Product of the Week #7

sreda, marec 27, 2013

I put Balea Bodycreme Sunny Peach in my recent wishlist post and I got it at the first opportunity I had. Which was a Saturday. At 8 P.M.. Late night shopping anyone? Anyway, the pot is huge. There is 500 ml of product for a super cheap price of only 1.95€. Nope, I didn't mix the numbers, it's that cheap. Normally, you'd expect something pretty rubbish for such a price, but we are talking about Balea. Those folks usually deliver and they did it again. The texture is light. It's still a cream, but very light, almost airy and perfect for hotter months. It is nicely moisturising and it sinks in relatively fast, but you'll be slightly sticky for a while. Now about the scent which is obviously the reason I got it. I'm very, very picky about peach scents. My favourite hands down is the TBS Vineyard Peach, the rest didn't really impress me apart from shower gel, again from Balea, a LE called Traum Geschöpft (post about peach scents here). It is a pretty good peach scent. I'd describe it as a ripe peach meets its yoghurt version mixed with a typical cream scent. Quite nice really. It's not strong, but it does linger for about an hour. All in all, if you like peach scents, this a nice body moisturiser for a bargain price.

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  1. Waw ful dobr, res pocen za res ful izdelka, tole si bom šla pa prov pogledat v DM :).

  2. po to pa moram tudi jaz, sploh ker je breskev :)

  3. I just adore the smell of this body cream :-)It smells like peaches&cream cake that I do in Summer :-)

  4. hi! where did you buy it from? x

  5. I am a peach fanatic myself, so i salute you! :D I bought 5 (yes, 5) of the TBS Vineyard Peach when i saw it was going to be LE, THAT obsessed with it! Can you tell me where can i find this brand? I live in Greece and i've never heard of it. Thank you :)

    1. Hello fellow peach addict :) Balea is a Drogerie Markt (DM drugstores) exlusive brand. DM is a German chain of drugstores in Europe, but I'm not sure in how many countries they have their shops.

  6. Tole pa moram it iskat, breskev je en mojih najljubših vonjev za pomlad in poletje, pa še res poceni je :)

  7. Tole sem hotel že vzeti in tudi bom. Bo pa najprej enak izdelek, le da je z vonjem kokosa porabila, ki tudi čudovito diši. Btw - VSI Baleini izdelki v teh 500ml lončkih so TOP! In še za res smešno ceno.

    1. Sploh nisem vedela, da so tako dobre te v lončkih. Res kul :)

  8. Tole mi izgleda prav za pojest :D Bom šla povohat in verjetno tudi kupit.

    1. Problem je ker ima folijo čez tako, da ne moreš stestirat vonja. Lahko bi imeli kakšen tester zraven, ne bi nič škodilo :)

  9. I bought it after I found your post!! amazing cream! I love it already! fast absorbing, nice smell and feels like I apply yougurt on my skin:) Thanks for review!
