January Favourites - Mateja's Beauty Blog

January Favourites

ponedeljek, januar 28, 2013

If you read my post about concealers then you know how much I love Maybelline's Instant Anti-Age the Eraser Eye. It's my favourite under-eye concealer. I have one in the shade Light and now I bought a lighter one called Fair. It's great for brightening under the eye and highlighting/brightening the high points of the face.

I'm still sporting red lips this month, I just love this look on me. I've worn MUA lipstick in the shade 13 almost every day in January. I didn't think much of it immediately when I got it, but it became one of my favourite lipsticks. Surprisingly, I have no dupes of such red shade. It's a bright tomato red that also looks so pretty as a stain because it doesn't oxidise and turn into a darker shade. And it's only 1£.

My nail polish matched my bright lippie and Depend 036 stayed on my nails for most of the month. Though, currently they're mint.

I got The Body Shop Vineyard Peach body butter in Gradz a month ago. It's been on my wishlist forever and holly cow does it smell a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Just like ripe peaches. My new favourite ever body butter.

I've done the whole hair oils series this month and these are the two treatments I'm using the most - Macadamia Natural oil and Kerastase Elixir Ultime.
I'm not to fond of the Macadamia's scent,  but I do like the results it gives. It won't replace my Orofluido, though. In fact, I just ordered a new 100 ml bottle.
I didn't expect for Elixir Ultime to grow on me as much as it did. It's too light for my hair, but for some reason I reach for it a lot. Partly, because of the gorgeous scent, but mostly because it's really light and it feels like nothing is on my hair, so I use it to tame the annoying frizz in the morning. Of course when my ends are dry, I still reach for Alverde Mandel Argan oil.

That little boring bottle in the middle is my Refan version of Roberto Cavalli eau de parfum. I got it for Christmas and I've worn it loads this month. It's a very heavy and strong oriental-floral fragrance. Notes are: orange blossom, benzoin, vanilla, pink pepper and tonka bean. And yes it does smell just like the original, I checked side by side. I should point out, it's only available in Croatian Refan.

I got Real Techniques brushes in December and a day has not passed that I wouldn't use them. These are seriously fantastic. So soft, dense and perfect sizes. My set includes the Core collection, Expert brush and Stippling brush. I multi-task all of them as I don't like to use one brush just for one thing. I got them from iHerb (they don't except Paypal, but you can pay with Visa Electron) and from HqHair (offers free shipping).

I just repurchased Maybelline the Colossal Volum' Express Waterproof. I've gone through a few tubes already. It's not my all-time favourite, but it is my favourite drugstore waterproof mascara available in our drugstores. (as if we have any selection of waterproof mascaras for a reasonable price at all *sigh*.).
The packaging is absolutely hideous, though.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. predivni favoriti :)

    obozavam macadamiu, a RT cetkice jako zelim da probam :)

  2. Ta concealer od Maybelline je že dolgo na moji wish listi, sm prečekirala link od tvojih top concealerjev in sm vidla, da si ga kupla na Hrvaškem?
    Morem se čimprej spravit tja :)


    1. Ja, na Hrvaškem v Zagrebu enega, drugega pa v Gradzu. Me zanima zakaj jih pri nas ne prodajajo.

    2. Hvala :) Se isto sprašujem za kr dosti različnih izdelkov, naše drogerije so na splošno slabo založene :)

  3. Tale maskara pa meni še vedno ni jasna :). Kogarkoli vidim s čudovitimi trepalnicami in ga vprašam katero maskaro ima, mi pokaže to, ko pa sem jo jaz kupila je bila to edina maskara, ki sem jo vrgla v smeti po enem tednu. Vse maskare so nekako bile za ponucat, ta pa je bila res obupna. Drugače pa super objava, zelo rada berem tvoj blog ;)

    1. Zanimivo :). Meni je bila do zdaj tako obupna Max Factorjeva 2000 Calorie. Sem jo takoj podarila naprej.

  4. That Maybelline concealer sounds appealing, it looks like it has a lot of product in that dinky little tube! The Vineyard peach body butter, ahhh... I even use it for aromatherapy purposes, one sniff and I instantly feel better! Maybelline's mascaras are really good, but the packaging, ugh, I agree with you!


    1. I also keep opening the body butter and smelling it. It's so amazing :)

  5. HqHair ima tudi k nam zastonj dostavo? ker pri izdelkih piše samo uk free delivery.

  6. RT čopiči so na moji WL, še čakam, da jih naročim.
    Maybelline concelaler pa bi tudi rada probala, komaj čakam, da grem spet v Gradec, da ga kupim. Ne razumem, zakaj pri nas ni na voljo.
    Super post. :)

    1. Hvala :) ti res priporočam tale korektor, izgleda tako naravno na koži. In RT čopiči so top.

  7. Rt čopiči so totalno hudi... Sicer mam zaenkrat samo Face Expert Brush ampak kmalu jih mislim naročit več. Veliko več :)

    1. Face Expert je moj najljubši za tekoči puder. Jaz nameravam enkrat naročit še blush brush in eye starter set :)

    2. Kakšen ti je pa cotouring brush? Tega si zelo želim ampak na žalost pride samo v paketu. No saj mogoče bom kar vse kupila, čopičev ni nikoli preveč ;)

    3. Meni je briljanten. Je kar majhen in jaz imam majhen obraz, tako da mi res zelo ustreza za contouring in za blush. Sicer pa je core collection res kul. Buffing brush je tudi super za puder in puder v prahu/kamnu, Detailer brush uporabljam vsak dan za pinpoint concealing in šminko, edini ki mi je kar malo brezveze je tisti ploščat foundation brush. Pa torbica/stojalo je zelo praktično.
      Sem pa že imela v roki tudi blush brush in sploh ni tako velik se mi je zdel na slikah. Bi bil tudi ok za bolj subtle contouring.
