Bourjois Lip Crayon Peach on the Beach

petek, avgust 09, 2013

The long awaited Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayons finally reached our shops. I've kept away from the lip chubby sticks/crayons/jumbo pens craze and never found it even remotely interesting, but I caved when I saw Peach on the Beach. Now, granted every (British) blogger and their mother swatched this colour, but what's one more. 

This is my first such product if I don't count NYX Jumbo pencil in Deep Red that I've had for ages, and I bought one more since (Catrice if you're wondering). I'll just say it - I don't get what the fuss is about. It's not the easiest application and though I agree it looks practical, it feels odd. 
Texture is very creamy and the tip melted in the heat wave we're having. I had to store it in the fridge. It feels sufficiently moisturising on my lips. Pigmentation is nice for such a light colour, a couple of swipes is enough for a semi-transparent application. The finish is quite glossy at first, but becomes creamier in time. 

Peach on the Beach is a light peachy pink shade and it looks great swatched on my hand. However, on my lips it looks very pink, basically just a warm pink with a hint of peach. My cousin, who owns the same colour, commented that it looks more orange on her. It does stain my lips into a medium pink shade after an hour and latter applications look much darker compared to the first. I had difficulties taking pictures, not just because my camera can't handle coral or peach, but also because it looks so different after an hour. Staying power nice, but not ground breaking. The stain lasts up to a half a day, but usually less.
To be completely honest, I find the colour a bit boring on me. I own far prettier peachy shades, but it might grow on me more in time. It definitely looked very promising when I swatched it. I haven't even worn it a lot since I bought it and I completely switched to Catrice (I'll do a review soon).

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Izgleda res precej roza, napram svoji embalažni barvi. Meni pa niso bili všeč odtenki od Bourjoisa. Me zanima, če so ti Catrice boljše, se veselim ocene;)

    1. Catrice je bolj voskast in ni tako pigmentiran kot ta. Mi je pa barva bolj všeč :)

  2. its beautiful, I got it myself yesterday and love it :)

  3. Všeč mi je barva, čeprav je škoda, da ni takšne barve kot embalaža.

    1. Kolikor sem gledala swatche od drugih je na njih veliko manj roza kot na meni :).

  4. Super odtenek. Moram it nabavit :). Pa še ime je čist preveč lušno ;)!


  5. I've got a Catrice crayon and I really like it. I look forward to more shades. Haven't seen Bourjois yet, but this shade looks really pretty and summery.

  6. Jaz pa mislim, da ti prav paše. Do sedaj nisem posvečala neke pozornosti tem izdelkom, me pa mika preizkusiti kakega od Catrice, le še za odtenek sem nisem odločila.

    1. Saj ni slaba barva zame, ampak taka mi ni nič posebnega. Od Catrice imam pa odtenek I don't Red it :)

  7. Tega sem tudi sama gledala, edini odtenek ki se mi je zdel zanimiv, samo po tvojem swatchu nisem več navdušena - ne maram ravno roza zadev na ustih :) Čakam pa review od Catrice, sem jih danes v Mullerju malo testirala, samo se potem nisem odločila za nakup :)

    1. Na drugih menda izgleda bolj peachy. Sestrična je rekla, da je na njej celo bolj oranžen. Če ti ni gross, stestiraj na ustnicah v trgovini.
      Od Catrice imam pa isti odtenek kot Petra (Adjusting Beauty), I don't Red it, ima že swatchanega na blogu :)

  8. Izgleda lepo! :) Sem ravno zadnjič gledala te 'šminke' v DM-u, pa me je hitro odvrnila cena...

    1. Yup, je kar drag. In od Catrice ni ravno poceni.

  9. Jaz imam tudi tegale in mi je super, samo barva moji poletni zagoreli koži ravno ne paše... Fail.
