Wishlist #10 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Wishlist #10

torek, marec 18, 2014

1. Balea Summer 2014 Limited Edition 
Carambola Lambada, Mango Mambo & Melon Tango
Balea came up with another great tropical fruit limited edition for this spring/summer (last year's was so great). It includes three shower gels, two body lotions (Mango Mambo & Melon Tango) and a bodyspray Mango Mambo. I can't wait for this to come in our DMs. A picture of all here.

2. Essie Apricot Cuticle Oil
I am a serial cuticle neglecter and I never really cared about my nails as they've always been really strong and healthy (besides I'm not the one to bitch about hangnails. There are worse things). Honestly, I kind of want this just because it supposedly smells like peaches, which is my favourite scent. This might make me use it often and actually care for my cuticles.

3. Bourjois CC cream
I just used up one of my foundations and this one is the next I want. I put a bit of it in a sample pot that I always carry in my bag and tested it at home. It looked fantastic on the skin, even though the lightest shade is a bit dark for me. It's very similar to Bourjois Healthy Mix serum in terms of texture and coverage except it has a satin finish. I already have the concealer from this line and I really like it.

4. Sebastian Professional Potion 9
This is apparently a best seller, but it's the first time I'm hearing about it. It's described as a cross between a leave-in conditioner and styling product, which I really like the sound of. It has a lot of very favourable reviews on Makeup Alley, which I tend to trust the most, however, I haven't seen any blogger talk about it. I'll get the smaller 50 ml size first.

5. Phyto 9 
Nourishing day cream with 9 plants
A day cream for hair? Sounds intriguing. I read some recommendations and as you may know my hair is very dry, so and extra bust of moisture could be beneficial. Though it's expensive for a 50 ml bottle.

6. Revlon Parfumerie Scented Nail Enamel in Bordeaux  
I love the packaging and I love the colour, which looked like a nice burgundy in the shop. These also have a scent when they dry, but I hear it's very strong.

7.Bumble and bumble Pret-a-Powder
This is an equal part dry shampoo, style extender and volumising powder. This intrigued me from the moment I saw it. I hate volumising powders because they make the hair feel dirty, but I like dry shampoos and I only had those in a can. I've read some great reviews (also a few bad ones) and I really want to try it now.

8. Uniq One Coconut 
All in one hair treatment
I know, all-in-one hair treatment sounds suspiciously like a BB cream equivalent for hair, but I read some favourable reviews on blogs and it holds a high rating on Makeupalley, so maybe it's worth giving it a try. If it's not going to be moisturising enough for my hair, I intend to use it on other people anyway.

What's on your wishlist? If you had any experience with any of these products let me know, I'd love to hear your opinion (you may even save me money, who knows). Have a great day!

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  1. CC kremico sem jaz zdej dodobra sprobala in bi lahko rekla, da je top res! Meni naredi gladko kožo, enakomiren ten, skratka vredno nakupa.
    Unique One pa ne vem, jaz sem ga mela, mi je bil katastrofa, zanimivo da si brala dobre ocene, jaz sem večinoma kritik slišala...

    1. Verjamem :)
      Sem brala samo dobre ocene, mi je samo ena rekla da ji ni všeč, ampak ona je resno pričakovala čudeže.

  2. I wanna try Bourjois' CC Cream too, specially if it's similar to HMS (why did they have to discontinue it? *sobs*). Sebastian Professional Potion 9 sounds good too, looking forward to reading what you think when/if you get it! I have one of Revlon's Parfumerie nail varnishes (Autumn Spice) and while the scent does last a few days, I personally don't find it too strong.

    1. What do you mean HMS is discontinued? It's still sold here and it's still on their website. essie button said that it's not being discontinued, just repackaged :)

    2. I've seen Healthy Mix repackaged but not the Serum one. At least it's not being sold anymore where I used to buy it!

    3. I'm not sure, but I think I heard someone say that Serum is going through the same repackaging thing as Healthy Mix did a year ago (I could be wrong). There are still sold here :)

  3. Jaz sem dobila kot darilo Revlonov dišeči lak (Ginger Melon) in diši božansko po cukrih. 2 dni sem ga vohala, še ko sem ličila so mi vsi govorili da mi dišijo roke, lol :D

  4. Za Baleo sem ziher, da bom spet pokupovala vse gele za tuširanje, poletni vonji so mi najljubši (še od lani imam nekaj gelov za porabit). Sploh mango mi lepo diši.

