No-Heat Curls with Sexy Healthy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner

torek, avgust 06, 2013

Have you ever woken up, looked in the mirror and exclaimed: "Holy cow, my hair looks gorgeous!" Well, it has happened to me. My hair has been suffering lately, with temperatures reaching as high as 39°, the heat hasn't exactly been beneficial to my locks and it dried out like a sponge. While Orofluido Sahara is an absolute god sent for dry hair, it is a dry oil, and I wanted a leave-in conditioner that makes the hair damp, I'll explain why later. I always turn to Makeup Alley when I'm researching products and Sexy Healthy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner comes very highly recommended by so many reviewers. I've heard promises of less frizz and more hydration - honestly, how can I hair junkie like me resist such praises.

I'll start with the good hair day story, the actual review can wait a bit. I washed my hair with Kérastase shampoo (which is flippin' fabulous, I should repurchase it), conditioned it with Dove Nourishing Oil Care, used Kérastase Nectar Thermique (another hero) and then sprayed a very generous amount of Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner. After blow-drying my hair still felt a bit dry and a bit frizzy, so I mixed Orofluido Elixir and some more Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner to make it slightly damp again, put my hair in a high bun as I always do after blow-drying and slept with it. Once I took out the pins in the morning, I had the most amazing voluminous messy curls, I was literally gob smacked. They don't usually look as good and I've been using this technique for a long time. I have years of experience with (almost) no-heat curls, which can look great, but they have one massive fault - they last about a half a day. And that's if you use tons of hairspray or mousse. I prefer to use a curling iron as the curls last 2-3 days then, especially if I use all Kérastase products.

I took some pictures, but I had to make them smaller because they where really blurry:

Now granted, the Kérastase products are a freaking miracle for my hair and they probably contributed a lot to the general healthy look of my hair despite skipping the Masqueintense, however, Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner definitely had a significant role in how well the curls formed. If only they hadn't dropped in the middle of the day. But then, I just put it in a high bun again, it's a cool look after all or just leave it as it is if i'm not that bothered.

This is my first proper spray leave-in conditioner in years. I used to use them all the time, but then stopped when I started styling my hair differently since as I mentioned before no-heat curls don't last long on my hair. I'm sure most of you has used such technique to get your hair curly and it doesn't even matter if you use just water to dampen your hair, but I prefer a spray conditioner (that makes your hair damp, of course. So no shine sprays or dry oils). I did this technique practically every day before I was using a blow-dryer and a curler, but now I do it on the days when I want an additional good hair day before I wash it and style it again. I just put my hair into a high bun (or two-three buns, depends how you want your curls to be) overnight and wake up with voluminous curls. Now, they can be completely heat free, but for better results, it's good if you heat up your hair with a hair dryer (still a lot less damaging than a curler). My choice of a spray conditioner for years was Gliss 19 Total Repair and I bought at least six of them in a row - it really is good, best available in our drugstores and it smells fantastic. A little tip I learned over the years, use bobby pins or hair clips to keep the bun in place. Don't use a hair tie because you'll end up with odd creases and kinks.

All right, enough rambling and onto actually reviewing the Soy Tri-Wheat Leave-In. It says it should be used on towel dried hair, but I also used dry hair and it helps to keep the dryness at bay, but it's not as effective as Orofluido Sahara. It is among heavier spray conditioners and spraying it too much might weight down the hair, especially if it's not as dry as mine. This doesn't take the place of a regular conditioner and it works best if you use a regular conditioner beforehand, topping it with this spray for extra hydration, but I have heard people use it instead of a conditioner. I've had it for a couple of months and I can say it works best as it is recommended by the company, used on damp hair before blow-drying. I also like to use a bit on dry hair after as it gives the best results. However, for use on dry hair during the day, I like Orofluido Sahara more. So onto claims:
Provides lightweight moisture: Yes and no. It provides moisture, but it's not that lightweight, a fact I as a person with mega dry hair, don't mind, but it could be too much for some, especially if you use it on dry hair every day several days in a row (which if you follow the instructions, you won't do). Even my hair felt a bit coated after a few days, but I have been very liberal with it. Moderation is the key word here.
Helps prevent static electricity: When I'm blow-drying my hair, I don't notice that big of a difference when it comes to taming frizz, especially compared to Orofluido Sahara. But if I put my hair in a bun after drying and let the hair cool down, then yes, there is a lot less frizz than if I hadn't used anything.
Detangles hair: It'd be a pretty rubbish and pointless conditioner if it wouldn't. So yes.

