Products of the Month - June 2013
sobota, junij 29, 2013
I must admit the heat made it almost impossible to wear anything on my face, but I did wear this BB primarily because it has an SPF. Similarly to Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, it has light to medium coverage and looks very natural on the skin, however, like most BB's it leaves my skin tacky and sticky, which presented a big problem for me in the heat so I needed to powder it. I'm not a fan of anything that leaves my skin tacky that's why I use Healthy Mix Serum, but I made compromises for the sake of good sun protection and it worked just nicely.
Mattifying powders - Givenchy Matissime & Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Natural
I honestly dislike wearing powders, because they make any foundation look obvious on me plus the flakies appear when I use them in colder months, however, I can't avoid using them in hot weather. BB's that I use in the Summer because they have SPF, all have a dewy finish, which looks fantastic in colder months, but not now. Both of these don't leave a flat matte finish, but they still leave a bit of a glow. I prefer to apply them with a puff, however, I do use a brush from time to time.
I love this shade because it is the perfect coral for my pale complexion and even though I'm not a fan of the formula nor the brush, it was on my nails for most of the month.
Lush Silky Underwear Dusting Powder
I whip out this dusting powder every Summer when the temperatures reach 30°C or more. It's a part of my morning routine and I apply it all over the body, sort of "blend" it in with my hands and get dressed. I find it helps my skin stay drier in the heat and it gives it a gorgeous, subtle jasmine fragrance. It can make your clothes white, however, I wore black dresses and it didn't cause problems, you just have to make sure you really "blend" it well so there are no white patches of powder left.
I whip out this dusting powder every Summer when the temperatures reach 30°C or more. It's a part of my morning routine and I apply it all over the body, sort of "blend" it in with my hands and get dressed. I find it helps my skin stay drier in the heat and it gives it a gorgeous, subtle jasmine fragrance. It can make your clothes white, however, I wore black dresses and it didn't cause problems, you just have to make sure you really "blend" it well so there are no white patches of powder left.
I wrote odes on my love for Color Infallibles before and Endless Chocolate is the one that made me fell in love with them in the first place. It's a gorgeous chocolate-bronze shade which I wore this month instead of the black that I normally use on the top lashline as a liner. It seriously lasts all day and is such a great quality eyeshadow.
Normally I wear quite bright colours on my lips, but I've been really enjoying wearing this lipstick recently. It's a lovely light peach shade with pink tones that works great with my pale complexion. My only gripe is the weak staying power.
A watermelon-fuschia shade with one of the loveliest formulas I've ever tried. I loved wearing it this month and it is such a beautiful Summery shade.
I wore this orange red on most days in the last part of the month. I love the texture and the excellent staying power of these lip creams plus they don't dry out my lips despite the matte finish.
Oh, and I ordered Dior's BB cream from Feel Unique yesterday. Currently they have an offer for 15% off everything so I paid 31€ for it. (code SUMMER15, valid until tomorrow (Sunday) midnight. By the way, it's 38.99€ in Müller). I had a few difficulties with their packages recently (the last one took 3 weeks to arrive and the one before never arrived at all), so I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly this time.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
I need to buy that Lush powder, it sounds so nice!!!
It smells gorgeous to me. I also have the Vanilla Puff one, but that one has a much stronger scent :)
Izbrišihmmm na Feelunique si imela probleme z dostavo? zanimivo... Vsi hvalijo to bb kremo od Diorja, jaz pa ne morem čez dejstvo, da vsebuje alkohol. Kje si dobila pa Givenchy? Kje pri nas? Jaz ga že dolgo nisem videla :(.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIz Feel Unique naročam že leta in šele zadnja dva paketa sta bila problematična. Predvidevam, da je bolj problem naša pošta.
IzbrišiTale Givenchyijev puder je že kar nekaj let star, mislim da ga celo ni več v prodaji, ampak sem ga pa kupila v Müllerju. Moram ga porabit, zato ga uporabljam :)
Kaj si pa potem naredila? Si pač napisala, da nisi dobila paketa in so ti vrnili denar? Ja, se mi je zdelo, da ni bilo kupljeno v zadnjem času. Sem prav žalostna do Givenchy ukinili pri nas, ker ravno zdaj ima nove lake za nohte in čudovite šminke, ki jih vsi hvalijo...
IzbrišiPočakat moraš en mesec da jm lahko pišeš da se je zgubil. Potem so mi pa za en izdelek vrnili denar (ni bil več na zalogi), drugega pa še enkrat poslali. Customer service moram rečt imajo res dober.
IzbrišiA sploh ga ni več pri nas? Se mi je zdelo, da ga nikjer več ne vidim. Škoda, pa ravno eno njihovo šminko imam na wishlisti.
Čudno...jaz nisem imela nikoli problemov z Feelunique in sem že ogromno naročala tam.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSaj jaz tudi naročam od njih že leta, sem verjetno naročila že čez 20 paketov od njih, ampak šele zadnja dva paketa sta bila problematična. Ne vem zakaj, me pa zelo živcira. Predvidevam, da je bolj problem naša pošta.
IzbrišiTale barva Color Infallible je pa krasna, jo morem poiskat :) Poročaj kako ti bo Diorjeva BB krema, me zelo mika, ampak ne vem če je vredna tega denarja :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiV živo je še lepša :)
IzbrišiDiorjevo BB sem kupila na podlagi testerja, tako da ti lahko že zdaj povem, da je podobna Healthy Mix Serumu, ampak s semi-matte finišem. Bom pa enkrat napisala oceno :) Tukaj sem malo napisala že o njej:
O hvala, bom prebrala in sprobala še Healthy Mix, preden se odločim :)
IzbrišiA je odtenek Endless Chocolate na voljo pri nas? Jaz sem zadnjič kupila Tender Caramel in ko sem pregledovala različne odtenke, te čudovite čokoladne sigurno ni bilo. Gledala sem v Leclercu, Sparu, Milerju... :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiKupila sem ga v našem Dm-u, ampak kakšno leto ali dve nazaj. Mogoče so ga nehali prodajat pri nas? Ampak na spletni strani je še in v drugih državah ga še prodajajo.
IzbrišiBom še v Dm skočila pogledat (držim pesti, da ga tam imajo). A veš slučajno katere spletne trgovine bi ga imele (če ne dobim pri nas)? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFragrance direct jo ima: in to ful ceneje kot pri nas :)
IzbrišiOooo... ful ti hvala! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNi zakaj :)
IzbrišiI love all your faves! Mac Impassioned is on my "to buy" list! xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiA MakeupHabit