    1. Mango je tudi meni všeč, pa pasijonka ponavadi :) Upam, da bodo vse prodajali pri nas :)

  5. Uniq One oba original in kokos sta mi top, drugega balzama sploh ne uporablam več :D

  6. Ooo novi Baleini geli, že komaj čakam da jih prevoham :D
    Imam pa tudi jaz kokosovo različico UniqOne na listi želja, ker mi je original všeč samo vonj mi je bolj tko-tko in upam, da tale beli lepše diši :) Ampak če imaš zares ful suhe lase, potem dvomim da ti bo dovolj samo UniqOne :/

    1. Vidiš točno to me skrbi in zanima, če je tale Uniq One sploh dober za res suhe lase. Hvala za info :)

  7. A je ta odtenek CC kreme ful temnejši od HMS 51? A je dovolj lahka za poleti? Druagče pa ko si omenila all in one produkte in bb kreme..Ravno zadnjič sem videla BB kremo za lase :D kaj si še ne bodo zmislili :)

    1. Je nekje med HMS 51 in 52, mogoče bližje 52. Je super pa za poleti, tako kot HMS :).

      Vem za to, od Pantene a ne? Butasto :).

  8. Tried the Essie apricot oil but I am not impressed. Try the Burts Bees limon wax - its really good and you can cary around with you in your purse :)

    Check out my new blog at - http://365-days-of-beauty.blogspot.com/

    1. I tried BB Lemon Wax in the shop and I disliked the scent. I have something similar already, Badger Cuticle Care, and I don't really like it much :)

  9. Odlična wish lista:) Imam jaz tudi neke enake izdelke na moji. Sploh Revlon lak bi rada preizkusila, ker so mi njihovi laki itak eni najljubših, ti pa izgledajo še tako damn cute:) Bourjois CC kremo sem jaz na hitrco preizkusila v trgovini in sem bila popolnoma presenečena nad prekrivnostjo. Pričakovala sem namreč zelo slabo prekrivnost, pa je še mene navdušila za nakup, pa jaz sploh ne maram teh bb in cc krem:) Uniq One mi je všeč samo zaradi tistega kar piše zraven - coconut-ddd:) Imam original Uniq One tester in mi ni niti malo všeč, dvomim, da je ta kaj drugačen:/

    1. Cute so tile Revlonovi laki, true. Bi jih imela že za okras :)
      Ja tale CC krema je res veri najs. Bourjois na splošno dela fantastične pudre :)
      A veš ta tudi mene najbolj mika zato ker piše coconut. I'm so shallow. No tebi še najbolj zaupam glede izdelkov za lase, ker imaš podobno suhe kot jaz, tako da thanks za info :)

  10. We wish some same products. I would also like to try new Balea shower gels, and Uniq 1 coconut. I already have the red Uniq 1, but since I smelled the one with coconut I instantly added it on my WL. But I noticed that they don`t have the same ingredients. :-/

    1. I read your review actually. It's on my wishlist because of your and another review from Makeup&more blog :)

  11. Mene je pa CC krema malo razočarala. Takoj ko jo nanesem zgleda res super, čez par uric pa čist patchy ratam. Groza. :/

    1. Bad. Na meni to včasih HMS to naredi, če imam suho kožo in pozabim kremo spodaj.

  12. Všečna wishlista :) Jaz ravno preizkušam CC kremo, pa mam zaenkrat neki bolj love-hate odnos z njo :D Ti baleini geli za tuširanje pa bodo zagotovo dišali božansko :))

  13. The Phyto9 product is also something I'm craving for... :) I'v read so many good reviews on that. From Phyto I tried the Huile d'Ales Intense Hydrating Oil Treatment and it's really amazing for my dry wavy hair. My hair feels stronger and much more hydrated without weighting it down.

    1. Thanks for that treatment recommendation! I have similar dry wavy hair, so I'll be sure to check it out :)

  14. Hi Mateja, there's this hair care kit that comes with organic shampoo and conditioner designed to
    make hair soft, shiny and healthy especially if you use heat tools or hair dye. It also comes with a
    deep conditioning hair mask and an argan oil heat protectant that works miracles for frizz. You use it after a shower, it's not oily at all and it's actually real argan oil. The kit is called Pro Naturals argan oil system or something along those lines so look it up on their website or wherever you find it.

  15. Great post - I love seeign other bloggers' wishlists x3 I can deffo recommend Sebastian products! I use the shampoo and conditioner and they never fail to make my hair super soft <3

  16. I have that Bourjois CC Cream (I reviewed it, in case you're interested) and it is indeed a great product! Definitely wish list material.

  17. essie apricot oil diši bolj po mandljih, jaz ne zaznam vonja marelic (unfortunately). ima bolj hipni učinek, 10-15 minut po nanosu nohti zgledajo ok (final touch na manikuri), da bi pa deloval ful nourishing za obnohtno pa ni ravno.. moj HG za obnohtno je lushev lemony flutter, samo ga ne morem čez dan uporabljat ker je extra greasy, pač čez noč si ga namažeš gor in maš naslednje jutro res hidrirano kožo. :) my experience. :D

    1. A res? Sem že od dveh slišala da diši čisto po breskvah. Hmm...what now? Škoda da se to ne da preverit v trgovini. Dosti vas hvali tale Lemony flutter, bi se že splačalo it pogledat :) Hvala za tvoj mini review, very helpful :)