It has a weak and a bit sweet scent, but it's no aromatherapy session like Orofluido Sahara or even Gliss Kur Total Repair 19. It sprays an even, thin mist so that's a plus.

As far as helping fight dryness, it won't knock Orofluido Sahara off the throne, but it is pretty damn good and I rate it very highly. Besides, I consider them completely different products, more like cousin really, I can't use Orofluido for creating no-heat curls. I got mine on Feel Unique for 14€.

Have a great hair day!

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  1. Tvoji kodri res izgledajo božansko:)love it! o tem big sexy hair sem jaz tudi že slišala. Zelo dobra review. Zanima me samo ali je mišljeno predvsem za naravne kodre ali bi delovalo tudi na ravnih laseh? Torej za suhe lase.

    1. Thanks :) Taka tehnika kodranja las je precej priljubljena in dosti punc pravi, da je deluje na njihovih laseh, samo zanesljivo pa ne bi vedela kako se obnese na naravno ravnih laseh. Na vseh tipih las verjetno ne deluje enako, ampak je za sprobat. Ta balzam je pa namenjen vsem tipom las, vsaj tako oni trdijo.

  2. In LOVE with your hair!Res so čudoviti<3

    1. Hvala :) Ko bi vsaj ostali v takem stanju več kot pol dneva bi bilo krasno.

  3. Your hair is gorgeous. I envy you :-) Can you please tell us some tips for growing hair faster?

    1. Thank you :)
      Well, you see I'm not any expert and my hair has always grown fast so my knowledge about has to make it grown faster is limited. But what it important is that you keep your ends in the best condition possible. It is said that all people's hair grown at the same rate, but due to damage, the ends snap off and then you have a feeling like the hair doesn't grow at all. What I can recommend it using product with protein to make it stronger. This leave-in has some protein in as well, but the best ones I find are Redken Anti-Snap and Joico K-Pack Reconstructor. You can also try some home-made alternatives, like a hair mask with eggs or mayonnaise. The second important thing is to keep it moisturised. Dry hair is more brittle and gets damaged. Try using some good hair masks instead of conditioners. I hope this helps :)

  4. Še jaz - čudoviti lasje, vau :)! Super review :).


  5. Wau, sploh nisem opazila do zdaj kako goste in dolge lase imaš! Res so čudoviti!

    1. Že predolge :) Moram frizerju, samo mi zaračuna 30€ za striženje konic in (zanič) sušenje. Cena tega, da imaš dolge lase, žal. Pa hvala :)

  6. Čudoviti kodri! :) Sama si jih isto kodram s figo čez noč, pa mi zdržijo vsaj en dan samo niso niti približno tako lepi kot tvoji :) Imaš pa res lepe lase, sem kar malo fouš ;) Tale sexy hair zadeva se sliši zanimivo, bom dala na WL za takrat, ko imam kaj viška financ :)

    1. Hvala :) Saj moji tudi niso bili včasih preveč lepi, boljše rezultate imam od kar jih posušim s fenom da so ravni preden jih dam v figo. Na ta način so kodri veliko manj sfocljani in so lepše definirani. Ampak tale balzam me je pa res presenetil, ker tako lepih kodrov še nisem imela. Moram nekaj najt za večjo obstojnost.

  7. wow wonderful and very beautiful,silky,black,shiny and gorgeous hair.i love it.the tips about using the products guss kar,healthy sexy hair and orofluido were so good.
    keep blogging.

    healthy hair

  8. I want to try the Gliss! I have actually been using hair vitamins for healthy hair- they are the brand that Kyle Richards from Real Housewives uses (from a company called Nourage)- and I am seeing new, thicker growth- but I love hearing about these products, because once I have my long beautiful hair, I am going to need some new products.
