scent. It smells very comforting, snug and slightly smokey at times, but not sweet. I absolutely love the bottle, it looks so classic like something you would find on a vanity from the 1920's.

Calvin Klein Euphoria Blossom 
I got this for Valentine's Day and it was 50% off in DM. I have two other Euphorias which I love, but blossom is very different than the original. To me it smells like pomegranate and spring flowers, basically a great fragrance for Spring.

 My growing CK Euphoria collection, I have this picture as my screensaver.

Missha Signature Real complete BB cream 
It reminds me of Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, which is my favourite foundation, but with an SPF. The shade 13, which is really, really light matches me perfectly right now. I suspect it will be one of my favourites, but I have to give it a proper test.

Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection concealer 
A very hyped up concealer and for a reason. This has high coverage and is superb for blemishes, however, I still prefer Maybelline the Eraser for under eyes.

Catrice Prime and Fine Smoothing Refiner 
It's not as siliconey as I expected it to be, I liked the Pore Minimizer Instant Perfector by Clinique more. I'm not that impressed by it.

TonyMoly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar
The cutest tinted lip balms ever! I'll do a review soon, but these are  nicely moisturising with a decent pigmentation.
I also ordered the following:
 - Rimmel Apocalips in Stellar
 - Garnier Ultimate Beauty Oil
 - Nyx blush in Taupe
 - Milani Liquif'Eye eyeliner in Gold

 - Nyx Rouge Cream Blush in Natural
Man those are some slow packages. I ordered the NYX and Milani stuff on my birthday at the end of January and there still no sign of it. I don't know why I even bother ordering from Cherryculture, I've had problems with them before, one of the packages got lost and arrived after four months. When will I learn!
Apocalips and Beauty Oil were supposedly shipped on 28.2. from feelunique, I'm not worried yet, but it's sure taking it's time! I've had packages from UK arriving in three days, but usually it takes six days.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Se že veselim review-a od Macadamie :D Se ti pa pridružujem pri Catrice primerju, tudi meni ni bil preveč všeč, drugače pa same super stvari :)

  2. I hate balea dry shampoo as well. So not what I expected. I'll have to try syoss :)

  3. Kar se tiče Baleinega suhega šampona, tale je res slab, jaz ga tudi imam in pri meni nima nobenega učinka.
    TonyMoly Petite Bony Glossa sta tako kjut. :)

  4. Meni Catrice primer sploh ni odgovarjal, mi je grozno kožo naredil in sem ga samo stran vrgla. Kje si pa Collection 2000 concealer naročila? Sem slišala da je res dober in bi pa preizkusila :)

    1. Korektor je iz eBaya od tega prodajalca:

  5. mene pa zanima tole garinerevo olje... sem ga zadnjič skoraj kupila pa sem si premislila in vzela nekaj drugega.

    1. To olje je za telo in ne tisto za lase. Imenuje se Garnier Ultimate Beauty Oil Skin Perfector in vsebuje tudi arganovo olje, je pa seveda brez silikonov. Pri nas ga še nisem videla, zato sem ga naročila iz feelunique :)

  6. Toplo ti priporocam Batiste Dry shampoo, tudi jaz sem dolgo uporabljala Syoss in ostale priblizke iz nasih trgovin, potem pa sem zaradi dobrih reviewsov narocila Batiste in ti povem odlicen je, v primerjavi z vsemi ostalimi definitivno dalec najboljsi, nobenega prahu ne pusti po glavi, fantasticen volumen naredi pa se vonj je super. Obstaja vec vrst, narocis ga lahko na, posiljajo pa tudi v Slovenijo:) Lp

    1. Si ga že dolgo ogledujem na Asosu, pa me je predvsem skrbelo če ga res pošiljajo k nam zdaj ko so te nove prepovedi. No če praviš da ga pošiljajo, potem ga bom definitivno enkrat sprobala :)

  7. That's a lovely haul! Although doesn't it suck when it takes sooo damn long for some online orders to be delivered? Ugh... Is that Garnier Beauty Oil meant for the body? I have one by Garnier and it's called Miraculous Oil but it's for the hair. Also, the L'Occitane perfume's bottle is to die for!!!


    1. Waiting for online orders is one of the most annoying thing ever, especially if they are from outside EU. Yes that oil is for the body and it's supposed to be amazing, I haven't tried the one for hair, but I hear good things about it.

  8. Meni Macadamia že par mesecev v omari počiva, še vedno je nisem preizkusila. Sedaj sem čisto navdušena nad Aussie, tako da bo Macadamia mogla še malo počakati. :D

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  9. Jaz sem si ravno zdaj kupila v Mullerju Garnierjevo olje in je res super:)

  10. hi dear! i just found your blog and i love it! great post!! would you like to follow each other? i always return the follow :)

  11. Sem ravno porabila svojo 'stekleničko' suhega šampona od Lee Stafford-a pa mi je malce predrag in sem hotela kupit tega Baleinga pa hvala bogu ga še nisem in ne bom, se mi pa zdi da imajo še enega, ampak ne vem če je samo embalaža druga. Mene beli prahec ne moti, ker imam že itak svetle lase z naravnimi skoraj belimi prameni in se mi zdi da jih potem samo mmalce povdari in še vedno izgleda naravno na meni

    1. Meni tale res ni všeč. Ne moti me samo da pusti bel prah, ampak tudi ni takega effekta sveže opranih las kot pri Syossu.

    2. Bom pogledala malo po spletu kakšen je tale od Syossa pa kakšna je cena, drugače se mi pa zdi da pri nas še nimamo kakšne velike izbire in je res vse treba iz tujine naročat :(

    3. Je okrog 3-4€. Ni še ravno neke izbire pri nas, se pa izboljšuje. Razmišljam da bi naročila Batiste z Asosa, da vidim koliko je boljši/slabši od Syossa.

    4. Saj tole pa še ni tako drago. Mami uporablja njihove stvari in sem vedno nekako imela občutek da imajo malo dražje stvari, 3-4 EUR bom pa že napraskala skupaj.
      Preko Asosa si pa ne upam naročat, ker verjamem da se glede poštnine bolj splača naročit več stvari in bi potem čisto preveč zapravljala ;)
